After finishing this, Jing Wan took people to trim the flowers and trees in her yard. In addition to the fact that there were some places that didn't satisfy her, there are also people who came to her yard today. Some of them are so cheap and they have ruined many of her flowers, making them not so beautiful as a whole.

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Jingwan's side and the people who are close to her are all brought from Qi'an mansion, so they are used to taking care of the flowers and trees by herself. All they have to do is take the tray, carry the watering can, and reach for help when she needs.

In fact, they all think that their girls are very powerful. No matter the flowers placed indoors or the flowers and trees in the yard, even if they have been learning how to play with the girl, the result is still not as good as the girl. For the same thing, the girl only needs to stretch out her Qianyu hand to play with them at will, which will make her more beautiful.

A little girl came in from the outside of the gate. She whispered a few words in the ear of Gong Mammy. After Gong mammy nodded, the little girl retreated. Mother Gong stepped forward two steps. "Miss, the master sent someone to invite you to the front study."

Jingwan Weidun put the scissors and flowers on one side of the tray, and Qingzhu hurriedly asked people to wash their hands with her before going to the warm water. After washing, Jing Wan went back to the house and changed her clothes. She still preferred plain clothes and led the green bamboo and green plum out of the yard.

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A young man outside the courtyard raised his head and straightened his shoulders and back, but his eyes were drooping, and he did not look around.

"Little brother has been waiting for a long time."

"Hello, three girls. The little one didn't wait long. "

"Well, let's go." Nod quietly.

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Jingwan is not fully familiar with the Luo family, especially the front yard. He knows nothing about it, and naturally relies on the young man to lead the way.

After all, a girl in the backyard was suddenly called by the head of a family, and it was the front study that they might not be able to enter in their whole life. Whoever changed it might be a little worried, either because they were afraid of making a big mistake or because they got blue eyes excited. But the three girls didn't ask a word, but they were still worried Very calm, not pretend to be calm, but real calm.

"Master, three girls are here."

"Come in."

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Jing Wan left the two servant girls outside and went in alone. In the study, in addition to the head of the family, her father and her eldest uncle. Jing Wan probably knows. Most of her parents give her a "pit". They are pit fathers. How can it be reversed when she comes here? Does she want to do something to revenge her daughter's father?

Jing Wan presents a nice gift to the three, and then stands with eyes, nose and heart.

As for Luo Rongyan, last night he had seen that his daughter was different from others, and he didn't care about these things. Some of them sat on one side. Their grandfather, Luo Peishan, was different from his uncle, Luo rongwen. He looked at her for a long time with the eyes of inspection.

Luo rongwen's heart is a kind of unspeakable complexity, while Luo Peishan's mind is a little weird.

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He never thought he was a good man, but he was not a pure pursuer of interests and rights. His family didn't refute everything he did. He took it for granted. He was also used to it. However, hearing the words from his son, he suddenly developed a kind of psychology of being trusted, understood and recognized, which seemed to be "indifferent" to other people Feeling makes him happy, just like a lonely person, who finds that he is not alone. Where he doesn't know, others see his efforts in their eyes and think that he has done well.

This kind of mentality is really weird, especially for his granddaughter.

Luo Peishan suppressed all these emotions, which is not the reason why he called this granddaughter.

"Three girls, it's not a bad thing for this person to be transparent, but it's too transparent. It's not necessarily a good thing, especially for the woman in the back house, because it's easy to be sad to see too clearly, and the absolute sense will lose a lot of fun."

Jingwan never thought that her grandfather would say such a thing. This is not what a scholar bureaucrat, as the head of a family, should say in a patriarchal society. A man who can say such a thing, at least, will not completely despise women or regard women as a subordinate sexual mean, not pedantic or rigid. Finally, the person who looked up at the book case seemed to know him a little more, and then he had a little more identity, and began to regard him as a real grandfather, not just a name.

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