Ruan Fangfei raised her head slightly. At this time, no one would think that she was maintaining her pride, but the "weight" of the veil made her look back, and the blood color on her face also retreated rapidly. In a moment, her face was like white paper.

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Even those who used to look at Fun had a little pity in their hearts at this time. Prince Jin's words were too cruel. If you don't say anything else, it's half of your fiancee. It shouldn't be Well, maybe it's because of this relationship that Prince Jin has nothing to do with him or even take a look at him. Who doesn't know that Prince Jin is a beautiful woman. It's really strange that he will be treated by him when he destroys his face.

Sun Yijia's pity for Ruan Fangfei has risen. Should she be glad now that Prince Jin is actually merciful to her? However, it doesn't matter if you don't show mercy. Who cares. Thinking of some of his own guesses, sun Yijia's pity disappeared in a flash.

During the Dragon Boat Festival, sister Wan was calculated. She just asked her sister who she met and what she did during that time. The biggest suspect was Ruan Fangfei. She also had reasons for calculating sister Wan.

Sun Yijia looks at Jing Wan with an unusual indifference, which is not consistent with the nature of sister Wan. She doesn't like Prince Jin. From this point alone, she won't have an opinion on Ruan Fangfei. It can be seen that there must be another reason for sister Wan's attitude. No matter who is right or wrong, sun Yijia is always on jingwan's side. Moreover, sister Wan is not the one who takes the initiative to pick things up, and the root must be Ruan Fangfei. Therefore, sun Yijia glances at Ruan Fangfei, who deserves to be -

Ruan Fangfei is vicious in nature, but her heart is far from invincible. To say who in the world can make her nearly collapse with a few words, there is no alternative but Li Hongyuan.

Perhaps there is nothing more hurtful than the public humiliation of the person you love.

Li Hongyuan has a small mind and can't allow anyone to hurt Jing Wan. He is selfish in nature. If he doesn't have any use value, he will not hesitate to give up. But if such a person is "unintelligible", don't blame him for stepping on him severely and running over him. Don't expect him to have a little compassion.

Before that, Ruan Fangfei thought that Li Hongyuan cared about her. At this moment, if she could not wake up in the daytime, she would be the most stupid in the world. Think of each time before getting along, have you ever given her a little bit of gentleness, is it just not ruthless to expel her, in her eyes it has become different? It's true that she never thinks she did it wrong, but that doesn't mean she's not clear headed.

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It's probably true that everything she wants is always going well. In her opinion, she needs talent, beauty and beauty, not to mention the whole capital city, but the whole Qiyuan. She can't find anyone who is with her. The man she looks for should be obsessed with her own. But there are too many such people, who have never been disadvantaged. In her opinion, Li Hongyuan is It is not the same, and the final result will not change. It turns out that it's not

However, since it is her favorite, it must be her. If she can't get it, she would rather destroy it than give it to others.

Ruan Fangfei raised her head and seemed to want to force the tears back. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The tears rolled down like broken beads, which really made people feel distressed.

On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, Prince Gong was severely humiliated by Li Hongyuan. Until now, his anger still hasn't subsided. If he didn't have to, he didn't want to invite him at all. He thought he would not attend as before. Who knows what kind of wind he's taking today? He's not only here, but also running around. If he doesn't worry about making a moth, he's worried about wearing a green hat for himself, otherwise, Who is impatient to follow him like a valet. Now the beauty is weeping. Well, if you don't look at the hurt place, it's still the beauty. It really arouses his inner desire for protection. "Six brothers, are you talking too much?"

At the foot of Li Hongyuan, he turned around and said, "what's your position? What does she have to do with you? After all, her father is the first assistant of the cabinet. You all want to win him over. Naturally, you are salivating over his daughter, who is the most valuable in marriage. Is there any reason for me to doubt that you have already made a good deal of collusion in private? You are not the only one, or Ruan Ruizhong is spreading the net. Do you have a share? "

Prince Gong thought to himself, if this is the case, it will be good again.

But it was old lady Ruan, whose face was livid with rage. At the same time, she appeased Ruan Fangfei, and looked at Prince Jin like a knife. "Don't be bloody, Lord."

Li Hongyuan sneered, "what's wrong with me? Sixteen years old, no marriage even if, even once did not say, if there is no greasy cat inside, who believe? If Ruan Ruizhong is really doing well, is there something wrong with your daughter? I have no power and no power. My father put people on me for no reason. One by one, I will be the king's bully. It's the wrong leader. "

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Originally, it was close to the place where other female guests were, which naturally attracted many people's attention at this time. Everyone had the curiosity, and those who were close to it directly pricked up their ears, while those who saw it in the distance came to see it. Li Hongyuan didn't keep his voice down. As soon as he spoke, there was a little commotion. It seems that what Prince Jin said really made sense.

In addition to those baby wives, the girl, who was earlier, even at the age of seven or eight, was seeing each other. The girl who was later, at most, was thirteen or fourteen. There was no such thing as Ruan Fangfei. Before, sun Yijia was similar to her, but she had Prince Kang's well-known object even though she didn't have a matchmaker, but Ruan Fangfei had nothing. Once the seeds of doubt are sprinkled, and Ruan Fangfei is looked at again, the eyes are especially wrong.

It's no wonder that the prince of Jin said no false words to such a beautiful woman before, or even married people back to the government, for fear that it would be the same with other men.

This woman, no matter how beautiful her face is or how talented she is, has a bad reputation. That's no use.

Ruan Laofu was so popular that he gnashed his teeth. Why didn't his daughter talk about marriage all the time? Other people didn't know it. He knew it clearly, and even said it. His people were blind. His stubborn daughter was the first blind. "Where did our Ruan family offend the Lord and make him so humiliated?"

"It's just seeking truth from facts. If old lady Ruan thinks it's humiliation, that's right."

"Li Hongyuan -" Ruan Fangfei suddenly spoke with a sharp voice and hate in her eyes. "You will regret it, you will regret it."

"It's a rule taught by Ruan family to call Ben Wang taboo?" Li Hongyuan said coldly.

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"I'm sorry. I'm just in a hurry. I don't mean to disrespect you." Ruan's old lady apologized in a hurry. For this crime, she said to Dali, it could be that Ruan Ruizhong's goddaughter had no choice but to impeach him. For Xiaoli, Ruan Fangfei had no rules. When she met those who had strict rules, she had no choice but to talk.

"For Ruan Ruizhong's sake, I don't care, but I'll wait and see how you're going to regret it." This time, Li Hongyuan really left, leaving everyone with a dark background.

No matter how proud Ruan Fangfei is, no matter what psychological construction she has done before she came here, she can't stay any longer. She turns around and goes against Li Hongyuan. Her back stops, maintaining the only dignity and pride.

Then, another family just came in and saw Ruan Fangfei's appearance. They could not help standing by. Then, when Ruan's family left, they couldn't help but look at each other. What happened? The rumor is true. Ruan Fangfei is really disfigured.

Then, when they see sun Yijia, ah, the make-up looks pretty. Later, I remembered that she was also disfigured. This year, both the two girls in the capital were disfigured.

From the beginning to the end, Jing Wan looked at it indifferently, because the target of Prince Jin's poisonous tongue was his enemy, and he was somewhat happy in his heart, but it would not be enough to say how strong that feeling was. No matter how suffering Ruan Fangfei suffered, it will not make her feel, and it is a waste to give that kind of strong emotion.

However, jingwan actually thought that Prince Jin's behavior was a little strange. He was cold and violent, so he didn't like it. He could do it more simply and roughly. It seemed that there was no need to use such circuitous means. Compared with the two, the former had more damage to his reputation, while the latter, most obviously, Ruan Fangfei would be surrounded by gossip, To be the talk of all the people in the capital after dinner - the former good name, now the stigma - how much people used to praise them and how badly they fell.

Just like a piece of white paper, it will be very obvious if it suddenly breaks the dirty water; and if it is a piece of black and black paper, even if it is soaked in ink and picked up again, it is still like that. The former is like Ruan Fangfei and the latter is like Li Hongyuan. Therefore, Prince Jin's reputation is too bad to be worse. It doesn't matter if he pollutes his reputation again. This time, he didn't do so.

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If you can't figure it out, jingwan won't think about it. You don't need to guard Ruan Fangfei's Yin move from time to time. It's just as good as that.

The birthday of Prince Gong is far less lively than that of the eldest princess. After all, apart from those who are bound to be important, the rest of the invitations are from Prince Gong's faction.

Before the banquet, there were activities like playing games or reciting poems, which were boring.

To say that now, jingwan is a person of great concern. Naturally, some people want her to participate. Jingwan naturally refuses all things that she is not good at, so why should she fight to be fat.

"Miss Luo is not good at it. Otherwise, come to be good at it. Play a song and celebrate the birth of Princess Gong."

Today's performance seems to be all the Jiren in Prince Gong's mansion, who suddenly asked her to play the piano. Is that a fault? But why does she entertain you? "The princess's mother forgives me. My daughter's hand hurts today."

Gong's princess suddenly smiled, "Miss Luo, do you want to give this princess face?"

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