The husband and wife were silent for a moment, and old lady Luo said again, "Prince Jin means to send Luo Jingying to Prince Rui's mansion? What about Luo Rongping? What else should he do? "

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When luopeishan heard the name from his old wife, she knew that she was totally disgusted with Sanfang. Luopeishan didn't want to save anything. His son refused to listen to his advice and went his own way. When his father didn't see him, he would cut off his future. "Prince Rui wants to seize Sanfang as a pawn to restrain our Luo family. He has coaxed Luo Jingying to give up to him. He completely leans on him by bullying and luring the old three. In this case, what's the matter with them? I just don't know what expression it will be when they come to the end of the game."

Old lady Luo snorted coldly, "don't blame others for all the mistakes. Do you expect them to introspect?" She really knows what these people think.

Luo Peishan admits that his wife is right.

"What's the matter with the master in the official department?"

"All the chief officials of the Ministry of official affairs have been seized by the prince of Jin. Today, they have all been given to me."

Old lady Luo has moved. I'm afraid these tricks are not trivial. Once they are exposed, they will be in danger or even move their heads. However, "the official department should also have Prince Jin's people. Is that to let them know your position? You're going to threaten them? However, it's better for you to be the safest. "

"Prince Jin works carefully. I see that those who work for him don't know each other's details, let alone the following officials. They don't even know who they are working for."

Old lady Luo sighed, "the world says that Prince Jin is nothing but a leather bag, and his reputation is even worse than no one can. Who could have thought that he hid so deep and mastered so many things, and he is completely clean and self-friendly in contrast to the rumor, especially for wan wan wan He is such a man, even after he gets what he wants, his mind is light, and he should not be too bad for Wan Wan. No matter what his status is, in other ways, there is no one more suitable for euphemism. "

"It's just Zhengmin and sun Yilin..."

Old lady Luo immediately interrupted him with a wave of her hand. "Two big men, they are only married once, and they will not lose a piece of meat."

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Luo Peishan looked at his wife rather speechless. "The point is that both of them have deep feelings for the three girls."

"So what? Who wants to marry Wan Wan? If I can, I don't mind Wan Wan marrying them all back. " Old lady Luo's strong and powerful statement.

Luo Peishan looks at old lady Luo strangely, "you, you..."


Luo Peishan felt her strength at this time, "well, I don't care about this with you. I just feel that Prince Jin's calculation of them is completely in the dark and a little pitiful. "

"Pitiful? Just like Prince Jin, other men peeped at the person he put on the top of his heart. Ah, he didn't make a princess for Chen Zhengmin, and he had already been very kind to cut off his future. "

Luo Peishan looked at her as if she was looking at a monster. Then she thought carefully, my mother, what the old wife said seemed to be right. Even ordinary men, if they have other people peeping at their wives, will probably be furious. They would hate to get rid of them, but Prince Jin seems to be a leader of all kinds, and he has the ability to completely eradicate them one by one. At this point of view, he is very kind indeed.

In such a contrast, Luo Peishan doesn't think that they are pitiful, but that they are really lucky, and that there is still life to say, and the future is half No loss? This seems to be uncertain. Prince Jin has taken power in the future, and it's not known whether he will see that they still feel dazzling and wear small shoes for them.

Luo Peishan smiled, "madam, Zhengmin is your nephew."

"Wan Wan is my grandson, who has taken care of me for many years."

Lord Luo Peishan has chosen to shut up quietly. He has understood that as long as it's about the three girls, he should stand aside in front of his old wife, and others are nothing. Occasionally think of this, also feel bitter.

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Knowing the details from luopei mountain pass, old lady Luo was completely calm in her heart for some reason. Think about it carefully. From the beginning, she was uneasy about jingwan's marriage. She always thought it would not be so smooth. It was really because of something. Now you don't have to think about anything. Let it be as it should be.

The couple said something else, but it was warm and peaceful.

However, the third room was not so peaceful. Liu said nothing, and directly drew Luo Jingying with a feather duster. At first, Luo Jingying wanted to run. "Kneel down for me. You dare to run. I'll go to the old lady immediately to get rid of your evil spirit." This threat is very effective, Luo Jingying was drawn to scream, did not dare to rise.

She begged for mercy. Unfortunately, it didn't help. She didn't beg for mercy either. She shrunk and bit her teeth.

Luo Rongping just looked at it coldly and didn't say a word.

Until Liu was tired, he threw the feather duster away. "Now, make it clear."

Now, where does Luo Jingying dare to hide.

Luo Rongping thought that she had been in collusion with someone else, but he didn't expect that it would be prince Rui. His gloomy face suddenly came alive. "Since Dad just asked her to restrain her feet, then he thought that Prince Rui had delivered him a message. Now, things have become a foregone conclusion. You can teach her how to serve Prince Rui in the future. And the wound on her body. I'll take care of it quickly. In case Prince Rui comes to pick up people one day, what's the matter. It's a girl's house, at least. You just started a little bit too hard. " And then he left.

Liu had no expression. He was probably numb for a long time. "See, this is your father. He is selfish, hypocritical and unrighteous. In his eyes, you are a chessman for prosperity. When it works, you can hardly be regarded as a treasure. When it doesn't work, you're not as good as a grass. "

Luo Jingying endured the pain and bowed her head in silence.

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"You like Prince Rui. My mother doesn't object. You are close to him. It doesn't matter. You are so stupid. You gave him the body at this time. It was worth a little. Now, ha..." Liu smiled coldly. "You don't know how many people, including those princes, want to pick our house when your grandfather is promoted to minister of the Ministry of officials. The marriage of you girls of the right age is the best chip. If you hang him, you can't say that you will finally welcome you into the door with the wind and light of the side imperial concubine's position. But now, you are waiting to be carried in by a small broken sedan chair. Moreover, once Princess Rui holds on to your loss of virginity before marriage, then you will never want to turn over in your life. "

"Niang, no, Prince Rui loves me, how can he let his princess pinch me?" Luo Jingying shook her head as she spoke. It's so pathetic.

"I love you? Even if you like it, it's because of your grandfather. Even if it's true, this man can love one, two, three, four, countless. It's more common to be happy with the new and disgusted with the old. Who do you think you are, how can you become the unique one, and how can you make their husband and wife unhappy for you? If you let him know that you have no place in your grandfather's heart, you may have given him nothing. "

"No, no, he won't do that to me..."

Luo Jingying cried sadly, but Liu seemed to be watching the clown. "Do you know what a man really wants a woman to do? One thing is for sure. He will not let the reputation of the woman be damaged at least. Unless she is a brothel girl, she will not be able to break her body. If you are a good girl or a government girl, he just wants to tie you to death. He has no choice but to prevent your grandfather from not agreeing to marry him. If your grandfather is ruthless, you will not be a green lantern in your life, or you will be married to those poor people who have settled down and worked hard all your life. "

"No, no..." Luo Jingying repeated these three words, but her face collapsed. Obviously, she believed Liu's words. No matter how hard her mouth was, she could not resist her inner panic.

"Will it be? You'll see for yourself." Again and again, I have suffered losses, but I always learn not to be obedient. I don't know how to be smart, but I have to be smart. I never know how to say it. I'll discuss it with her mother. Now Liu's heart is cold. He is too lazy to take care of her. He has no hope for her.

Liu arranged people for her courtyard again. She had a lot of points, but only one. Without permission, she would come out of the courtyard. Whoever let her go would die immediately.

The next day, when I asked for good-bye, I didn't see Luo Jingying again. Liu's face was wooden, saying that he was ill.

Jingwan thought that maybe Luo Jingying really did something else. However, jingwan always felt that grandma's eyes were not right, which made her feel strange. "What's the matter with grandma?"

Old lady Luo chuckled twice. "Grandma thought that we wan wan was really a good girl." The fact that people like Prince Jin can think about it shows that the girl is really outstanding.

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Jingwan is more and more inexplicable, but old lady Luo refuses to say anything more.

In the past, the earliest Wang family came, but today it is the last. However, the Little Wang family also came.

This is also the first time jingwan saw her after the last "make-up" event. Her face looks good, her spirit is good, and her eyes are faintly smiling. It seems that she is really getting better.

Old lady Luo looked at her carefully. "So, it's really the makeup powder that's doing the trick?"

"I think it's only ten days since August 9, and it's improved a lot. Her own son also feels relaxed a lot." Wang looked at Jing Wan gratefully and said, "it's really thanks to the three girls. Otherwise, I don't know what the final result will be."

"When the eldest aunt's words were serious, I touched her lips and did nothing." Jingwan is not so optimistic. If it is lead poisoning, it will affect children for a long time. I don't know if it will affect their development.

"But you just touch your lips, but it's better than anything." Little Wang touched his stomach with a smile. "Good boy, you will have to be filial to your third aunt in the future."

Jing Wan chuckled. "I'm waiting for that, sister-in-law." Naturally, she also hoped that the child would be born safe, healthy and healthy.

Except for those who have no mind, others are talking and laughing with Lele.

Jing Wan went back and continued to draw, preparing for the third "fifty volumes" of meticulous painting. Luo Jingbo is busy with it whenever he has time

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