Luo old lady claps Jing Wan's hand, "Wan Wan, you go back first."

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Jing Wan nodded and stood up. "My granddaughter is leaving." Just walked two steps, then paused, "sister-in-law with me." Hold sun Yijia's hand, exert a little force, and take a little hard.

After all, sun Yijia left along with her, but her eyes were always on dingguogong's wife, which was indescribable pain and endless coldness. Then she became indifferent little by little until the moment when her eyes were completely blocked, it seemed that she had completely cut off her feelings. At this moment, sun Yijia no longer held any hope for her mother In her heart, she is nothing.

Because of sun Yijia's eyes, Ding Guogong's wife's heart could not help shivering, but she didn't quite understand what was going on, but she was also quite angry. Was that the eyes a daughter should have when she looked at her mother?

In sun Yilin's view, Jing Wan's departure is like saying goodbye, "Jing Wan..." The subconscious wants to catch up, but is blocked.

Miss Shen, looking at Sun Yilin's painful face, was shocked. She seemed to have made a big mistake. Even if she entered the Dingguo mansion, she was afraid that she would not be able to deal with her fiancee. Pinching the purse around her waist, how could she not know that she was being used by Ding Guogong's wife. What should I do now? Is it to give up and save a little bit of his good will, or even if he hates himself, he should be a woman of his own right? I feel the pain of abdomen falling more intense.

Miss Shen's mind was in a mess, but her mother, the right governor's wife, was very clear-minded. Without saying anything, she apologized to Mrs. Luo first. Her attitude was very low. No matter how they tried to quarrel with the magistrate's government, for the Luo family, it was indeed their fault. If she didn't realize this at this time, then she was in the position of the right governor's wife In vain. However, she used to think that dingguogong's wife was equal to her. Through this, she suddenly felt that she had been fighting with her before, which was a fall.

Yes, the role of Ding Guogong's wife in this matter, she also made it clear in a very short time.

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The attitude of the right governor's wife makes old lady Luo look a little better, but it's just that. Cold eyes fell on the girl Shen. "Move a chair to Miss Shen. Remember to put a cushion on it, and then go to the doctor's office to diagnose her. Otherwise, the child in her stomach must have a good or bad character. It's uncertain that we Luo's bullying will not tolerate anyone. Before she married into her mother's house, she began to work outside."

Old lady Luo said that, but she was not polite at all. It was not one or two people who were embarrassed.

What he hates most is sun Yilin. He doesn't believe that this is his child. He usually doesn't drink much. He is light and easily drunk. Yes, but he has never been completely unconscious when he is drunk. Moreover, no matter in or out of the city, he has never been away from anyone else. How capable she is to touch her. And Not to mention that the people around him are always angry with him, even if they are bribed, but when he is a dead man, someone climbs onto his bed and lets him sleep, he will have no impression at all?

"Old lady..."

Old lady Luo waved her hand. "You don't have to say anything. You should know what's going on. Your marriage with Wan Wan Wan was our family's fault at first." They chose sun Yilin and took the initiative to find him.

Sun Yilin had heard the sound, and his face turned pale for a moment. "Old lady, I don't know this girl at all, and the child in her belly can't be mine." Sun Yilin is eager to explain, his eyes are fragile, and his voice is pleading. He doesn't want to be sentenced to death. His marriage is hard won. He doesn't want to be lost for some unknown reason. He has done nothing and nothing

Seeing him like this, old lady Luo was also impatient for a moment. However, the marriage had to be retired. At the beginning of the discussion, people were very dissatisfied with the actions of the dingguogong and his wife. As a result, how long was it? Before and after ten hours, she began to play a moth again. In this way, Wan Wan Wan was really married. Can she live a safe life? Besides, if she doesn't return, old lady Luo doesn't guarantee that Prince Jin won't kill sun Yilin directly. After all, none of the fiancees in front of him has a good ending except sun Yijia, and sun Yijia can leave all over, just because of the Wan Wan Wan relationship, which shows how cruel Prince Jin is to the people blocking his way.

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And sun Yilin's denial, for Miss Shen, no doubt a sharp blade was directly inserted into his heart, and she shivered with pain, "young master Lin, it doesn't matter if you deny me, but it's really your child's."

Sun Yilin looks at her coldly, "mine? What evidence do you have to prove it's mine? "

"You have a red mole on the inside of your thigh." Miss Shen blurted out.

As soon as this statement is made, and sun Yilin's expression is distorted for a moment, then it proves that what she said is true. Everyone subconsciously thinks that the child should be sun Yilin. After all, how can people who are not close to each other know the secret place.

"Well, it's not one or two who know that." No, he has hemorrhoids on his legs since he was born. Not to mention his mother-in-law and nanny, there are many servant girls. When he was a child, no one who served him knew.

Miss Shen can't seem to argue. She tears.

"It's also the first childe recognized by the capital. Is it eating or not? Although she is a cheap girl, her surname is Shen. Don't young master Lin think that we Shen family are easy to bully and seduce our girls The right governor's wife spoke coldly. Look at her concubine again, "so easy to be pulled into bed, didn't give you something?" Glancing over Miss Shen's purse, she has been holding it in her hand. It's impossible to say it doesn't matter. "Take out something." The meaning of the right governor's wife is obvious, and her eyes are threatening.

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The right commander's wife's words made the dingguogong's wife explode in a flash. "It's clear that the girl you raised climbed my son's bed shamelessly and dared to rake it back. At least it's the commander's wife. It's shameless."

The right governor's wife doesn't understand how the child came. She can roughly guess. Sun Yilin has taken the initiative to seduce her daughter. She doesn't believe it. She doesn't say that the little bitch in their family really hasn't been the capital that sun Yilin looks after. But at this time, regardless of the consideration, she has to fight back. "Who is shameless?" What's the matter with the shameless spot? It's better than that some brains are confused by it. "Do you hear me? Take it out."

Miss Shen pinches her purse again and again. There must be something important in it. She doesn't have the threat of being in charge of her mother. She just stares at Sun Yilin foolishly. However, sun Yilin only has disgust and deep hatred in her eyes. So merciless

Open the purse and take out the contents.

Seeing the warm jade that had been with him for more than ten years, sun Yilin saw his mother with a buzzing in his head.

"It was given to me by Mr. Lin. he said that when he was one year old, it was the birthday gift given to him by the former Dingguo Gong. It was an extremely rare warm jade with the word" Lin "engraved on it." Therefore, the woman who was hurt mercilessly is also open-minded. It was Sun Yilin's eyes that hurt her that thought about taking a step back.

Dingguogong's wife is going mad. How dare she? How dare she say that to this little bitch? "Little bitch, you dare to talk nonsense." I wanted to slap her.

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But the right governor's wife is not vegetarian either. She grabs her wrist with quick eyes and hands. "What's the matter? If your son gives his intimate things to someone, you'll be angry and angry and angry at the innocent?"

It is sun Yilin who is the coldest in his heart. Although the jade is not inseparable from his body day by day, it has been on his body for at least half a month. He only changed it three days ago. However, it has now become a "token of affection" and fell into the hands of a woman he doesn't know. He also said it's ridiculous to have his children. And the funniest thing is that his mother "sent" it out in nine out of ten. Is she really his mother-in-law? How can she do that?

Sun Yilin wants to cry, but he can't cry at all. What grandma said is right. It's not that Miss Luo doesn't marry. Even if she is deeply in love with him, there is still one or two years left in the divorce period. His mother will practice her family again and again, and no one will marry in unless it's a pure marriage, and she doesn't consider her own girl's family at all. But is Luo family? Not at all! It was clearly that they decided to win over Luo's family. It was clearly that he had deep feelings for other people's girls.

Old lady Luo looked on coldly, but she didn't expect that the Ding Guogong and his wife had such a big opinion on Wan Wan Wan. So even if she didn't find the Shen girl, even if she didn't have the prince of Jin, Wan Wan Wan could never marry the Duke of Ding. She is like a pearl, like a treasure, holding the heart and soul in the palm of her hand, but she is not to be humiliated.

Old lady Luo's anger at this moment was rising unprecedentedly, and her expression became more and more condensed. She pushed the teacup on the ground and smashed it with a bang. Also let tear two people forget the past, can not help but retract hand at the same time. Old lady Luo wiped her hands with a brocade handkerchief and looked careless. "I'm sorry. My hands are slipping. Hasn't the doctor arrived yet? Please come in quickly and give Miss Shen a good look. It's the grandson of dingguogong's wife, anyway. "

Dingguogong's wife only felt great humiliation, but suddenly she could not speak, not only because of old lady Luo's expression, but also because she accidentally saw hate in her son's eyes.

"Oh, it's so busy." Lord Luo is back.

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