The bright red moon silk, with gold embroidered edge and hard silk on both shoulders, spreads like petals layer by layer, inclines down along the shoulder, and the middle part of the front meets under the belt between the chest and abdomen, as well as the wide sleeve skirt. It depicts six nine sky flying phoenixes in gold, which is exquisite, beautiful and lifelike. It looks like it will fly from the clothes at any time. The precious gold, accompanied by the gorgeous red moon, looks like It's like a bridal dress of flowing clouds in the sky. The arm curve is covered with a very soft and thin scarlet Shaling yarn. Behind it, it goes down the bridal dress and overlaps with more than three feet of the moon on the ground. Her waist is tied with three pure gold phoenix belts, which are folded and buckled to outline her exquisite body.

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Jingwan's hands are naturally overlapped in front of her abdomen. Her clear and bright eyes, long eyelashes, delicate makeup and lips are not that strong red, dark pink, but tender and beautiful. She has a slight smile, even if not the most beautiful color. At this moment, it gives people a feeling that the world is so beautiful.

Even though a wedding dress is only red and gold, it's gorgeous and unusual. I don't know whether it's the clothes that set off jingwan's temperament or whether jingwan has propped up the elegance of the clothes. Maybe it complements each other. It's a unique wedding dress belonging to jingwan.

The output of Yuehua silk is very small. There has never been a big red before. However, the wedding dress is only worn once by a woman. Because it's the only one, it's very precious. But it's also because only once, probably no one will waste the best things, probably never thought about it. Li Hongyuan did.

It takes a lot of manpower to specially spin a piece of red moon silk and gold thread for embroidery.

So, Li Hongyuan just tried his best to give Jing Wan the best, even once.

Madame Quanfu put on the Phoenix crown for jingwan, which is made of pure gold. It is divided into two parts, the front and the back. The top of the head is connected with several gold twigs and clasps. In the front part, the middle part is a peony, which is not a very realistic shape, but is similar to relief. Two flying phoenix heads are like holding the Peony from the inside, extending outward gracefully. There are several tassels at the front end, and gold pearls with rice grains at the bottom, hanging in front of their forehead.

Jingwan, who is thoroughly dressed, looks so beautiful.

Not to mention relatives and friends, old lady Luo and jingwan's grandmother are very satisfied with jingwan's dress. A woman's pursuit is not much. She has a phoenix crown, ten li of red makeup, and even is regarded as the greatest honor by many women.

Jingwan and her grandmother have no feelings and are not close to each other. However, jingwan's intimacy with old lady Luo makes him envious. How could he not have such a smart and well-trained granddaughter? Naturally, jingwan is also sorry for her estrangement due to objective reasons. It's my stupid daughter, how could she have such a delicate and sweet child? But I don't have anything to do with her. It's just a piece of shit.

Zhang was very pleased with this, but he was beaten back to his original form by the saying "I'm not close to you".

Some people are satisfied, some people are dissatisfied, more jealous, how can the same person have different lives? Otherwise, just this dowry, it is also valuable and marketable, you may have its own money, you can't touch it.

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Gongs and drums are loud and firecrackers are blaring, which also heralds the arrival of welcome sedan chair.

Luo's family hides the gate "car gate" and starts to open it after it is stuffed with rich enough red envelopes.

The sedan car is parked with the door facing out, and the child pressing the sedan car comes down from the sedan car.

Later, as soon as Wang held the burning red candle and the mirror in his hand, he began to "search the sedan chair" and take a look at the sedan chair to drive out the ghosts who had disappeared in the sedan chair, so as to avoid any misfortune.

In order to meet his relatives, Li Hongyuan found a small half of the young talents in the whole capital, who were good at writing and martial arts. He got 80 li of volcano and 800 li of fire.

At this moment, Luo's family hasn't started to block the door. Several makeup poems have been read out in cadence.

Luo's door blocker was caught by surprise. This is the rhythm to be led by the other party's nose? This can't be tolerated. They are the gatekeepers. They should decide the rules!

You should know that there are many people standing in the gate of Luo's family, and their quality is also excellent. Not only are the young masters of Luo's family calling friends, but also Luo Shangshu. In order to be difficult, he has made a pig of his own water, soul, jade and cabbage, but he has asked for help. In this way, these two groups of people are just needle to wheat.

If you leave aside the red and fiery atmosphere around you, it's an extraordinary top-level literary fight feast.

Li Hongyuan's red clothes are naturally the same source as jingwan's clothes. In fact, the first beautiful man is the first beautiful man. Even if he controls red, it's still true.

Jingwan's clothes at the shoulder collar are quite similar, but the hard silk stretches parallel to the shoulder. On the clothes, auspicious clouds and golden dragons look like buckles and waist seals. The purple gold crown on the head is replaced by a red jade crown, which is inlaid with such a large gold pearl.

At the end of it, you are tall and straight, beautiful and extraordinary.

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Because it's a day of great happiness, Li Hongyuan's rare patience is good, but it's also limited, because some people are too devoted and excited to "fight" and seem to forget what the occasion is now.

Li Hongyuan stepped forward and stood between the two groups of people. The original battle between the two groups ended abruptly. He looked at each other. Some people even counseled each other and quietly retreated a few steps. He reflected on whether he had just gone too far. In other words, did he want to die or not to stop the living king from getting married? But today, such a day, he should not remember revenge, right?

The people who helped Li Hongyuan meet his relatives looked at each other. OK, they worked so hard just now, but it didn't work as well as this one. In other words, with Prince Jin's momentum, we can marry our daughter-in-law home without their help? Well, in that way, it may not be called marriage, but a proper marriage!

Well, it's almost the same. Let's get out of the way earlier. It takes courage to face the pressure of living Yama.

But at this time, a man and a woman, two little guys, came out from behind the adults and stood in front of Li Hongyuan. Crisscross called "brother-in-law". Maybe it's because he's a child. Li Hongyuan's face is softer. His reputation is a bit rotten, but he's not "famous" among children. People with good looks are born to take advantage.

In this way, the two children looked up at him with small faces, not frightened.

However, the appearance of the two children made people realize that it was Luo Shangshu's descendants who were just as "treacherous" as he was. No matter how insane the living king of hell was, he might not "start" on the children, let alone the younger brother and sister of the bride. Sure enough

Li Hongyuan reached back and put several red envelopes in his hands.

Li Hongyuan didn't look at how many of them. He divided them into two parts and handed them.

This time, many people are very angry. Those who have just got red envelopes have seen them. They are either gold or silver tickets. They are all two tickets with a face value of 100. Imagine that if there are more red envelopes with gold tickets, it is a windfall. I've never seen such a big "knock fee".

"Thank you brother-in-law." The two children said in unison, and then the girl continued, "although she got the red seal of her brother-in-law, she still can't make way for her brother-in-law. She needs to answer a few questions first."

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Li Hongyuan didn't really like children, but today, with some exceptions, nodded, "OK."

"We like three sisters. They are married by their brother-in-law. What do we do if we think about her?"

"You can go to see her at will."

"Grandma loves her three sisters the most. What should she do if she thinks about her three sisters?"

"Your three sisters can come back to see her at any time."


"From time to time, you can go to the palace to stay, and your three sisters can come back to stay." Li Hongyuan is not light but heavy.

"Alas? Isn't it said that a married girl can't go back to her mother's house at will? It's against the rules. "

"On this issue, what Ben Wang said is the rules."

Very good, this is Li Hongyuan, very alive Yan Wang. Other men can't say such words. At home, they have no right to speak when they are grandchildren.

Naturally, these words were spread to the backyard, and many people were kind to make fun of jingwan.

Jing Wan sits on the bed smiling but not talking. In fact, this kind of words is not beyond her expectation. In this respect, it seems that she has a little inexplicable confidence. Who gives her confidence? It's the man who wants to marry her.

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"Prince Jin is very kind to his cousin. However, it's the most surprising that he, as a nobleman in heaven, actually greets his cousin in person."

Jing Wan glanced at her faintly. What's the matter with this girl who has not given up? Always come out from time to time brush existence, but not brush good feeling, but brush bad feeling.

Other people in the room also looked at the past. Looking at this little sister Gu's eyes, they were a little delicate. In the eyes, they said: "where is the brain damage coming out?"? In the world, there is only one person who does not need to greet his relatives personally, that is, the son of God. Even so, he will arrange a grand honor guard to greet his relatives. Besides, what about the prince? Unless the wife and his family are not in the eye from the beginning, or even extremely despised, and there is no fear of how to dare to do so openly if they offend. Ordinary people, that's brain drain.

Gu Xiaomei blushed and lowered her head. She seemed to be at a loss.

Ah, jingwan chuckled. She felt that this one was not shamed, but excited - so watched, just "enjoying", and didn't realize the real meaning of people's eyes.

"Qiao Qiao, last time you stopped the door for me, hurry up, and help Jing Wan to stop the door. Feng is courting for a mate."

Yuan Qiaoqiao was stunned at first. He didn't know how the fire burned on her head. Then he understood. He crossed his waist with his hands and said, "No." How can she stop the king of hell and return the Phoenix to seek a mate?

Everyone else covered their mouths and laughed.

However, for a moment, the sound of Qin came from the outside of the child. It wasn't the Phoenix courting for a mate, or even any piece of music they knew well. However, although there was a lot of sentimental noise, there were many other things. They were domineering, irresistible, and straight to the heart

Jingwan was a little distracted, maybe because she played it specially for her, even though the sound expressed a kind of relatively illusory mood, she and Li Hongyuan did a time of zhongziqi and Boya. Can give her a day, give her everything she wants, the only requirement is that she never give up?! ——Do you know what kind of commitment you have given?

"I didn't want to, Jin Qin

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