Compared with the outside, the Luo family is more gloomy.

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It's reasonable to say that for a girl with a bad reputation who I can't handle, she can become a prince, a concubine or a concubine. To some extent, it's like a golden rain in the sky. However, someone's reputation is too bad. Except for those who are purely for their interests, probably no one would like to marry the girl to him. It's a pity that people who want to be bound with his interests are not qualified at all. They can't be seen by Laozi who dotes on their son.

However, Emperor Lecheng was also cruel enough. In order to balance the situation of the court and prevent other people from bringing up the Minister of the Ministry of official affairs, he pushed the most precious granddaughter into the fire pit. If lechengdi knew what these people thought, he would probably cry out for wrong. It has nothing to do with him. It's Luo Aiqing who brought it up by himself!

That's right. Only a few people know about this. The Luo family took the initiative in this marriage, and even emperor Lecheng didn't know about it. It's Jing Wan's handwriting. Who would have thought that the two parents of Luo's family really took jingwan's marriage as their priority.

Zhang cried bitterly, holding jingwan, the "daughter of my life".

Jingwan is also tired when she looks at it. Her mother is crying like her grandfather is gone. She can't coax her. However, there are some things that can't be explained to her. No way, "Niang, don't cry, spread out, let people think we are dissatisfied with the holy marriage." Mingming's family asked for it, but it turned out to be the result. When Emperor Lecheng knew it, he would not be happy. The emperor was not happy, but there was absolutely no good fruit to eat.

At this point, Zhang still knew the importance and finally reluctantly stopped crying.

Jingwan pushes Zhang's family to the father Luo Rongyan who has the same bad complexion and even falls into self reproach. She shakes her hands and leaves. Her father, a big man, adjusts herself.

However, it's just to make Zhang stop crying. There are a lot of people with sad faces.

Sun Yijia frowns tightly and grabs Jing Wan's hand. Jing Wan has no choice but to stop talking. "Sister in law, don't do this. It's not so serious. Believe me."

"I was glad I didn't fall into that fire pit, but it turned out to be you. I knew it, I knew it..."

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"How about knowing? You don't want my brother? Did you jump down early and fill that hole? " Jingwan was a little confused, reaching for her finger and scraping the tip of her nose. "You are the first to be calculated. You can't marry the prince of Jin again. You can't fill in that hole if you want. Don't think about these things. My third brother heard that. He should be jealous."

"You're still in the mood for a joke." Sun Yijia is angry.

"Sister in law, don't think everything is so absolute."

"Yes, you are right. There is no absoluteness." Sun Yijia seemed to think of something. "It's still half a year before you and Ji. During this period, anything can happen. I can do it, you can do it."

Jingwan has understood where sun Yijia wants to go. Ancestral clan, can such a thing be calculated casually? A bad one is going to affect the whole family. Especially in the case of his own initiative, if the holy one knows it, he still doesn't know how furious he will be. When you need it, just go up. When you don't need it, just clap your hands and want to leave? What was your home that day, and what was the dignity of a Grand Prince? She must be put off. Jingwan leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

Sun Yijia looked at Jing Wan in shock, and couldn't believe it. "Why?" Why should we do this? Well, she can barely understand the reason why jingwan did this. However, Lord Luo and the old lady love sister Wan so much. Why would they agree to this? What's not easy to destroy is sister Wan's life. How can they bear it? Or, like other people's parents, when they are really related to the family, all their love and care can turn into nothingness in an instant? Is there really no warmth in the world?

Jing Wan saw her face despair, even collapse. Alas, what brain hole has been opened? "Oh, my dear, it's not what you think. I really don't care. Sister in law, if Prince Jin doesn't care about me, I have no chance to escape. If he cares about me, I won't be too bad. Do you think so, if your sister-in-law and I are so charming that even Prince Jin can accept them? "

Jingwan is joking, but Gong mammy behind her tells her silently in her heart: girl, you are really charming and invincible. You don't have to accept it. The living king of hell has already accepted it.

In the future, sun Yijia saw the various favours of the living king of Yan for jingwan, and recalled jingwan's words today with infinite emotion. Sure enough, no matter who it is, there will always be someone who can turn it into a flexible one. It's only about whether they can meet each other in the right or wrong way. There is no wrong between sister Wan and Prince Jin.

Well, I have coaxed another one for the time being. Other people should not ask her to coax again.

Now I'm going to see my grandmother. After receiving the edict, I was sent to see her mother. When I was looking for my grandfather, she asked him to hide it from my grandmother for a while. I wonder if she would be angry?

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On the way to the main courtyard, Jing Wan was a little worried. Her grandmother was devoted to herself. This kind of event was concealed. It was really wrong. Although I don't want my grandmother to worry about it, I still can't change the nature that I don't want to be blocked by my grandmother.

Along the way, Jing Wan thought about things and didn't pay attention to the strange eyes of the people he met. Even if he did, he would not care.

When they arrived at the main courtyard, the servant girls were busy saluting Then I opened the curtain.

Jing Wan saw that she looked at her face from time to time, spoke carefully and kept silent.


"What's the matter with your mother?"

"Nothing, besides, my mother and my father."

"What are you doing standing so far away? Come here." Old lady Luo waved to Jing Wan, and then sent out all the servants.

Jingwan sits next to old lady Luo, "grandma, I'm sorry about this..."

"Your grandfather told me a long time ago. I know your intention. Don't worry, grandma is not angry."

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I know, but I didn't say a word. I respected her decision and choice, buried her worry in my heart. Jing Wan felt more and more guilty, "grandma, I shouldn't have kept it from you."

"Well, if you have anything to do in the future, please tell Grandma. You always do things in a proper way. Maybe grandma should be more comfortable with you. In the future, as long as it's something that has been considered, as long as you think it's because of that, just do it. There will always be us behind you. " This time Jing Wan guessed wrong. She didn't really worry. Some Prince Jin did. If she was worried, she would have been worried for a long time.

So, at this time, old lady Luo also has a black belly. The little girl in her family should teach her a lesson. It can't be so cheap for her to take away her precious bastard.

Besides, Chen Zhengmin and sun Yilin are probably the biggest reaction. I never thought that it would be such a result in the end. If I had known, I would have known In fact, if we don't say that we didn't know early, even if we did, we can't change anything. We can't say that they don't have the ability to shake the imperial power at all. Besides, we can't get married with jingwan because they are all responsible. Jingwan will fall into the fire pit, and he is not the culprit.

Sun Yilin didn't know which tendon was wrong. Anyway, after leaving the palace, he went directly to the Royal Palace of Jin.

Li Hongyuan learned that he didn't stop him outside.

Li Hongyuan deals with some things in his study. When sun Yilin came in, he didn't cover up.

Sun Yilin didn't see what was on the table, but when he saw Li Hongyuan's expression, he guessed eight or nine points, and his heart thumped. The more the other party didn't cover up, the worse his situation would be.

"I have met the prince."

Li Hongyuan didn't lift his eyelids. "Find Ben Wang. What's the matter?"

Mingming came for jingwan, but at this moment, sun Yilin couldn't say a word. It's reasonable to say that he had nothing to do with jingwan's retirement. As a former fiance, she said something in front of her current fiance. The worst thing was jingwan. Although these three books and six rites have not gone, the edict itself is more effective than anything. He didn't drink, he was very clear headed. He knew he was reckless.

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After Li Hongyuan finished writing his stuff, he threw it away. "I know why you came here. I have to say that you have courage. However, my king's mind has never been big. "

"Wang Ye, it has nothing to do with Miss Luo San. You..."

Li Hongyuan sneered, "Sun Yilin, why do you think that the king will annoy his fiancee, rather than directly find you as the culprit?" Gradually, the eyes were stained with sinister things, "she is the king's, Xiao thinks of the king's people, be careful not to die without burial. If you want to be smart, don't try to get close to her in the future. Roll - "

pay attention to the fact that Jing Wan looked strange in Princess Dachang's mansion that day. Something happened more or less in these two days. If they didn't do too much, it would cause trouble. Li Hongyuan would have to ask them to lie down for ten and a half days.

Sun Yilin took a deep breath and said, "I am leaving."

Sun Yilin entered Jin's Prince's residence and left soon. It was estimated by outsiders that he had only a few words. Sun Yilin's dark face was certainly not a "very happy talk".

Sun Yilin sat on the carriage in silence. He really realized the gap between himself and Prince Jin. The man was not only deeply hidden, but also powerful and trembling. I really don't have any capital to contend with him.

It's strange that such a man will lose in the end. So, at least he should be assured that even if jingwan marries him, he will not be liquidated with his misfortune. More likely, jingwan Feng will come to the world.

Prince Jin's possessive desire for jingwan, no matter just because jingwan is his fiancee or for any other reason, at least he is tolerant of his own people, so the future life of jingwan may not be very bad. It's just that he can't get close to her any more. If he can't control himself and does something he shouldn't do, it's not good for both sides.

At the same time, Li Hongming also fell into a dilemma. The Luo family's most valuable person in marriage fell into the hands of that bastard. No matter how good a piece is, it would be a waste of chess. After thinking about it, it's time to ask Luo Peishan for help. Even if Luo Rongping secretly took refuge in himself, he didn't hold on to one person directly. After all, sun Yijia married into Luo's family, even if it was a benefit

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