Maybe it's because of the unexpected meeting. Chen Zhengmin seems to be at a loss, but it's hard to move his eyes away from her. He thought that time could kill all the lovesickness that shouldn't continue to exist. After meeting people, he suddenly found that, let alone kill, it's clearly ingrained, and even formed a towering tree.

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This burst out suddenly, and there was a kind of uncontrollable trend. The crazy gaze, unconscious step by step, seemed to want to test closer, breathing with her body fragrance.

Jingwan naturally found out that he was a little bit wrong at the first time, and retreated quietly.

Don't say that she is a princess to be married now, but she has no engagement, and she should keep a distance from her husband. As for Prince Jin, who is a master who doesn't play cards according to common sense, his words and deeds are never controlled by others. Sometimes Jing Wan despises herself in her heart, but she has to admit that in a passive intimate contact, she is gradually used to Prince Jin's Way, as long as it's not out in public, go with him.

Therefore, she is a bully. Of course, if she is not an unmarried husband and wife, Jing Wan will not let a living Yama touch her. In the end, if it's not really native, the bottom line will be kept. Sometimes it's more open than ordinary girls.

"Cousin min......" Jing Wan smiled and crouched to see the ceremony.

Chen Zhengmin seems to be awakened suddenly. He is full of energy and stands a few steps away from Jing Wan. Looking at Jing Wan, he restrained the impulse in his heart and pulled his lips a little bit too far, "cousin How are you doing? "

"Thank you, cousin. I'm very good, but it's cousin. I went out to do errands this time. It's very windy and sunny. I'm quite dark, but I'm more robust." According to jingwan's visual inspection, it's probably still tall. At his age, many people are still growing up, so it's not surprising. It's the time when young men are turning to youth.

Chen Zhengmin only felt that his throat was too dry for him to count the time. Before he left the capital, he had not seen her for a long time. In addition to these two months, she actually grew taller, and her figure was more slender. She had a feeling of being like an afterlife. However, the joy of thinking about the time when he engaged her was as clear as yesterday. "Cousin is more and more......"

"Sister wan..."

"Sister in law." Jing Wan goes to welcome the reputation, then walks quickly, holding her arm naturally.

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"I've met my cousin." Chen Zhengmin hurriedly saw the ceremony, and his eyes fell on Jing Wan. The style of a gentleman was all obvious.

Sun Yijia slightly sideways, only received half of the ceremony, and then returned the ceremony, "my uncle is polite." Sun Yijia looks at Chen Zhengmin quietly. Just now, she suddenly sees that she doesn't know. Like her five brothers, this detective Hua Lang is deeply in love with Wan Mei Mei. She is afraid that he will say something out of time, so she interrupts him in a bit of disrespect. "My cousin has been working hard all the way, but this time he came to say hello to my grandmother? Grandfather is not at home now. "

Now Chen Zhengmin is really embarrassed, "I'm going to see my grandmother."

Sun Yijia nodded, "my husband hasn't gone out today. I will be very happy to know that you are back."

"I haven't seen my cousin for a long time. I can't drink two glasses less today. Don't blame my cousin then." After all, I have experienced some things in the world, and soon became calm and calm. When I was talking, I took a three-point joke.

"Where is this? It's a great blessing that your cousins have a deep friendship."

After another chat, Chen Zhengmin left to say hello to old lady Luo.

When Chen Zhengmin left, sun Yijia looked at Jing Wan rather teasingly, but could not see that Wan's younger sister had the potential of being a beauty. This is a good man of two, but they are all planted in her hands.

Jing Wan was a little uneasy to her, "what to look at, what to look at."

"Is it anger?" At the beginning of her marriage with Jingbo, she teased her a lot. Such a good opportunity of "revenge" doesn't need to be wasted. Of course, I also know that jingwan will not be really upset, so it will be.

But in terms of face, she is not Jing Wan's opponent properly.

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In a flash, jingwan smiled and crossed her waist. "No way, girl, my family love me. Flowers bloom when I see them."

Sun Yijia was defeated. "You have the ability to take it seriously..." Nunuzui toward the main courtyard, "face me."

"No ability." Jingwan's shameless admission.

Sun Yijia is extremely speechless. Forget it. He never won by talking to her.

However, this kind of joke is not enough. No matter what the result is, it should not be joked.

It's just that sun Yijia probably didn't know that someone would "revenge" her in the evening.

No longer belongs to him, after all no longer belongs to him, no matter for whom, he should put down this feeling, bury if not, bury deeply. Chen Zhengmin wiped his face, raised a smile and entered the main courtyard.

After that, jingwan didn't see him in the other courtyard of Luo's family. It is said that after arriving at the palace, he came to Luo's family for a little rectification. After that, he said a few words with Luo jingbocai, and someone rushed to invite him to the Holy See.

Chen's family has declined over the years, but the other houses are still there. Although some of them have been sold for regulatory reasons, they are not as big as they were at the beginning. Chen Zhengmin, as a descendant of Chen's family, can live here. Even if there is no other courtyard in my family, I won't have no residence after being summoned by the ninth five year plan. In fact, the periphery of the palace has been built into a "post house". It can be seen that all aspects are well considered.

Emperor Lecheng summoned the main members of the people who traveled to the west, including his two sons, four young talents, and several accompanying ministers. In this job, the ninth prince, under the name of imperial envoy, naturally led everything by him. Although he had ears most of the time, in many cases, that was enough.

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As Li Hongyuan expected, after he took the culprit of the uprising, he changed from two original Imperial Envoys to one. Although the ten princes were still in the same company, they had no right to speak, so they could not challenge their elder brothers. As long as the two brothers did not go wrong, and Luo Shangshu reasonably deployed personnel, it was a good idea to solve the problem properly.

The ninth prince was highly praised by Le chengdi. He was very proud for a while.

Although the ten Lord was jealous, he didn't show it on his face. On the way, he was used to the face of the Nine Emperor brother. Because he had been asked many times before leaving, he forbear again and again. It seemed that he didn't care. Moreover, he thought he learned something along the way. When Lecheng praised other people, he Can also smile to, at least from the face can not see a little dissatisfaction.

Although there are some compromises to be sent back first, the specific situation still needs to be learned from the public. After praising his son, Emperor Lecheng listened to their reports carefully. It is a tacit understanding that no matter which faction they originally belonged to, they did not fight for merit and adhered to their duties. At this time, they only talked about the part they participated in.

Emperor Lecheng was satisfied, touched his beard, and finally his eyes fell on his son. "Old ten, you have nothing to say?"

Ten Lord don't mean something. If he glanced at his prince, "my son is unprofitable. He can't help anything. When the third brother of the junior high school said that he asked his son to learn something, he just listened and watched more, saw more, listened more..." He said some of them selectively, but they were very skillful, which made people think that he really learned a lot.

Emperor lechengdi was very pleased and rewarded his son.

To the ministers, we need something practical, but the son is not the same, probably more like his praise in words.

Ten Wang Ye is overjoyed, the joy between eyebrows and eyes is true.

Prince Rui and other people laughed together, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes. This was a dog that depended on him to survive. He became a family and did a bad job. It seemed that some thoughts had come out. However, he could let him live well these years, and naturally let him know what would happen without himself.

After returning to Beijing, after all, the flood in the South has not been properly dealt with.

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After Luo's family failed to see Luo Peishan, Chen Zhengmin said a few words to him after leaving Lecheng.

A few feet away, sun Yilin stood a little bit, in the end did not come forward, turned away.

Perhaps because he has always been more tolerant of his brother, compared with Chen Zhengmin - although many of his peers are excellent directors, far behind the Dingguo government, he can't deny the fact that he was held by his family and grew up. His mind is much simpler. Even though he experienced changes and grew up at a high speed, sun Yilin still forbear much more, and his temperament is stable and mature. When he arrived At that time, he had the same thoughts as Chen Zhengmin, and sun Yijia was at the Luo's house. He made an excuse to come to the Luo's house, which was completely in line with the rules, and he was destined not to rush to the Luo's house.

Before emperor Lecheng's summoning, sun Yilin only combed and washed. He met several idle brothers and cousins, and found that they were strange in their words and deeds, but could not be specific. As for grandmother and parents, they had not yet been seen.

Grandmother is old, and she should kowtow to see her. Her father should be busy with his business. As for his mother, I'm afraid that she would have come out long ago, but I didn't see anyone until I was ill. Thinking of his mother's behavior before he left and the sudden pain in her brain, I'll go back to see her later. I don't know what's going to happen again.

Sun Yilin has never been an unfilial person. However, in the face of his mother, he is probably more willing to face the weather and rain outside. In the past two months, he may have suffered a lot of physical sins. After all, before this job, he was also a delicate and precious son, but he could do something for the country and the people, and show his ambition little by little, but his heart was what he had done before It is said that he was relaxed. On his way back, he even had the idea of turning south. However, as a life official of the imperial court, he was not allowed to interfere in other affairs without imperial edict, so he had to stop.

Just in the dead of night, I can't help thinking of that shadow

Sun Yilin went to see Mrs. sun first. Mrs. sun is pruning the flowers. Her attitude is the same as before. It seems that this grandson has never left. But she went out once in the day and came back in the evening to say hello to her.

Old lady sun put down her scissors and looked at Sun Yilin carefully. "It's thin and dark, but the spirit is good. The man should go out more as expected."

Sun Yilin smiled, sure enough, his grandmother understood him best. Ancestor

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