"It's not a mistake to say that Prince Kang did it. After all, when the third party had an accident, all the evidence would point to him, even if it wasn't him. So, whether he did it well or not, whether it was an accident or not, in the end, the Luo family is just a chess piece played by those people." Luo Peishan said helplessly.

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In fact, Luo Peishan has another kind of speculation about this matter. Since a living Yama got involved, he always felt that there was his shadow everywhere. It was like a ghost, lingering around. Many things went smoothly, but sometimes he felt more exhausted. If he went on, he even worried that he would lose his ten-year life.

There is no place to talk about this kind of anxiety, because as the only object to talk about, her old wife's elbow has long been turned out. It's a good thing that the living king of hell can protect her heart treasure.

In this way, Luo Peishan unconsciously glanced at his old wife and lowered his eyebrows to drink tea, as if she had not heard their conversation at all. Also, in this matter, she always only had ears and no mouth.

"Aunt Huan, what are you doing here?"

Liu's voice came from behind.

Several people in luopeishan have looked at each other. Since they dare to say this here, they are not afraid to be heard by women in Sanfang. Or luopeishan has some intentional elements in it. About Luo Jingying, after all, it's Liu's daughter. How to arrange her? It's impossible to be a mother without any knowledge. Just as it happens, some things let her know more clearly. Let her know that the only thing she can rely on now is Luo's family. If she's restless all day long, she always thinks about some things that she doesn't have, which make her restless. Then, don't blame Luo for not being able to accommodate her. Just, why A aunt Huan? This is the main room of three rooms. Why is there an aunt at the moment?

"Come out." Said old lady Luo in a low voice.

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However, in it, Liu Shi stares at Aunt Huan and sneers. After listening to what she shouldn't listen to, he wants to escape and doesn't see whether she agrees or not? This bitch wants to climb to her head three times and four times by the pet of the dead thing. What's more, he dares to stretch his hand to her son's head. Now that the dead thing can't climb up, and he catches such a good chance. When is he going to stay if he doesn't get revenge?

Aunt Huan has a haze in her eyes. Liu asked her to bring out water. She also knows that she can't keep up with her at this juncture. Only when the third master wakes up, can she keep herself as long as the Third Master says he can't leave her and asks her to wait for her. As long as she gives birth to children, boys and girls alike, can make her think of a way to live in peace. For example, there is a eldest son of three bedrooms. She won't If it's a girl, it's only because they don't have mother daughter relationship. So it's right to give birth to her and ask her to repay herself with her life.

Originally thought that Liu Shi just wanted to take the opportunity to toss her, so he seemed very obedient. Unexpectedly, there was such a big trap waiting for her. I knew she was not easy to deal with, but I didn't want to underestimate her. Liu didn't leave just now. Maybe she only knew that the master was coming, but she didn't know. She could set up a trap. It doesn't matter whether it's finished or not. Obviously, it's not only finished, but also fatal.

Hearing old lady Luo's summons, she straightened her clothes and came out one by one.

Because a few big men, either father-in-law or uncle, slightly lowered their heads, and their eyes fell on the ground.

Say hello to the right person.

"Have you heard what you said before? What do you want to say? " Luo Peishan said directly.

Although Liu's family didn't hear as much as aunt Huan's, Luo Peishan's last words were almost enough. Because of Luo Jingying's affairs, she had already been sobered up a lot. She wanted to recover from her mother's family. That was a dream. Her mother died early and her father passed away. Now she is her brother in charge of Liu's family, but that's a piece of mud that can't help the wall, although it's the top He was a earl, but he was idle and unproductive all day long. He didn't have a lot of money, so he lost faster. He came to her from time to time to fight for the autumn wind. Even if the emperor's grace was mighty and his rank was restored, could he stand up again? Will you give the Luo family a high look? Will her position in the Luo family be elevated?

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The answer is obvious, No.

The Luo family is a family of books, etiquette, father and mother-in-law are not snobbish people, you will not fall down when you are down, you will not want to be greedy for you when you are developed, you should have seen this fact for a long time, but She is not willing, but now, how can not be reconciled? Everything is just a delusion, really dare to do anything more, let Luo family hate to leave her, she really has no way to live. Once he threatened Luo Rongping to play the drums. Oh, she is not tired of living.

Liu directly knelt down. "Father, mother, I was a daughter-in-law who didn't know what to do, and I've brought you a lot of trouble. In the future, my daughter-in-law will live a good life, nurture your children well, and never lose the reputation of the Luo family."

Is that a real idea? It seems that this person really knows how to introspect in despair. However, Liu's words seem to have nothing to do with her husband. It can be seen that, up to now, his heart is still resentful. In fact, from Liu's point of view, it's a natural thing to be resentful. "No matter if you really think so, or if it's expedient, the third daughter-in-law, this is the last chance." Said old lady Luo.

Liu's body trembled slightly, and he felt a little lucky.

And aunt Huan also quickly knelt down and said, "master, madam, maid and concubine are willing to take care of the third master for a lifetime, if the third master has an accident I also asked the old lady to wait for her maid to give birth to a child, and then she was willing to die for the third Lord. "

If Luo Rongping heard this, he would be very moved. He could not help holding together a touching scene of life and death. His tears were pouring down, and he had a heart to heart. Unfortunately, several men present were far from Luo Rongping's merciful people. Moreover, his brother's concubine had no relationship with a copper coin, so he would not look at it more. Besides, it's your man. Isn't that what you should do?

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But for old lady Luo, aunt Huan's tricks are not enough. I took a meaningful look at her, and then I took a low look at Liu Shi. "The third daughter-in-law is from your third room. You are the mistress of the third room. Naturally, you are going to deal with this, but some things, just rotten in your stomach, are not good for everyone."

"Yes, my daughter-in-law understands." Liu replied respectfully.

"In that case, you are optimistic about the third party tonight. If you have anything, please report it to us immediately." Luo Peishan finally gave a warning and left.

Old lady Luo followed closely, followed by three others.

Liu stood up and looked at Aunt Huan, who was still standing upright on her knees

The servant girl guarding outside immediately came in, "madam."

"Send someone to Aunt Huan's yard to bring her daily clothes. Since aunt Huan asked to serve the Third Master Day and night, she will live in the back room of the main house in the future." In order to protect herself, what choice the bitch will make is basically expected. Liu naturally completes her.

Serving people has never been a light work, especially for a person who is good at the first moment and paralyzed at the second moment. His temperament is bound to change greatly. This kind of person will probably only prove his existence by tormenting others, and he is superior. Who else can be more suitable for this task than aunt Huan.

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Liu slightly stooped and patted aunt Huan's mother. "I like you so much, and I also trust you very much. I must serve him well in the future. Don't let him down his affection for you."

"Don't worry, madam. I will serve you well." Said his aunt. She could hardly hear anything out of her tone.

Liu nodded. "That's good." Liu is really looking forward to it. She would like to see how long this bitch can last. She won't let anyone give her a hand. All the food and drink of Lhasa should be arranged by this bitch. Moreover, Luo Rongping is the Third Master of the minister's office of the Ministry of Li. Even if he is paralyzed, Liu's family can't abuse him. So, once he is not comfortable, this bitch will not serve him attentively. Hehe

When Aunt Huan heard Liu's laughter, she couldn't help shivering. She was an eyesore concubine. Without a man's support, she could only be pinched and flattened by her mistress, unable to resist. Don't mention that so many people around her have been detumescence. She works for her. Those people are the most likely to meet the wind to make the rudder. Moreover, her aunt, who belongs to a humble nationality, frankly speaking, is what the man and the mother have. Now that the man and the mother are gone, she is dead and controlled by the mother. Didn't you hear Liu's saying that she should only pack some clothes for her? That is to say, everything else is no longer It belongs to her.

"You can get close to my son under my eyes and bribe the people around him. I thought you could listen to me, but I was waiting for you to do stupid things, but in fact, you didn't have that ability. Calculate the three girls in your family and then blame me. Do you want to do this all the time? It's a pity that you can't even get close to that girl. In this backyard, I can figure out who is possible, but I can't reach out directly for two people. One is the old lady, the other is the three girls. I can move the three girls and one hair. It's a serious scratch on the old lady. In the whole family, my stupid daughter has to catch up with her to find fault. She told her not to go straight to her. However, she is also a girl in the family, and the old lady is just a punishment. I'll try it for you. The old lady will certainly strip us alive, believe it or not? "

The more Liu said, the more he felt in Li, the more he realized that he could not directly deal with Luo jingwan, but he had never been so clear-minded. She also has a lot of responsibility for her daughter's success today. Once she starts to wake up, she will wake up completely, but now she is too busy to care about her.

Liu's heart mocked and satirized.

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