Liu's different look also knows what her daughter's expression is now. "Three girls, such a good thing, three aunts have a good face and ask for some emissaries? This woman, when she is a little old, her skin will be rough. "

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"Three aunts are joking. You are still beautiful. I was just tossing and playing. I didn't think the effect was good, but I made it in Qi'an mansion almost. I'll be free in two days. I'll make some more. Everyone has a share. " Jingwan smiled and yingyingcheng said.

Jingwan is so generous, naturally "everyone" is happy.

"Three girls didn't want to open a powder shop?" Third Aunt Liu asked with a smile, how that gesture looked was pure curiosity.

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"It's not that bad. It's too much trouble to build a shop." Jing Wan fiddles with the brocade handkerchief embroidered on both sides, and says at will.

You don't want money, I want money, you don't want trouble, I don't want trouble, just let the recipe out. More than one person in the heart so roar, the face or put on a smile, but the eyes can not hide greed.

The whole Luo family has accumulated over the past two or three hundred years. Naturally, it is not bad for money. Dafang presides over Zhongfen, takes charge of the power and does not lack money. From time to time, there are Luo Rongyan in the second room. It's not too easy to get money. Every five or one thousand dollars is thrown away without a blink. There are also various subsidies from the old lady in the early years, which are more nourishing than Dafang. Sifang is the old lady The youngest son of the lady is basically around the old lady. She doesn't have to go out to eat and wear, and certainly can't get any extra subsidies. Only three rooms. The old lady has never been cruel to the common people and the common women. She's already very kind, and she's expected to provide subsidies? No one in their room has the ability to make money. Liu's family comes from the broken Bo family. The dowry is so poor. Apart from the monthly money in the public, Luo Rongping's salary, the third master, occasionally gets a little filial respect in the name of Luo Shangshu. But Luo Rongping's position in the Luo family is not obvious, and the filial respect is also very limited. Therefore, the third house is short of money, and it is very short. I want to buy something else They'll have to buckle the cables.

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In this way, Luo Jingying is naturally more unbalanced. Almost every time she comes back from a flower feast poetry meeting, she will make a lot of noise, but she never thought about not going out.

"Although it's not bad for money, who will dislike the money? How can it be troublesome to have a shop and servants to do it?" Luo Jingying does not give up heart of say, only she takes out a prescription, oneself always can think of a way to get it. I didn't notice Liu's look.

"I don't know about the four girls. The three girls make fat powder, and all kinds of flowers account for a large proportion. After the flowers she raises, you can sell hundreds of Liang in any pot. The most valuable ones don't have to say, how much fat powder can be made on that flower. Compared with each other, the gain is not worth the loss. Besides, how can you sell them if you don't use them? And the flowers raised by gardeners and florists are not so effective. " Wu really dislikes some people's cheekiness.

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"The effect is worse, it is certainly better than the outside,..."

"Four elder sisters, it's not good for such a noble and respectable person as you to always talk about money. What can I do in case of being stained by those copper smells?" Luo Jingyou, jingwan's concubine, suddenly said.

As soon as this words came out, Luo Jingying's face was livid. The sisters and sisters beside her covered their mouths and laughed, but they were impressed with Luo Jingyou. In their impression, this is a saw mouth gourd, a dull wood and a invisible person. There is no younger sister who is several years younger than her. I didn't expect that if I didn't open my mouth, I would be so sharp. Luo Jingying has the best knowledge in their middle school, especially in poetry, which is praised by Mr. Chang. She is very proud of this. Because the elder sister married, the third sister was not present, and the second sister was just a commoner daughter who begged for a living under her mother's hands. Therefore, in her home school, she was very high and clean.

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Luo Jingying's lungs are going to explode. But here, she dare not attack. Looking at Luo Jingyou seems to be poisoned. Then she takes a look at Jing Wan with hate. It's not because of this bitch that she's also in Beijing. Someone supports her. Even a common girl dare to talk to her like this. Wait and see, one is better than the other.

In particular, you Luo jingwan, a toaster who refuses to eat and drink, and now refuses to hand over the prescription, will have to hand it in if you don't, and will not benefit you at all.

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