However, jingwan and his family heard that the girl with shallow eyes was dying soon after they returned to Luo's house.

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Jing Wan was shocked. Before that, she was fine. How long ago, she was going to die? Jingwan doesn't believe it. This is the Luo family. The doctor is the government doctor offered by the Luo family. The Gu family can still pretend that she is ill under her eyelids and can't die. What's more, the family will cheat her? So, it's absolutely true.

The aunt and nephew came back early. It's very likely that something happened after she left.

Jingwan thinks about it a little bit. The girl Gu first came to the capital. The people outside didn't hate her. They wouldn't beat her with sacks. They wouldn't be forced to lose their virginity. Otherwise, when the third brother said she had come back, it didn't matter. The most likely thing was that she fell into the river. At present, colds can cause death. Drowning can cause lung infection, high fever and weather change It's cold or cold. It's very possible to kill people.

Jingwan decides to go and have a look. Instead of caring more about each other, she just wants to know what happened.

Just out of the gate, I met Luo Jingbo. Obviously, their destination is the same.

"Third brother, what's the matter, you should know?"

Luo Jingbo twisted his eyebrows, hesitated for a while, and finally told her the story.

Jingwan's feet were full of food. Well, it was really a fall. It was not an accident but a man-made one, or the people who could do this kind of thing without concealing it in full view of the public. That's the living king of Yan and his subordinates. For others, the emperor Laozi was afraid to do it secretly. In feudal society, there was no human rights under the imperial power.

Jing Wan rubbed a little swollen temple.

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When Luo Jingbo saw her like this, he knew that she was kind-hearted and worried about the estrangement between her and Prince Jin. "Little sister, Prince Jin has already seen your face, or it might have been a corpse at that time."

"I know. I'm just worried that he has made too many murders, which is harmful to the morality. It's not good at all." Gu's family disliked her a little, but she didn't want to die. At first, she just wanted to teach Gu a lesson. She didn't want her life, but the lesson was really cruel. As it is now, things are irretrievable. Can Jing Wan still have conflicts with Prince Jin because of her? It's very clear that she is not the Virgin Mary, or Li Hongyuan killed irrelevant people in front of her, and she can't blame him.

When jingwan and their two arrived, in addition to Luo Rongyan, Zhang's and Gu's, Luo's old lady and Wang's were also there.

Wang presided over Zhongfen. The whole family had to ask about everything. Old lady Luo, as the most powerful person in the back house, should come to have a look. But at this time, they were all silent. The doctor prescribed the medicine and pricked the needle. The medicine was also fed to Miss Gu. Whether she could survive or not depends on her own creation.

Gu Zhangshi hugs Gu lianer and cries all the time. Jing Wan's uncle, with red eyes, looks like he is on the edge of rage. Although he doesn't send it out, it seems that he just wants to count it on Locke. "The old lady said nothing. How could she have done it when it didn't happen? My good sister, if she goes out for a visit, she will become like this. There is no such bullying and unreasonable in the Shangshu mansion. If she doesn't give someone an account, she will give up her life and never give up

What kind of person is old lady Luo? Can't you see that this man's eyes are full of calculation? They came to Beijing to take advantage of Luo's family, whether to seek official positions or to achieve other purposes. However, in recent days, Luo Shangshu didn't care about him at all. It's impossible for him not to worry. Now, such a thing happened, which means he's not sure how high he is Xing, with such a handle, you will naturally be able to reap the benefits.

Old lady Luo is indifferent and self-confident. "It's to explain. The old man also needs to know what happened. If it's your sister who did something, the old man has to investigate what you have done to bring the Luo family. My Locke's business is very well done. He will never say "no" to what we are responsible for, but what we are not responsible for will not be wronged by anyone. "

That uncle Gu realized that his attitude was too extreme. He said it hard on his mouth, but he was really against Luo's family. It was no doubt that he killed himself with eggs. "Old lady, I'm also in a hurry. Please forgive me. After all, my father and mother gave my sister to me. But now, let me know how to explain to them..." Said, even choked up.

Brother and sister Jing Wan look at each other outside the door. The acting is also powerful.

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It's no wonder that Gu lianer can raise a girl who cries like that. Her parents are all the best. They have collected the "excellent genes" of both of them, but they are out of blue. However, the time for them to come back is not short. Is it hard for Gu lianer to explain the process clearly?

Old lady Luo is indifferent. She hasn't seen any battles before. She can't be fooled by such tricks. "Since AI and her servant girls are frightened and incoherent, the other children in your family ask again and again. There may be insiders among the children of Luo's family. I believe that they are not all the same as AI's and can't be scared at all. Now I ask them to ask them. They don't know. There are so many people in the Lantern Festival who can always find out what's right and what's wrong Two Chu. " And then they sent people to come over.

For this reason, uncle Gu can't say anything more. Looking at her little sister in bed, she looks unpredictable.

The mother beside old lady Luo hasn't come to the door yet. The two brothers and sisters outside let the servant girl open the curtain and go in one by one. "Grandmother..."

Old lady Luo looked over and nodded. "It's just the right time. Do you know what's going on?"

The two first invited an, and Luo Jingbo narrated it again Grandmother, what is the temper of Prince Jin? Everyone in the whole capital knows who doesn't know, and they rush forward shamelessly. They are just looking for their own way to die. If it's not the relationship between the younger sister, maybe they just fished for the body in the river. And I know that it's the fiance of my younger sister, and I still act like this. It's not disgusting. Let alone the prince Jin, I want to slap her in the river. " Luo Jingbo said, looking at the sleepy little sister Gu, her eyes were cold.

Old lady Luo's face also turned cold

"My cousin was on the side, too. I couldn't make it clear. I couldn't even nod and shake my head."

Uncle Gu's face was blue and white. What he got in trouble with was a prince. Sure enough, he died in vain. He stared at Gu lianer, "is what your cousin said true? Cry what cry, quickly say -- "

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Gu lianer is scared, crying even more pitifully, and nods his head seemingly very hard.

Old lady Luo stood up. "Then there's nothing to say about it. In terms of seniority, your younger sister is still a gentle elder. I have never seen such a shameless thing in my whole life. This niece is pickling to be a concubine for my grandson. It's really a family background. ——The eldest daughter-in-law, arrange someone to send her to Chuang Tzu overnight. Tomorrow is your grandson's full moon. If someone dies at home, it's not bad luck. It's up to her to make her own life. ——Your family will move out of Luo's in three days. Otherwise, don't blame the old man for carelessly sweeping you out of the house. ——Zhang Shi, you'd better draw a line with them, or you'll take the divorce certificate and get out of Luo's house. " Old lady Luo said, and went away directly. It can be seen that there was a real fire.

Wang family and Jing Wan's brother and sister all follow old lady Luo to leave.

Zhang sat there stunned, not knowing what to do.

Luo Rongyan pulled her. "Let's go. What are you doing here?"

Zhang seems to have found the backbone of his heart and grasped his hand tightly, "husband......"

"Go back and talk." He doesn't want to stay in this place. This relative, don't forget it.

Uncle Gu wanted to keep them, but no one paid any attention to him.

After Zhang's marriage, Luo Rongyan is the focus of her life. Her children occupy the corners of her life. Those in her family have a thread involved. If you always maintain a good situation for you and me, you will be safe and sound. But if someone threatens her marriage, then, let alone the married sister, she will be the parents, and she will be able to break the relationship.

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Uncle Gu clenched his fists and stared at the mother and daughter who were still crying. "They are still crying. Look, it's all your good deeds." Eating and living in Luo's house is naturally much better than before. Luo Shangshu didn't say anything. They were also tardy and didn't want to find a house outside, but now they have to find it. After all, it would be too ugly if they really went out the door.

Gu Zhangshi didn't expect this at last. She was a good sister. She could get water from Locke like a fish. That mother-in-law must be soft. Who knows that the prediction is completely wrong. "Can I blame it? It's not all your sister's good deeds. She can think of climbing the dragon and supporting the Phoenix and decorating people and nobles? At the beginning, I said don't take her with me. Now I totally offended the Luo family. Are you satisfied? " Gu Zhangshi is a little hundred flowers outside, not at home.

Gu's face is iron and green. It's true that his daughter has something wrong, but more importantly, his sister has completely angered Mrs. Luo. What they heard most about Mrs. Luo's family was how she loved her third granddaughter.

Therefore, when the Wang family sent someone to take Gu Xiaomei away, their family would like to help people get away. When Wang heard about it, he could not deny it. There are many such selfish people. When they are useful, they are like the bloodsucker. If something goes wrong, they will push others. They would like to die with one kick.

Wang does not have any opinion on Zhang. Wang has known her clearly for a long time.

Gu Xiaomei was sent away like this without causing any disturbance. As for whether she can see it, it depends on whether she can endure it.

The next day, jingwan asked them to come out of the main courtyard and went directly to the big room.

Yu Yao, who refused to go home last night, also followed, saying that she agreed with the daughter of the fourth room most. I don't know if Luo Qi followed jingwan like a little tail when she was in Qi'an mansion. She was deeply influenced by jingwan.

The Little Wang family has a month. He cleans up. The whole person is not plump. After all, when he is pregnant with a child, he is not good. His spirit is good. I was very happy to see jingwan and them coming.

Jingwan and their children saw each other just after they came back. It's only a few days. It seems that they've grown a little longer. They really do. Because when I was born, I was a little skinny and took care of myself very carefully. Now I look at the fat and white man with big round eyes and clear eyes. Jing Wan estimates it

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