After lighting up, what a beautiful celebration.

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The younger children of the Luo family are chasing and frolicking in the courtyard with lanterns. At this time, no one will tell them about the rules and regulations. In fact, the children of the Luo family are not so strict.

And the other owners of the Luo family are also scattered around the courtyard, eating small snacks and chatting slowly. A rare family can be so relaxed.

Jingwan's body tilts slightly, her elbows are on the table and her cheeks are on her side. She looks calm and relaxed. Her eyes pass over the lanterns in her brothers' and sisters' hands, not to mention the beautiful paper and bamboo lanterns, but also the simple grapefruit lamp, pumpkin lamp, watermelon lamp, orange lamp, apple lamp, etc. the so-called grapefruit lamp is to empty and skin the grapefruit Drop the white pulp of the inner layer, leaving only a thin layer, and then carve all kinds of lifelike and exquisite patterns on it. Put on the rope and light the candle inside. The light is light and elegant. Other lights are basically the same way.

Most of these national lanterns are made by ordinary families who have no money to buy flower lanterns for their children. I don't know when they will become popular in rich families, but they are made more exquisite. They just go to the heart, carve on the shell, or they are the most common. There are so many handy lanterns that can be made comparable to flower lanterns.

However, these lamps of Luo's family have not changed their original appearance this time. They just work on the skin. Jingwan had looked carefully before and expressed her admiration for the people who made these lanterns. Instead, they were all masters. But at present, this kind of craftsman is so common that there are basically people in every family.

Eh, jingwan saw a super large wax gourd lamp. Its shape is the most common long cylinder, but it's too big. It's more than one meter long. How thick is it? Maybe an adult can't hold it. Jingwan is a little surprised. Even in the past, it's hard to see such a big wax gourd, right?

Even though the shape of the lamp is horizontal, the shape of the wax gourd has not changed at all. It shows that the flesh of the melon left should be quite thick. The ten-year-old boy is carrying it, and he is very laborious.

The attraction is not only Jing Wan's eyes, but also other Douding.

It's the adults who are all talking to the wax gourd lamp.

Children are curious about strange things. Naturally, they want to take them for themselves. The older ones are just looking at them. The smaller ones don't know what restraint is. They just want to grab them.

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So, it is no surprise that a fight for the winter melon lamp took place.

A group of little Douding started fighting, but the bigger ones knew how to be measured. With the servants watching, they were really angry. They would pull away at the first time, and then the others would enjoy watching the opera.

Jingwan was speechless for a moment. Seeing their respective parents were all excited, he said, "when I was in Qi'an mansion, it didn't happen. Is it a popular new way to love each other?"?

The final result is that the wax gourd lamp was killed. After it became a lamp, it didn't light up. Then there was a whoop of crying in the sky. There was also the juice from the broken wax gourd, which made the Little Pudding dirty. In the process of fighting, the hair was disordered, the clothes were scattered, and it was miserable.

It seems that we have seen enough. Luo Peishan, the eldest parent, waves his hand. OK, the children in each room will carry them away and go back to wash and change clothes.

Don't think you seem to be an old God from the beginning to the end, no one will find out your bad nature, old and unfit.

After the original surprise, sun Yijia couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh. The whole person seemed relaxed and happy. This kind of thing would never happen in the Dingguo mansion. It's really children fighting. The adults behind them can make trouble. The most disgusting thing doesn't have to be out of the sincere maintenance of their children. The child's injury and the child's crying are all Intriguing chips may even be deliberately enlarged.

When the little beans returned one by one, they were clean, and their faces were again hung with innocent smiles.

And the servants have continued to present all kinds of drinking water and wine.

Night began to fall, and the lanterns in the courtyard were lit one by one. From all directions, one lamp after another, jingwan felt that it was a little strange. After all the lights were lit, it was really as beautiful as expected.

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If you look at the sky again, though it is not dark yet, the full moon is already in the sky, and the stars are scattered. There is no cloud in the sky. You can imagine that tonight will be a very good night to enjoy the moon.

When the sky was completely dark, there was a large incense table in the courtyard. There was a sacrifice of fruits and snacks on the table, among which moon cake and watermelon were absolutely indispensable, and the watermelon had to be cut into lotus shape.

The moon cake on the incense table is awarded by Emperor Lecheng. It's very good that the Royal gifts are used to sacrifice the moon. Of course, there is also a specially made reunion moon cake. This head is not small.

In the moonlight, the moon god is placed in the direction of the moon. The red candle burns high, and the whole family's maids worship in turn, starting with Mrs. Luo. Yes, only the female family members participate in it. The man of this gender, from the old to the young, looks at it obediently.

The so-called "men do not worship the moon, women do not sacrifice the stove.".

The moon belongs to the Taiyin, and Chang'e, the goddess of the moon, is a female. Therefore, the female family members can only worship the moon. If a man humbly kowtows, it is the expression of his mind. Correspondingly, according to the folklore, the kitchen god is the male god incarnated by the mythical figures such as Yan Emperor or Zhu Rong. In the era of "men and women are not close to each other", it is against the etiquette to offer sacrifices to them.

What kind of ghost is it? Jing Wan can only be in his heart.

After worshiping the moon, old lady Luo cut the reunion moon cake. As many people as there are in luopeishan's family, including the eldest grandson of Dafang, they are all in the capital. In the past years, Wang's knife will be in the capital, and jingwan's will be in the capital.

However, at this time, Luo Peishan always mentions that he always brings a share of his second brother, Luo Er, who has been a famous scholar for 20 years and is full of peaches and plums all over the world.

It's a technical job to cut mooncakes. Each one should be the same size. However, it seems that this is not difficult for Mrs. Luo. Although the speed is slower, the final result is gratifying. Everyone here took a piece and put the rest on the incense table.

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The family had a good time, but there were also those who were sad in their hearts. For example, the aunts in each room were allowed to come out and get together today. However, no matter it was worship or moon cake, they had no share.

Then, there are people who are embarrassed. That's to say, old lady Luo didn't prepare their share of the moon cake. It seems reasonable, but the treatment is the same as the aunt of the Luo family. No

After eating that small piece of moon cake, everyone sat down and began to have dinner. Of course, this is not a simple evening.

Games, moon watching, dinner, that's three in one.

Of course, the game is only some of the more artistic, such as crossword puzzles, couplets, and dragonflies.

By the way, if you don't get rewards, if you don't get them alive, you'll get a fine.

Osmanthus wine

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, looking up at the middle and sweet osmanthus, smelling the fragrance of osmanthus, drinking a cup of sweet osmanthus wine and celebrating the sweetness and honey of the family is a great life enjoyment.

"This year's osmanthus wine seems to be a little different. How can I feel better than the previous one?" Luo Shangshu's delicate flavor.

"My father didn't know. The wine was sent by the prince of Jin for several years." Luo said.

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If you want to say that this Mid Autumn Festival ceremony is for relatives and friends to prepare, but Prince Jin's handwriting is really a little big, and he sent it, probably equal to the sum of all other people. Because Wang's palm family, the gift list was sent directly to Wang's hand, which happened to be seen by him. It's hard to keep calm as much as possible. It's so rich. How can I return the gift? Old lady Luo doesn't care much. She follows the rules. Oh, in this way, the Luo family has made a lot of money.

"I see." Luo Peishan nodded, "as expected, in the hands of Prince Jin, everything is good."

Other people nodded their heads in line, but they didn't, so this marriage with Prince Jin wasn't totally bad. Therefore, Prince Jin was really as concerned about their girls as he showed, which was the best.

The child didn't eat much to get off the table, and began to go to the nearby pool of ten thousand floating lights. Compared with the flower lights, the fruit lights are naturally more playful.

In this way, it's almost an hour. The elders continue, and the younger generation will be ready to go out to play.

This is definitely not possible on weekdays, but there is no curfew today. You can play all night.

Xiaodouding people watched their brothers and sisters go out. Even if old lady Luo relaxed the conditions for going out this year, she was ten years old. The happiest one was probably the dragon and phoenix born in the fourth house. The first year when she went to Beijing, she just caught up.

Standing outside the gate, you can see the lights everywhere on the wall in front of every house. Though you can't see them further, they seem to light up the night sky, which is like a glass world.

Playing Lantern Festival in the Mid Autumn Festival, there is no large lantern festival, but it also has its own uniqueness.

Almost all families go out at this time, not fast or slow.

Jingwan also began to look forward to Wata lamp.

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