When Emperor Lecheng finally finished drinking a cup of tea, Prince Rui and Prince Gong finally said goodbye. Standing here, they were simply suffering. They were simply out of sight and out of mind. Maybe they were stimulated by lechengdi. After they left, even the brothers and sisters on the surface of their faces were too lazy to maintain. They went back to their homes and found their own Motherhood.

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Li Hongming's resentment has reached a critical point. If he doesn't let it out, he may do something unexpected.

When I saw Princess Su, I directly threw out all the people who served her, even lost the basic etiquette rules. To express myself to Princess Su is to vent together. It's the only place where his pure emotions can be exposed.

Su Guifei was calm and leisurely drinking tea. When Li Hongming finally calmed down and apologized, she began leisurely, "are you finished?"

"The mother and the concubine are childless. Please make atonement."

Princess Su is always strict with Prince Rui, but when he is really in mood, she is a gentle and kind mother. "It's nothing more than your six younger brothers and your father's" father's kindness and filial piety "that make you unhappy. You are a big man who wants to win the throne, but you make such a charming daughter's family. What does it look like?"

Li Hongming's face is a little blue, "don't confuse the key points every time, princess."

The imperial concubine Su glanced at him lightly. "My palace has already told you that your father and the emperor will not pass the throne to your six younger brothers. How many times have you heard that your father and the emperor don't care about your six younger brothers' love letter? Why don't you listen? Why do you have to pester them again and again?"

"The mother and the concubine are to reassure the children, at least to make things clear to the children. You always reassure the children. In fact, the children only see the father and the emperor as their son, and we are nothing."

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After a moment of silence, Princess Su looked at Li Hongming and said, "if you have any trust in this palace, you shouldn't say such a thing."

Li Hongming's lips wriggled. "My mother and my daughter are just frightened when they see that scene."

"Your sixth brother is a devil, and this throne is passed to the hungry child, not to him. Now you can rest assured." He kept the secret for many years and perfunctorized Li Hongming again and again. At this moment, he easily told the truth.

Li Hongming's face was shocked, "here, here..."

"At that time, our palace witnessed the death of the imperial concubine, and saw your father and Emperor cut open her stomach. When your sixth brother was born, he would not have the right to inherit the throne. No matter how much he got, he should have. The reason why our palace has been trusted by your father and your emperor for so many years is in large part that the emperor and his six younger brothers died. Our palace wants Minger, when you ascend the throne, don't worry about your six younger brothers. At that time, you will be the king, he will be the minister, and he won't bother you any more. As for these years, compared with your other brothers, you have no actual loss. A man who is the emperor, don't be so narrow. "

Li Hongming was silent for a moment, which gradually digested the words of Princess su. "Even if the six brothers are devils, they are naturally unlucky, and the father and the emperor are not afraid..."

"Your father is the son of the dragon. He has the protection of heaven. Your six younger brothers have no power. They just idle around the prince, which will not affect the national fortune. Moreover, the emperor's concubine is the heart of his father. Your six younger brothers are the only one left by her, whether it's a person or a thing. Then again," Su's concubine paused. "The emperor's concubine was killed by your father's own hand. It always adds up. If yuaner was born before her death, this The river and the mountain really don't have your share. I'm sensible. I'd better stay on the side earlier. "

Li Hongming is a little confused by the news that Princess Su has thrown out one after another. "The father killed the imperial concubine?"

"On this point, you don't need to know the specific things. It's not good for you. In the future, you only need to do your work well. You know your sixth brother's temper. Don't provoke him if you have nothing to do. For others, as long as your father is not completely fatuous and sticks to the bottom line, no matter what he does to your sixth brother, you can keep silent."

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Li Hongming takes two deep breaths. Although he is not afraid of ghosts, it is not good to provoke Li Hongyuan. He will be far away in the future. "My mother and concubine, my father is so kind to my six younger brothers. Will my six younger brothers..."

"It's nothing, it's nothing. Ambition is linked to power. Your sixth brother lives recklessly. Do you think he can't see clearly? It's easy to lose one's boundless love. If you give it to him, but you don't give him power. If you can't see it clearly, you won't have him today. After all, having a pet has no right to drive a person completely crazy. Ming'er, on intelligence alone, none of your other brothers can match him. Besides... "

Li Hongming doesn't know what Su Guifei's unfinished words are. However, his mother and concubine always show their gentleness and decency. Other emotions may appear when they are fighting with the concubine. Even then, they are mostly acting. Therefore, it's really hard to detect when she's in real mood. However, at this moment, her face is really not good. He knows , just like the father and the emperor killed the imperial concubine, don't ask about specific matters.

"Now you should be at ease?"

"My mother and my concubine are ashamed." Li Hung Ming lowered his head, his face astringent.

"Stop being paranoid. If you have nothing to do with it, go back. The mother is tired. "

"My mother and concubine are so happy to have a rest. My son and minister are leaving."

"Today, only our palace and your father and Emperor knew what happened in those years. If there is any news, it will definitely annoy your father and Emperor. For so many years, he has been guilty, but he also deceived himself, like forgetting what he really did. If we open his scar, we can not bear the consequences."

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"Don't worry about the mother and the concubine. The children know the importance."


Li Hongming's mood, just like this June day, suddenly becomes clear. All along, his most feared opponent is not Prince Kang, but Li Hongyuan. Because the imperial power is supreme, no matter how powerful you are, it is not a holy edict. Even if you can kill the king and usurp the throne afterwards, you are also a traitor against your subjects and a thief. Your name is not right and your words are not right. It's good now. He's worried about it , it has never existed before. Apart from Li Hongyuan, who can contend with him on the degree of being favored? With power in hand, ha ha ha ha Li Hongming's smile was so obvious that he almost laughed up to the sky.

Devil These two words slip from the tip of the tongue again and again.

Ignoring Li Hongyuan's unbridled arrogance, he became an unlucky person in Li Hongming's eyes, a poor man!

Li Hongyuan doesn't know Li Hongming's idea. If he did, he would only sneer twice. Poor thing? What expression will it be when he is trampled on the feet of this poor creature in the future?

For the sake of a so-called good reputation, he shrinks his hands and feet. This thing doesn't even fart in Li Hongyuan. Not to mention usurping the throne, it will make the world die. He won't blink his eyelids. Otherwise, in his previous life, he won't be a tyrant with a famous reputation. Other countries around him are shrinking their heads to be tortoises and grandchildren.

Prince Rui went back to his yard in a good mood all the way, but when he came in, he was told that concubine Ying had been quarreling all the time and wanted to see him. For Li Hongming, Luo Jingying has lost her value. However, she still has a child in her stomach. Although he doesn't care about whether he has a son or not, if he has one, it will be more beneficial for him. At least no one will hold on to it. It's not a young man who ascends the throne. As an adult prince like them, their offspring are also whether they can ascend the throne The important reason is that the family pays attention to inheritance, especially the emperor.

Li Hongming thought about it and decided to meet her, at least to let her calm down. If it's so noisy all the time, it's annoying.

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Luo Jingying finally sees Li Hongming. The tears come down. How pitiful, "Wang Ye......" Even forgetting the rules, he fell into his arms and sobbed.

In the past, Li Hongming might have had patience to coax him. Now his face is impatient, because he feels the clothes on his chest are wet, showing a disgusting expression, "it's all dead people. I haven't pulled her away from the king yet."

Feeling Li Hongming's swish air-conditioning, the servant girls haven't started yet, his near servant has come forward, not gentle to take Luo Jingying off Li Hongming, maybe to prevent her from holding the master, the near servant directly and secretly took off the black hand, and tried hard to break her fingers, Luo Jingying cried out in pain, feeling that her fingers would be broken. Luo Jingying is probably used to being arrogant in recent times. She threw her hand in the past without even thinking about it. "Cheap maid, you are brave."

He was stunned by the attack. They all said that he had to watch his master's face when he hit the dog. Since he became Prince Rui's near servant, there have been many people who flattered him. The princess talked to him with three points of grace. Apart from being angry by his master, he was kicked by the prince Jin. No one can stir up the living king of hell. It's a white kick. Don't expect anyone to be the master for him , but now, a little concubine slapped him? The resentment in his eyes flashed away, with a little grievance, quietly retreated behind Prince Rui. When there is value, you are treasure. When there is no value, you are a grass.

Li Hongming's face darkened suddenly. Ten men who prefer gentle and chaste women don't mind the occasional slow taste. However, once they get tired of it, whatever they do is wrong. With a backhand slap, Luo Jingying was directly knocked to the ground.

Luo Jingying covers her face and has blood on her lips. She dare not look at Li Hongming. The man standing in front of her is not her husband at all, right? Mingming a few days ago still holding her ears and sideburns, but also her ears to say love words. "Lord, you hit me?"

"I dare to match you with me, concubine Ying. Please pay attention to your identity." The valet behind Prince Rui reminds me.

Li Hongming can't see it, but Luo Jingying clearly sees the disdain and malice in his eyes.

"Luo Jingying, an Fen, I will leave you a bite to eat, otherwise..." Li Hongming left directly.

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