Because it's a big summer, the temperature of the bath water is not high, but it's cold slowly. In fact, Li Hongyuan needs to use cold water to calm his mind at this time. Therefore, he spends a relatively long time in sleep.

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It's been an hour since Li Hongyuan crawled out of the water to clean up. Then he had breakfast.

Li Hongyuan didn't let people set up dishes. He ate slowly and drank wine at the same time. Yes, he was so crazy after breakfast and drinking. But according to the attitude of the people around him, this is not the first time.

However, it seems that he is thinking about something. No one else dares to disturb him. He is quiet, just like an invisible person. If he can not move, he will never move a step.

Li Hongyuan left his chopsticks for another half an hour. Finally, he gave a general look at those people who were not his own. The other side also has a pretty good look. He looks at Li Hongyuan and immediately asks for his best wishes. Then he explains his intention. Frankly speaking, Princess Su wants to have a son, but the son is not obedient and doesn't live in the palace. She can't help but send someone out to find him. It's also a heart of love.

I don't want to give you face, but I still want to give you face.

Li Hongyuan took people into the palace.

To say that the palace is built on the mountain. The higher it is, the cooler it will be. Undoubtedly, the sleeping hall and the main hall of the palace are located at the top of the mountain. On the other hand, the more favored the courtyard is, the higher the position of the courtyard is. Both Su Guifei and Li Hongyuan are on the second floor.

Just facing the main hall at the top of the mountain is a fast and long stone ladder. The steps are located on both sides, and in the middle are various forms of dragon relief, which is lifelike. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, this huge project even far exceeds the efforts of the relief in the imperial palace. However, grandiosity is grandiose. If you want to climb up step by step, it will be enough. Ten people, eight of them are estimated to be panting on their knees. Fortunately, there is no order issued here to show respect for the imperial power, rather than riding in a sedan chair.

Of course, this road is not the only way to climb the mountain. Ordinary people are not qualified to take this road at all.

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Li Hongyuan is riding on the horse with a indifferent look. If you look carefully, you will find that he is in fact happy.

In addition to that magnificent main road, other places are also elaborately built. One flower, one wood, one floor and one pavilion are all brain racking. Taking the courtyard where Princess Su lives now, though it is not as luxurious as the palace she lives in, its floor area is much smaller, but it also has originality and unique flavor.

The biggest feature of Xinggong is the rolling mountains, which look magnificent. But this kind of scenery is not everyone has that blessing to see, at least have enough identity, enough decency, just go!

When Li Hongyuan saw Princess Su, Emperor Lecheng was there, Prince Rui was there, Princess Minxiang was there, parents, and two children of his own. This is probably a happy family.

Not to mention now, it's ten years back. Li Hongyuan didn't feel this kind of scene. Of course, at that time, it was the "old thing" in the tender shell. When she was in her early ten's, she might be sad or feel nothing. After all, when she was a son, she never ignored him. But at that time, it was true for him It's too long ago. I can't remember such irrelevant things.

Before he came near, Princess Su saw him first. She waved to him with joy and tenderness. It was as if two of her sons could leave her.

Princess Min Xiang, who used to laugh happily, suddenly froze. Among all the brothers and sisters, including her cousins, she was the second most afraid of her. No one dared to count the first. In fact, everyone knows that Li Hongyuan is actually good to her. At least he never did anything to her and sometimes gave her some good things, but Princess Min Xiang has no reason to be afraid of him.

"You sent for six elder brothers, princess?" Princess Minxiang's voice was a little shaky.

"Yes, what's the matter?" It's impossible for Su Guifei to touch her hand and say that she didn't find her daughter's true feelings towards her son. After all, it's not two days a day, but several years. In fact, she has tried her best to avoid meeting the two people. However, no matter how to avoid it, it's impossible to never meet each other. Because her son did nothing wrong, he can't even let lechengdi know about it. Otherwise, Minxiang is afraid that he won't like it. "We don't have many opportunities to meet each other on weekdays. We should take advantage of the opportunity to have a good kiss."

Princess Minxiang wants to cry without tears, "mother, I......"

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"What's the matter with Minxiang?" Le chengdi also turned his head to look at her. He saw that her face was a little white and her face was not right. "Uncomfortable? If you don't feel well, you'll be called Taiyi, but haven't you all been well just now? "

Princess Su gently pinched her hand, and Princess Minxiang immediately smiled, "thank you for your father's concern. My daughter has nothing to do, but when she saw six brothers, she suddenly thought of the dream she had last night. In the dream, six brothers threatened others."

"That's what happened. In that moment, the father taught him a lesson for you, which made him scared in his dreams."

"No, it's all fake in my dream. Six brothers are the best for my daughter. How can I teach six brothers a lesson because of this?" Princess Minxiang's discontented toot said.

Lechengdi laughed, "you servant girl, like your mother and concubine, will protect him." Despite this, Le chengdi is happy in the bottom of his heart. The evil man's temper is so bad that his brothers and sisters are not close to him. As a Laozi, he always hopes that he can have a pure kinship.

Princess Min Xiang chuckles, and only the princess Su Guifei who holds her hand knows that her palm is already sweaty.

Can Princess Min Xiang express clearly her dislike for the sixth brother? Of course, just like other brothers and sisters, she is far away from him. But since then, as Princess Su thought, her position in the heart of Lecheng emperor will be greatly reduced. It's understandable for others to alienate Li Hongyuan, including her brother Li Hongming, but she can't. She can't be compared with Li Hongyuan. She alienates her brother without "doing wrong", It will only make Le chengdi think that she is cold and thin, cold and cold hearted, and rejected.

Li Hongming is also clear about all this. He is not like Princess Su, who has deep feelings for Li Hongyuan. He has always been skeptical of Li Hongyuan. However, as a party, Min Xiang can't say one, two or three things, so his doubt can only be put in his heart, which will not affect the upper Li Hongyuan, but may make him suffer losses. Min Xiang is his own sister. However, a sister who has no value in marriage is just like that.

Li Hongyuan walked in and asked Ann. He knew what atmosphere it was, but he didn't care. It's enough to clean up Minxiang once. When she's settled down, who has the time to deal with her? As for what she will do in the future, it's totally out of Li Hongyuan's consideration. It's life or death, good or bad, all the same.

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Princess Min Xiang got up and met him. She was very polite and called six brothers.

Li Hongyuan chuckled, "Minxiang is more and more beautiful now."

In fact, Li Hongyuan has a very short time to laugh. I suddenly saw this. I don't know how many people will be stunned. Just like at this time, all the women seem to be fascinated by it. However, after she wakes up, she subconsciously looks at lechengdi, and she can detect the similarity between the smile and the memory. How can he not know. As expected, lechengdi stared at his son in a trance, and no one would think that he was looking at his son.

Li Hongming also saw it in his eyes. His face was blue, and he unconsciously clenched his fist.

In fact, he was a little impressed with the imperial concubine, but the impression was not deep. It seemed that he was a beautiful woman with a good smile. It seemed that he had touched his head gently. The rest of them had nothing left. But the concubine said that the old six looked like her, especially when she was young, Jane was just like a mold carved out of it. It was just a man, with the increase of age Long, when the characteristics of men and children become more and more obvious, the degree of similarity is declining. However, looking at the father's expression, we can see that the father's heart will never forget. It's said that the son depends on the mother. Even if the mother told herself firmly that the father and the emperor would not give the throne to the sixth brother, he was still very afraid to leave the throne to his favorite son. Are there few such emperors in history?

For their wonderful expressions, Li Hongyuan did not find out at all, "the mother and princess, Min Xiang is also old, has her son-in-law chosen?"

Li Hongyuan opened his mouth and pulled back the gods.

Su Guifei's look suddenly, as if to reflect what Li Hongyuan said, raised a smile, "basically has been selected, probably this summer back, can be completely settled."

"I think the person chosen by my mother is the best. However, if anything happens, no one can be sure about it in the future. Min Xiang, if he is sorry for you in the future, just tell brother Liu, and he will help you clean him up. "

"Thank you very much, brother Liu." Princess Minxiang said with a smile and a touch of shame on her face.

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Emperor Lecheng restrained the loss on his face and snorted coldly, "how can you have a life if you clean up people? You want your sister to be a widow. "

"What did the emperor say? Yuan'er is so cruel. Yuan'er has a bad temper, but he never killed anyone easily. Min Xiang's future husband is his brother-in-law. What yuan'er does is to be measured. Yuan'er loves his sister, but you can't be distorted." Princess Su said with a smile.

"The father and the emperor are full of food. Mind your own business. It's also true that Min Xiang still has his elder brother. Which round has he got his son? " Li Hongyuan didn't care. He lifted his robe and sat down beside him.

"Sincerer -" emperor Lecheng picked up the dessert plate and smashed it.

Li Hongyuan turned his head, and the dish fell to the ground and smashed, scattering a few snacks.

"If you say something so heartbreaking, your mother and concubine have raised you for nothing."

Li Hongyuan didn't give him a look.

Emperor Lecheng was so angry. On the other hand, she covers her mouth and laughs. "With such a white eyed wolf, you can still laugh, princess? If I had changed, I would have hated to kill him. "

"Look at what the emperor said, I can't bear it. Besides, yuan'er is blocking you. It's not blocking me. What's yuan'er's mind? I don't know if I'm a mother. I think he's a parent-child. Yuan'er thinks he is

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