Jing Wan drank water and listened again. Something was wrong. "What happened?"

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"Girl, why don't you go and have a look?" Said mammy Gong.

Jingwan shook her head. "No, there's really something. I'll know it when it's dawn." What happened in the evening will never be a good thing. It's just a matter of privacy. No matter what the purpose of the investigation is, it's one thing whether you can hear it or not. I'm afraid it's not easy to make a mess. "Go and have a rest, Mammy. You don't have to watch me here."

"It's no better outside than at home, girl, and sleep at ease. Your maidservant is OK."

Don't listen to mother Gong talking to her gently. Jing Wan can know her persistence. For more than two years, they get along day and night, which is enough for them to touch each other's temperament. But Gong Ma is stubborn, and Jing Wan has no idea about her.

So, it's better to sleep. Jingwan yawned a little and went back to sleep. She didn't wake up very much. She went back to sleep soon after the light was off. Then she slept very well.

Mother Gong gently shakes her fan to Jing Wan to ensure that there is a slight cool wind, but not too anxious to affect her.

In the dark, although she can't see clearly, Mammy Gong still faces jingwan's direction: good girl, after tonight, all the demons and monsters who are next to the Lord will be cleaned up. He said that he would treat you all his life, and you should believe him. Although he often disobeys the rules, acts recklessly, and has a bad temper, he always talks and counts. You will live an ideal life You don't have to rely on the third young master and the third young grandmother. Good girl, you will be fine all your life.

At this time, Emperor Lecheng sat upright at home. Although many of the Dragon chairs in the courtroom were only plain clothes, they also had an extraordinary momentum. Especially, the air-conditioning on them was June, which made people shiver. There were many people in the room. The princes and ministers were better. The common people were kneeling on the ground, Shivering.

And kneeling on the spot, there are not only civilians, but also two valuable people, right in front of lechengdi.

"In the middle of the night, what did the father ask his son to do?" Li Hongyuan came in from the outside with a trace of unconsciousness and hoarseness in his voice. At the same time, he felt unhappy from him. He thought that he slept well and was called up. If it wasn't for his Laozi's invitation, the anger could not be very strong.

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Emperor Lecheng looked up at the six sons. His hair was scattered behind his head, and his coat was just dressed casually. In the light of the fire, which was not bright, he was quite grumpy compared with the ordinary people, that is, the rotten virtue that the angry man didn't deserve his life, and he restrained the strong aggression, which seemed to be gentle and harmless. Such a man, he who was Laozi, had never seen before. "What a mess!"

Li Hongyuan frowned. He felt that the violent spirit was rising again. His sleep was not good. When he was sleeping, the environment should be very quiet. Any sound and movement would affect him. He got up very angry. These days on the road, he naturally slept badly, especially. At this time, even his father would not get a good face. Knead the eyebrow heart, forced to hold back, "what is the matter in the end father emperor?" If you have something, hurry up. I need to sleep. Glanced at kneeling a few people, "do not sleep, sing the drama?"

In his previous life, when he ascended the throne, especially after the stability of the river and the mountain, the great event of the collapse of the earth must wait for him to wake up. In this life, the only thing that can disturb his sleep without causing his anger is probably jingwan.

In the evening, he was quarreled. No one was happy with him. Knowing his temperament, lechengdi didn't care about him at the moment.

"Yuaner, sit down first." The voice of Princess Su is soft.

Li Hongyuan took a look at her voice. "How can the mother and concubine be there?"

"The mother and your father don't want to struggle at this moment, just, alas..." Princess Su sighed helplessly.

Duke Mu and others brought him the accompanying chair and put it in the position where Princess Su started.

Li Hongyuan hesitated for a moment, walked slowly with depression. After sitting down, he directly reached out his hand and pressed his forehead. Without a proper shape, he sat back. With his eyes closed again, Su Guifei was in a position where he could see his frown clearly. With forbearance and depression, he seemed to be suffering.

Su Guifei looks distressed. Her son, who sleeps normally, wakes up in the middle of the night. She must suffer. So, the anger against the culprit is rising. "Lord Ruan, how long is your good daughter going to let us wait?" Even Ruan Ruizhong bent his back and looked more like he was ten years old and decadent. Although he had only twisted his waist before, he was not sharp at the moment, nor could he make Princess Su's anger subside.

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"Niangniang......" Ruan Ruizhong's lips murmured, but he could not say what he said.

Li Hongyuan opened his eyes and took a look at him. This old man, now he will be beaten like this. When he knows all the things, even if he doesn't spit blood and die, he will probably have a stroke and collapse in bed. Isn't his plan to squeeze more for several years going to fail? Li Hongyuan looks away from his lack of interest. The whole Qiyuan, with a population of tens of thousands, can't find a replacement for Ruan Ruizhong? No use, no use.

"Ruan Fangfei is playing with moth again? First, I'll tell my son what's going on. "

"The little bitch ate the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard. As your quasi concubine, she even colluded with others and became a traitor." Princess Su wants to bite her teeth.

Ruan Ruizhong's eyes darkened, but he couldn't explain anything. He was panting for breath.

After Li Hongyuan's meal, he was right, with a slight surprise. "This is the way she made Wang regret it?" With a sneer, "I'm really open-minded." Looking at the two men kneeling in front of lechengdi, no, one of them can only be said to be a teenager, "so, who is this man, zhongwangshu, or the eleventh younger brother, or both?"

"Prince of Jin..." Ruan Ruizhong was shivering all over, and he could hardly wait to strangle Li Hongyuan.

Therefore, once Li Hongyuan's mouth is poisoned, all saints can jump.

Li Hongyuan sneered, "she has the courage to do it, but she is afraid of others saying it?"

"Six brothers, six brothers, no matter what I do, it's uncle Zhong Wang, not me. It has nothing to do with me." The eleventh Prince hurriedly left him. He didn't want to be remembered by the horrible six brothers. He also said that he could do it without any weakness. He is a poor man with no power and no power. He certainly can't play a round.

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In a word, the eleventh prince was also depressed, but he was used to seeing all kinds of beauties around him. When he came to such a place, he met a girl with good looks and enthusiasm. He wanted to taste the beauty with different flavor. To put it bluntly, he was used to the delicacies of mountains and seas, and suddenly wanted to taste the small dishes of qingcongee, just as jingwan had expected when he first came to the village.

This girl happens to be from Li Zheng's family. Moreover, he is the one who has been hooked up. Maybe she is really fascinated by wealth and wants to achieve good things early. The girl chooses one who looks good to hook up and has a valuable status. However, some Prince really voluntarily hooks up, so she has an appointment at night. Unfortunately, this pair of wild mandarin ducks just got married I'm going to fight hard for you, but I hear the news and bump into another couple of wild mandarin ducks who are fighting hard. That's what it feels like

Before that, Emperor Lecheng didn't speak. The eleventh prince was still kneeling quietly. At this moment, he was really trying to prove his innocence to his six brothers. Like pouring beans, he explained the causes and consequences of his experience clearly. So, really, in the eyes of these unpopular princes, Li Hongyuan's wanton power is even more daunting than that of Le chengdi.

The eleventh Prince is less than fourteen, but there is an irremediable sign after he first tasted the love of men and women. However, because he is still in the palace and is not old enough to marry a wife, he can only mix with the palace girls around him. Then he secretly looks at the other palace girls in the palace, even the wives of his father and Emperor swallow saliva.

It's no wonder that he was easily moved by others.

When he finished, Emperor Lecheng kicked him. "Nothing of value."

The eleventh Prince stumbled, but Lecheng didn't use too much force, so he knelt obediently. However, he moved away carefully.

In the cognition of lechengdi, the evil man of Laoliu is also beautiful. However, he knows that temperance is not the kind of fornication regardless of his body. Before his hair grows, he dares to play recklessly and is not afraid of damaging his body. He is also his own son, so he has to ask a doctor to diagnose him afterwards. However, even if his son did something wrong on his own initiative, it was all brought bad by others. What's more, this time he was obviously colluded by others, so this mistake is even more in the other side. "I have a good daughter."

Li is kneeling on the ground, more and more shivering, his daughter is also arrogant in ordinary days, but who knows, who knows to do such absurd things. "Emperor, Emperor..." Shivering but can't say more.

And the girl is not good, but there is no "bold enthusiasm" to hook up with people.

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"The emperor, in my opinion, since Xi likes this girl a little, I'd better take it away. It's not bad to be a servant girl. After all, when we pass through this village, we dispose of a girl, which is equivalent to disturbing the peace here and the reputation of the emperor. What do you say?" Suggested the princess.

Princess Su really knows the heart and nature of the eleventh prince. She just tasted the fresh food and didn't eat it. She will probably keep thinking about it. When the freshness is over, and then tonight, when she looks at a wild flower picked by the roadside, she will only think about how she lost face. It's strange that the wild flower will have a good life.

This way of dealing with people really doesn't have to be so simple and crude. It can be euphemistic and doesn't damage the reputation.

Emperor Lecheng pondered for a moment, "just as the princess said."

"Thank the father and the emperor, thank the concubine." The eleventh Prince kowtowed quickly. Li Zheng's father and daughter don't understand the rules. He can't help it.

"All right, get out of the way."

So, this pair of wild mandarin ducks is so gently let go, however, the other pair is not so simple.

Ruan old lady helped Ruan Fangfei to come late, followed by her aunt.

It's obvious that I just washed and dressed.

Ruan Fangfei, who was frightened by three heads, was in a state of malaise. She was even a little confused

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