How can I turn to Prince Jin? Well, jingwan also admits that Prince Jin's big flag is very easy to use, and she should be happy to use it for herself. Grandma is right. When you need it, you don't have to use it for nothing.

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When she returned to the west garden, sun Yijia sat beside her grandmother, a little restless. She often looked at the direction of the stairs behind her. She did not listen to a word, let alone watch the grand opera of the stage. Seeing jingwan and old lady Luo appear, they stand up and walk a little faster. "Grandma, sister wan..."

Old lady Luo nodded and left on her own.

Jingwan also knew that she was in a hurry, so she said it in her ear.

Sun Yijia slightly enlarged his eyes, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, "grandma is powerful."

Jing Wan laughs but doesn't speak. Well, she thinks so, too.

The people here are all human spirits. When old lady Luo left, old lady sun sent someone to call sun Yijia to her side, and she realized what might have happened to Luo's family. But now she can laugh so happily. Maybe it's no big problem. After a look, she doesn't pay attention to any other family. The whole capital and backyard are not empty.

Jingwan settled down with sun Yijia and began to shuttle among the ladies with ease. This pulled her to say two sentences, and that pulled her to boast two sentences. Although he can cope with it completely, his face is going to be stiff with a smile. He is not really happy with it. He is tired not only of his face, but also of his heart. Jingwan feels that those who are born with a smiling face on the corner of his mouth will be a great weapon in this situation. However, those who are sad are likely to be pointed out by thousands of people, so don't envy them.

Fortunately, fortunately, when jingwan felt that she could not support herself, the table finally opened.

In the same way, many adults came to Luo's house after they went to Yamen.

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Although there are still a lot of things left on the table, especially the women's seats in the backyard, they are also the guests and the hosts. Except for some small flaws, all others are perfect.

After the guests left one after another, Zhou yingshuang, as the admirer, and several other secretaries helped to see them off. They also brought yuan Qiaoqiao with them intentionally or unintentionally. Of course, there was Luo Jingyou, the younger sister who was not regarded by jingwan at all. Jingwan thought that Luo Jingyou's temper was timid and dull, and she thought that after sun Yijia married, she would be helped by the elder sister-in-law of the second room During the training, sun Yijia didn't take her for much time. More than that, the mammy around Sun Yijia was teaching Luo Jingyou. In a few months, it was quite effective, at least in the face of people. By the time we start to discuss family members next year, we probably won't worry about our mother-in-law's family at all.

Aunt Ji is grateful for jingwan at this point. Knowing that jingwan doesn't like her aunt, she never takes the initiative to get in front of her. She usually helps Zhang run the second room. Now she doesn't want any sons. She has a thorough understanding. As long as her two daughters don't get rejected by their legitimate sisters, they can't be worse in the future.

Three girls probably don't like the brothers and sisters who came out of the commons, but they don't like their identity. They don't have a bad feeling for themselves. If they don't provoke her, she won't do anything to them. When necessary, she will help them. In order not to bring her children, aunt Ji has become invisible in Luo Rongyan. Aunt Ping, who gave birth to her son, has always been a season in this respect Aunt Ma Shoushou, in the whole second room are invisible people.

When the eldest princess was about to leave, the eldest princess of Yuyao asked jingwan to take her to play for two days. The eldest princess of Yuyao was not the youngest in the eldest princess mansion, but had a high rank. Moreover, because her mother didn't see her sister-in-law, even if there were only one or two years younger than her, she couldn't play together. Yu Yao is a little mischievous and mischievous sometimes. In fact, she doesn't cause any harm. However, her nieces and sisters in law regard her as a little mischievous devil. Yuyao is not willing to take care of them.

The eldest princess looked at the girls in front of her kindly, "you are all good children. You have a chance to play with jingwan in the eldest princess's mansion." This is to love the house and the Ukraine, but also disguised support.

Some of the girls were flattered and hurriedly thanked.

The eldest princess asked Jing Wan again.

In the end, there are basically relatives and friends of the Luo family. Even if Mrs. sun didn't stay much, she was the only one who came to Luo's house today. Other people in Dingguo mansion were directly banned by her. According to her, she knew that sun Yijia was very good at Luo's house, which was enough.

Jingwan and Jiji ceremony are so grand, which is enough for some people to talk about for a while.

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In other words, Prince Rui and his concubine just returned to the prince's residence, they were told by the servants that the concubine Ying had a stomachache.

Princess Rui looks at Prince Rui and sees that she doesn't change her color and doesn't say much.

Prince Rui didn't want to answer, but he thought of something. "Is she only a little younger than Miss Luo?"

"It's just like a small day." Said Princess Rui.

"One day? Only for one day, living under the same roof, having the same surname and eating the same food, but one is in the sky, the stars hold the moon, the other is underground, betraying the relatives. " Prince Rui seemed to talk to himself. Obviously, the greater the gap between Luo Jingying and Jing Wan, the deeper his reluctance. "She doesn't know it's her third sister and Ji Li. Just send someone to tell her that she is happy for her third sister."

Happy? It's going to be crazy, right! How to say are still pregnant, how to say are your children, your heart, ruthless to this point? I'm not afraid to do so many things. In the future, no children will devote themselves to this family? "The LORD said that I would let you talk to yingshiqie. She didn't see it with her own eyes, so she must be sorry. If you talk to her carefully, maybe you can have some consolation."

"Well." This is the most satisfying place for Ruiqin princess. She always thinks what he thinks and works with him.

Li Hongming is not a broad-minded person, no matter how gentle and courteous he is to the outside world. Otherwise, he will not do such a thing. This is just a way for the house to fight against people. It's really a bit offensive for a man who tries to control the world to do such a thing.

However, Princess Rui didn't show her mind at all. She probably guessed Li Hongming's mind and saw the outstanding girl Luo San. Compared with Ying's concubine, she thought she was cheated. Maybe she thought that if it wasn't for Luo Jingying to seduce him, it might be another scene today. If she couldn't help it, she would have lost her body before marriage. How could she be a concubine to Luo Home control is better than it is. But I don't want to think about it. If he didn't take over the girl's body, Luo Shangshu would let his granddaughter be your concubine?

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The most innocent one is the child. The shameless father thinks that his mother is mean and ungrateful. Such a father is even more dispensable for its existence. If he throws such a baby, he will probably have eight lives of bad luck.

There are many talented people around Rui's princess. She orders her mother at will. But this mammy has a feud with Luo Jingying. When Luo Jingying was favored, she severely shaved her face. She confessed that she always had a good face in front of the princess. Her face was just like killing her mother and robbing her son. She didn't forget to die. During this period of time, she had no trouble secretly looking for Luo Jingying. However, Luo Jingying didn't suffer much from the meat in her stomach. Now, however, she With a chance to be aboveboard, I found a kind of eloquent and mean father. In a word, I went to those people and asked her to tell concubine Ying in detail.

The woman understood, took advantage, clapped her chest and assured her that she would be satisfied.

Obviously, I didn't see it with my own eyes. With basic things, infinite exaggeration, and vivid words, it seems that the scene is worthy of the emperor's praise. It was originally a leak, but it is about Luo jingwan. Her biggest rival, from birth, was doomed to be in trouble. Naturally, she's not good, so I'll be relieved. When she's good, I'll be thunderstruck !

I will never have my own hairpin ceremony in my life, let alone the boundless scenery, which is admired by countless people and piled up with precious gifts. I can easily hold myself and practice myself, and hold her in the hands of people who have great power over my life and death. I can't get anything I can, but I have to be careful when I come across her, and I have to worry about whether she likes it or not, why or why Why? Roar, shout, question, but never get the answer.

Luo Jingying, who had been tempered, was furious, smashed all the things in the room, hurt herself and didn't know it. Because anger attacked her heart, causing severe pain in her lower abdomen, she felt a rush of heat flowing from her lower body. Luo Jingying turned pale, hugged her stomach until she cried out, and the blood quickly dyed her dress red

The people who serve her have not seen her go crazy, nor have they seen her go red for the first time, but the child has always been fatally big. It's OK to take two doses of birth control medicine, which gives people the illusion that she has a stable fetus and no trouble. But this time, it's not the same as before. So much blood, nine out of ten, the child is

The people were scared out of their wits. At the beginning, the man who was angry with Luo Jingying was still proud. Now, his legs and stomach were shaking. He slipped out of the chaos, but his heart was beating very hard. It was over. It was over. It was over. There was a blank in his mind. The only idea left was this.

When Princess Rui heard that Luo Jingying had asked a doctor again, she didn't look up. It was expected. But this time, Princess Rui didn't take long. The servant girl came to report with trembling. Princess Rui didn't wait for her to say it, but she thought it would be better. She got up and hurried to go.

As soon as she stepped into the room, the servant immediately knelt down. Princess Rui felt her legs were soft and her head was dizzy.

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The doctor came out of the room and asked Princess Rui directly, "little incompetence, Princess forgive me."

Rui's concubine fixed her mind and kneaded the swollen and painful temples. "How about Ying's concubine?"

"It's not good to go back to the princess. She's in a coma."

"Did the child fall down?"

"Back to the princess, the baby is still in the stomach."

"Then quickly prescribe a dose of medicine, drop the child down, drop it clean, and give her a good look. Don't drop the root of the disease, which will affect future fertility."


The doctor hurriedly prescribed prescriptions, took the medicine, decocted it, and then poured it down to Luo Jingying who was in a coma.

Princess Rui has been sitting outside, waiting for people who have not said they are going away and have not been served until the medicine is infused

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