However, when you don't care about others, you don't need to care about how others think of you. Although this other person is the one you will get along with in the future. However, even if it's empathy, there are some things that actually benefit her. Jing Wan has never been a wolf in the heart. As long as he doesn't exceed his own bottom line, so long as he has a good day for himself, no, should not be bad for himself, she can become a good wife. Moreover, the feelings of giving back may not necessarily be love.

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Obviously, what happened just now stimulated the living king of hell to a great extent, but now he still clings to himself, and Jing Wan obediently lets him hold him. Apart from the occasional shame and hate, pure as a lover, this is really impeccable, more popular let people see the scene, jingwan now does not care about being held.

What's more, if this can make him less scary, appease him, and be taken advantage of by him, jingwan will admit it.

Just, the one in his heart is gone? Presumably, according to this person's temperament and power, it's not the separation of yin and Yang. How can it be called "losing and leaving". There is a saying that the living can't fight for the dead forever. Jingwan is glad that he didn't want to fight, or he didn't know what virtue he had to make of himself.

Jingwan continued to touch his back peacefully. He didn't say a word. Without knowing the situation, he often said more and made more mistakes. Jingwan didn't want to be the flower of words.

But it's someone who knows the essence of "advance with an inch". When he finds that his panic and fragility make jingwan feel soft, he will give up. With a fiery beginning, he will become unbridled. Except that he doesn't have too much on his hand, but he doesn't stop on his mouth. Jing Wan is still good. He has no injuries or diseases. Even though his fear and fear are still in his mind, his nearly lost sense is gradually returned. It seems that he has been seen by others. There is no difference between one time and many times. As the main culprit of "Harming" himself, he must make up for himself. So, someone knows how to beat the back.

Even if Jing Wan is too close to him for a while, but because he is worried about his state, he always keeps a sense of reason. After a long time, he can't feel his state. Well, it's incisive and incisive to make progress. There's no one else besides him, so, or himself, we shouldn't be soft to such people. People like him are vulnerable? Need someone to calm you? Don't make fun of it, so Jing Wan pinched him severely for his waist injury.

Anyway, it's not the first time I've offended him. I haven't seen him. He also indulged in this bad habit. ——Jingwan's awareness is gratifying for someone. It is also a historic progress.

Li Hongyuan is suddenly pinched. Even if it's rough and thick, Jing Wan doesn't really die. It's painful. He even hisses twice on purpose to express sympathy. Jing Wan doesn't know whether it's true or not, so he subconsciously removes his strength.

Hold her hand on her waist, put her forehead against her, and smile, "good heart, it hurts me?"

The words "good heart" conjured up the pain in jingwan's heart. With a black face, he pushed him away, preferring to face the guy like the black devil king, rather than the bastard who had no face and no skin to flirt with her when he caught the chance.

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"My heart is merciless. Throw it when you use it."

Jingwan gnawed her teeth and looked at him. "No one thinks you're dumb if you don't talk."

Li Hongyuan couldn't help but feel her face again. This time, Jing Wan's eyes and hands blocked her. Li Hongyuan was not angry, and he still laughed happily. "His spirit is not bad, it seems that he was not scared."

Jing Wan's face was a little white again. His lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

Li Hongyuan took the opportunity to kiss her again.

"Li Hongyuan -" jingwan can't help but explode, and then in the realization of the present situation, this bastard.

"Sure enough, it's better to look like this. ——This time it's my fault. I promise, these clowns will not appear in front of you again. And don't be afraid of me. " From teasing with three points to being tender and tender, "go back and have a bowl of calming soup, and then go to sleep. Forget it."

If you don't mention it, you may forget it, or you may take root in your heart, so that it won't sprout in the future. It's better to dissect it now and tell her that it's nothing and tell her not to care.

I don't know how she survived her first killing in the previous life. In a word, it will not be easy. I don't know whether it's her first killing that has a greater impact, or whether it's seeing someone else's first killing that has a greater impact. He doesn't know that those things happened in the previous life. It's been too long, and I can't remember such small things.

Knowing that she is looking at her and that she may be frightened, he did it without hesitation. Maybe it's not only the ultimate rage and fear, but also the desire to let him see the whole of himself. If he wants, he can let her see only the good side of herself. Incomplete, perfect is also deception and lies.

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So, Wan Wan, don't be afraid of me. Your fear, your resistance, will make me do things that are hard to control. Maybe it will hurt you. It will take my life, and I will surely hold you for burial when I die.

The wrong thing to say is to give them the chance to hurt her. Fortunately, she's OK. Otherwise, Li Hongyuan will kill the nine Ruan families immediately, which will frustrate some of them.

After looking at her for a moment, the tenderness in her eyes disappeared without a trace. "Yu Zhongqing, send her back, and then half a flash, raise your head to see you."

The commander of the royal forest army dared not neglect, but hurriedly appeared, "please rest assured." No matter whether Prince Jin wants to support him or for any other reason, with his strong skills, several of his guards are not bad, but they do not need protection. Moreover, this kind of temporary assassination should not have a second time.

Li Hongyuan looks at Xiang jingwan again. "You go back first. I'll deal with the affairs here. Remember, today's assassination, you are only under the influence of my king, and the people behind me, my king will find out. "

This person is like this. He was flirtatious at the last moment. He turned his head and was serious. He thought about everything for you and made you grumpy. You really have to insist on getting angry with him. At last, you are only yourself. Then nodded, "Lord, be careful."

Li Hongyuan nodded, "don't worry, I haven't married you yet."

Jingwan ignores him directly, wipes and walks away from him. It's not like he comes here leisurely and leisurely, just like he wants to escape from the plague.

It can be seen that Li Hongyuan's shameless "healing methods" are really effective. However, is jingwan appeasing him more, or is he appeasing jingwan more? This is really hard to say.

Jingwan's servant girl quickly collected and followed up.

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The Imperial Guard in the Imperial Army's tie must salute Li Hongyuan before leaving.

Jingwan left, and his coolness returned again. Looking at the commander, "Yu Zhongqing, you are a smart man. What to say? What not to say? You don't need my king to teach you. ——I'll ask my father for help if I can kill the assassin today. "

"This is where we are supposed to be. We can't do anything for it."

"If you have merit, you should be rewarded. If you have any, you should be punished. It's just and proper."

Yu Zhongqing's breath was smothering. He felt a little bitter in his heart. He just followed the king who had no power and no power. How could he let him see what he shouldn't see? Even if he was holy at last, he couldn't say what he shouldn't say for the life of the brothers he brought out.

"Do you think too much about adult Yu? This king is talking about the three girls of Luo family. "

Well, it's something to care about, not to care about It can't be said that they shouldn't care. It should be this kind of thing. No one will casually talk about it. They are the Royal Army, not the gossiper. Besides, it's just a matter that the prince of Jin can't be private anymore. They are more embarrassed than those who are forced to watch. "It was my dereliction of duty that surprised Miss Luo San."

"In that case, we will not catch up quickly."


Looking at Jing Wan from afar, he passed the stream along the original road, which seemed to be very simple and easy. However, Li Hongyuan licked his lips. Did his little heart know what his bright eyed man knew about his red lips?

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Li Hongyuan looks at the grilled fish on the ground, takes one, looks at it, takes a bite and tastes it. At this time, it's not cold, but the taste is good. In the eyes of the people around him, he can't be more fastidious about his daily food. However, at this moment, he will eat all the small fish except the head, together with the fish bones. That gesture is no different from the usual eating.

Duke Mu's eyes, nose and heart are slightly drooping. Well, the master likes Miss Luo, and it's really deep in his heart.

"Muan, take the remaining two fish back."

"Yes." Grandpa Mu is busy. If you don't have something convenient to hold, take it carefully. It's not two grilled fish, but the most delicious thing in the world.

"Take the head and my king and send them to Ruan Fangfei as usual." Said Li Hongyuan.

Guard one Lin, advocate son means, these three people are advocate son that accurate side imperial concubine sends? Yes, it's obvious from their last moves that they are coming to the future Princess. They all know that Ruan's beloved master is not uncommon. But although they have known that Ruan's backyard has problems for a long time, it's the first time for them to be honest and correct, which is better than expected. Some of them, except the leader, are ordinary guards Is compared to other dark guards should not be bad, as a result, one-on-one situation, not the opponent!

However, it is concluded that it is a little arbitrary? In a flash, the idea will be thrown out. Can the master judge a mistake? Even if it is a mistake, then he says who is who, not Ruan Fangfei.

In the ordinary way, people can't be put into Ruan's back house. The master and son don't use other methods any more, but they can't know more. ——Master let know things, you can know, know also rotten in the stomach, and do not know things never ask.

But, as usual? By what example? As a result, the servant girl of Dragon Boat Festival understood in a flash.

"Send someone to the front,..." Li Hongyuan's understatement told me to keep it small.

Hearing what he said, sure enough, in the master's mind, only Miss Luo Jiasan is a treasure. If you dare to move her, you must bear the most miserable fate

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