So, in his previous life, where was the gold medal? Obviously, for Li Hongyuan, it can only be a mystery.

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However, the ninth five is Li Hongyuan. Even if that thing appears, it won't have any effect. He will kill what should be killed, and the rest depends on his own will. If he wants to keep it, he will keep it. It's useless if he doesn't want to keep anyone begging, let alone a dead thing. Don't say that he doesn't respect his ancestors. He is oppressed by a man who has died for many years. How naive can he do such a thing. But in the past life, there was such a person who took the ancestral decrees to tell him that this shouldn't be, that shouldn't be, and then, how did he do it? He didn't know what to say to the "advocator". It seemed that he would only do what he was not allowed to do, until no one dared to make false statements.

Li Hongyuan, he is a tyrant who does not respect the etiquette of his ancestors!

However, if Wan Wan's gold medal is in wanwan's hands, it will probably be a different one. If it works well, it will become another base card for her. In the current situation, a gold medal that will not be taken back by the superiors, even if only the last chance is left, it will definitely be Xiangbao, which makes people rush for it. If he is in the back seat, everyone will Don't try to win a gold medal without paying the price of blood. It's just that this is far from a good time to let people know who owns the gold medal. Of course, at the same time, Li Hongyuan won't let Jing Wan or even Luo's family have a chance to use it. If he can't even do this, he can go Kill the king and father directly, overthrow the imperial power, so do, happy is happy

Even when he went to the palace for summer vacation, there were enough people left in the imperial court to deal with most of the government affairs. However, there were still many things that emperor Lecheng needed to deal with. Every day, someone rushed to deliver some transcriptions. Although compared with the capital city, this was less than half, but this half was basically the fold of serious business, such as the few of greetings There are few ways to make him distrust his son. Even if there is no power in his hands, the so-called prison state is more of a symbolic meaning. Power must be grasped in his hands to be at ease, and he can't break the knot in the world for more than two months since he left Beijing. However, he is still struggling hard, but he is more tolerant to his followers In the case of important affairs, you only need to brush your face in the next morning or in front of Lecheng emperor. Therefore, during this period, the ministers will be very relaxed most of the time. Of course, they must be on call in case of emergency because they are close to the palace.

In Chengde Summer Palace, because of the pleasant climate, many flowers and trees grow very well.

In his spare time, Luo Peishan can't help but start playing again. Such a wonderful opportunity will naturally hold jingwan together. Although there are many such things in the capital, there are few opportunities in the end.

So Jing Wan followed Luo Peishan out of the door.

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For Xinggong, other hospitals built on Xinggong, and places with famous flowers and different species within a radius of ten li, luopeishan is just like a treasure. Except for those planted by specially assigned persons, wild flowers and trees are the focus.

In the west of the palace, about three or four li away, there is a small valley, but there is a waterfall that is not so grand and spectacular. However, because of its excellent geographical location, it can reflect too much vision for a long time, and it looks particularly charming. Such a small waterfall may not be a waterfall, but jingwan stood by the stone pool below and looked up for a long time All kinds of flowers and trees around are not necessarily luxuriant, but all of them are full of vitality, including the cliff, those little pines, all of which are trying to stretch their branches, because the impact of water and the wind are like dancing elves.


"Girls like it here?" Luo Peishan saw her in a daze, but he didn't hurry to ask her to leave.

"Well, yes, I do." Jing Wan nods.

"If there is no accident, I will be here for more than two months. If the girl likes it, she can come to see it every day."

Jingwan has no language, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, there is no reason to see it every day.

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Luo Peishan felt her beard as if she hadn't seen her expression, and said with deep feeling: "this beautiful scenery, different mood, definitely different perception, different people around you, definitely different perception. The girl can be with different people every three or five times. Mutual trust is to see the same scene every day, it will be different beauty, certainly not boring. ”Jingwan is speechless again. Grandfather, you said "master of literature" and "master of philosophy" in seconds. It's really unnecessary. "Grandfather said so, but I can take grandma to have a look. If I change my dress today and return it tomorrow, there must be a new experience." It's a pity that there are only those samples of clothes. The so-called immutability is not as diverse as her previous life. However, when I think of the "strange clothes" my grandparents wear, the picture is too It's not beautiful. Hurry to throw out the brain tonic.

"That's a good suggestion, girl. I think I need to take your grandmother out more."

Jing Wan took another look at him and said, "what about the restraint of the scholar officials? An old woman with a young girl is not old. An old lady with her is, well, a good old man with a white head. Jingwan always felt that he was inadvertently shown love and stuffed with dog food by his grandfather.

In jingwan's view, the old couple had lost their passion for a long time, but the tacit understanding that they could understand each other with one look and one action might not make people blush and heartbeat, but it would definitely make people sweet to their hearts. Between grandfather and grandmother, when they were young, some people stepped in, and some grew estrangement. However, when they were old, they could go to the present situation, instead of being strangers like many people. The master walked to the backyard like a passer-by, turned around and hugged the little girl to prove that he was actually a strong man. But his wife, who ate fast and studied Buddhism, was as calm as water, and had six clean roots It's also very rare.

Unfortunately, when I died in my previous life, I didn't drink Mengpo soup, and had a "bad habit". If someone interfered in my marriage, I would never be able to "grow old with my son". So sometimes, it's really "ignorance is bliss"? Well, this kind of ignorance, this kind of blessing, jingwan doesn't want it. A little hurt for spring and autumn, and a little jealousy for grandfather and grandmother, and then, all left behind, "Grandpa, go."

"What do you do so fast? Slow down. A girl's family, be more reserved." Luo Peishan shouted hurriedly in the back.

Jingwan is in a good mood and full of spirit. At this moment, if she can't be reserved, she will rarely indulge herself. Anyway, all her own people don't matter. Therefore, jingwan jumped faster along the stream formed by the stone pond. In a twinkling of an eye, she was covered by dense trees.

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Luo Peishan was even stunned. He said, it's like a little monkey. It's really his good grandson who has good self-discipline, false temper, calm words and deeds? Just look at the two servant girls who came with her. They were also on the stone beside the stream. They soon disappeared. Luo Peishan was back to his spirit. Ouch, pat his old heart and let the two good guards follow him. Although these places have been cleaned up for a long time, there will be no fierce birds and beasts, but there are also accidents.

"Grandpa, come on."

Listening to that sound, it seems that it has gone further.

The granddaughter, who never let people worry, suddenly became a headache for Luo Peishan. It's hard not to come true to answer that sentence: those who don't commit a crime will do great things when they do? His lovely grandson has always been quiet. When he is quiet, he will directly turn into a monkey? At least say hello to him in advance to prepare him mentally.

If luopeishan wants to keep up with him, he will be in a hurry. Seeing that his young man is frightened, he is busy supporting him. It is said that luopeishan's arm and leg can't jump on the stone. Even his young man can't do it.

Tremble slightly from the side of the past, all the way to get rid of the branches in the way, until luopeishan appears in jingwan's line of sight, luopeishan's hair is a little scattered, the image is rather embarrassed, such luopeishan, jingwan is also the first time to see, so, you are not polite to see luopeishan smile.

Luo Peishan hurriedly straightened up his appearance. "Annoyed" said: "bad girl, who did this harm?"

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Jingwan washes the fruit in her hand again. She jumps along some stones. It makes luopeishan's heart jump again. She tells her to slow down. Jing Wan handed over a green fruit in her hand. "Grandfather, don't worry. I have a proper measure." As he said, he took another fruit and took a bite. "It's delicious, Grandpa. Taste it." Another two bites.

Luo Peishan frowned disapprovingly, "how can you eat wild fruits in disorder?"

"It's OK. I snatched food from the monkey's mouth. I think they like it. People must be OK after eating it." Jing Wan smiled a little cunningly.

"Nonsense, you are a big girl. You robbed the beast of food. It's just Well

Jingwan put the fruit into his mouth. The fruit was not big. Half of the fruit went in. "Long winded." A giggle.

It's a bit stupid to have your mouth full of stuff. Luo Peishan quickly takes it down. "You girl, you are more and more outrageous."

Jingwan ignored him. He had already turned around and walked away, turning around to tease him. "I heard from my grandmother that when you were young, grandfather did a lot of immoral things. You didn't take my grandfather with you to" only let the state officials set fire and don't let the people light the lights. "

Luo Po Shan's old face is red. To say that he has done a bad thing, he knows how he knew his wife before he got married. Now he is also known by his granddaughter. However, just now, the fruit was bitten by the teeth, which seemed to taste good, so I took a bite by the way.

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