The brothers looked at each other from both sides. Their father never said what he was like to their mother, and their mother never said anything. In their opinion, their family is just like many other families. Their parents respect each other as guests. Their father works hard for the whole family. Their mother is virtuous, virtuous and virtuous, dignified and magnanimous. He takes concubines for his father, raises children, balances the backyard, and makes his father worry free. It turns out that's not the case?!

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"So, boss, you don't want to trade three girls for benefits, otherwise, your mother will be sad."

"Father, son did not..." Luo rongwen said in a low voice.

"Can you hide that thought from your father? The third one is determined to act on his own and refuses to change after repeated education. He always says that he is not willing to help him as a father. He doesn't look at those stupid things he does outside. He really thinks that he doesn't know how to be a father? On his ability, he also wants to add a foot to the battle of seizing the crown? " Luo Peishan gave a cold snort, which was full of momentum. They straightened their backs unconsciously and did not dare to breathe. "Boss, don't do the same thing as him. It's disappointing to be a father."

"Don't worry about the father, but don't worry about the son." It's so clear that he dare to "mess around" and wait to be served by the family law.

"All right, get out of here."

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"Son, leave." The brothers said in unison.

"Wait, second, think about coaxing your daughter when you go back." Luo Peishan said with a smile.

Luo Rongyan is a little confused, "what does father say?" And how do you feel that my father is a little gloating? It must be an illusion.

"About Mulan, she didn't ask you to ask about being a father, did she? Even if the result is good, but you as a father, turn around and 'sell' her. You are her father, she will not do anything against the rules, but it is very possible to find you a little trouble. Be careful, you will not know what happened in the next few days. "

"Impossible?" His daughter is always clever and can do such things?

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Luo Peishan glanced at him lightly and asked him how he knew jingwan might do it. That's because he didn't do it less when he was young. Not only his father, but also his uncle and brother were not spared. Unfortunately, they didn't know the reason for all the trivial things. They just thought that they were lucky. Now they still miss it. He kindly reminded the stupid son that he could not believe it. Wave your hand, like a fly, and let him go.

Luo Rongyan ponders over and over again. His father says that his daughter is like him. On the contrary, his father knows her very well. Even if he can't believe all this, the possibility is more than 70%. Because of selfishness, I can't be a good father. It's no problem to pamper my daughter's pettiness occasionally. Even if she can't do anything, she should be given some gadgets. Want to understand, Luo Rongyan went back, in his study tumbled for a while, took out several things he loved very much in his daily life, some of the thoughts do not give up to enjoy again, mercilessly heart, let the servant girl send to jingwan.

Jing Wan received things, some inexplicable, these are his good heart, high value, no reason to give her?

"My Lord said that he gave you a basin of Mulan. If he didn't wait for the treasure, he would give you some gadgets."

Jingwan listens to the servant girl's words, understands, raises the lip angle, the father so goes up, she naturally also wants to give the face is not. "Go back and tell my father that he will be lucky in recent days."

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As for Luo Rongyan's reaction to hearing this, his father was really clever, and his daughter, ha ha

Li Hongyuan received another letter from dark Wei in the evening. It's not that he has to know all things about Jing Wan day by day. He still has to know relatively important things. Some small things are related to the overall situation. Knowing Luo Peishan's old fox's attitude towards Jing Wan, Li Hongyuan is a little better at his senses. If he encounters something in the future, he doesn't mind helping him secretly.

"Fu Yunting hasn't come yet?"

However, the handsome man just entered the courtyard, just heard the words, unconsciously stopped at his feet, and there was no expression on his face. However, only he knew that the cool air was drilling up from the bottom of his feet, and he wanted to turn around and leave. Unfortunately, he had a thief's heart and had no courage. He was cautious in his daily life. Once he came to the king of Jin's mansion, he was cleaned up by the living king of hell. He dared to drop it Head, didn't it just give the living king a ready-made excuse, would it make him live without dying?

When Duke Mu saw Fu Yunting, he smiled and said, "I'm fine."

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Fu Yunting looked at him expressionless and wanted to say: I'm not good at all. When I came here, how was my life better? And don't think you didn't see your sympathetic eyes. I don't need sympathy!

"Don't get in yet, waiting for me to invite you?"

Maybe it was the living Yama who gave him a deep psychological shadow and could not help shivering. Step into the door of the book room with the spirit of death. "My subordinates have met the prince." His eyebrows are low and his eyes are closed. Even so, he always feels as though he is hiding behind his back.


Fu Yunting gets up, but his back is tighter. He hasn't been wearing small shoes. Maybe it's terrible.

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