Jing Wan hurriedly helps Luo Jingying, who is soft to the ground, and holds her bleeding forehead with a pad. "Call the doctor, hurry up! ——You silly girl, what can't you say? Why do you want to die? "

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Luo Jingying leans against jingwan's arms, and seems to feel no pain at all. Her eyes are gray and she has a weak voice. "However, I can't live any longer. I have nothing left. You don't want me anymore. That place is not for people, it's a devil's den. Even a sweeping maid can bully me. I miss you and think of you everyday, but everyone comes to have a look I The teardrop fell down.

"I'm not good, I'm not good, you're good to live, I often go to see you in the future, OK?" Seeing her like this, Jing Wan was so soft hearted that she couldn't be indifferent. "Even if you quarrel with me, it doesn't matter if you quarrel with me. Anyway, you can't talk about me. It's you who are furious every time."

Luo Jingying smiled farfetched, "yes, it's me who finds fault every time. It's me who suffers the loss at last. I always think that you are the worst person in the world and the most annoying person. Actually, it's not bad now."

"Yes, whatever you say. When you're ready, you can say anything. ——How come the doctor hasn't arrived yet. " Jingwan finds that she is more and more powerless in her hands, her pupils are also dilating, her limbs are slightly twitching, and her attention begins to be distracted. "Four sisters, four sisters, look at me, don't sleep, don't sleep..."

"Before I die, if I can 'win' you once, I can die in peace."

"You won't die, you won't, you hold on, you hold on..." Jing Wan was very anxious, and faced with the helplessness of a living life disappearing gradually, "four younger sisters..."

"Three elder sisters, are you going to cry?" Luo Jingying seems to have found something strange. "You are really soft hearted. I'll change it into you. Seeing the situation now, I can't help clapping my hands. It's worth it, so am I. Three elder sisters, so sleepy... "

"Four sisters, don't sleep. Don't sleep."

"Princess, why don't you take yingshiqie to the room first?"

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"No, no, three elder sisters, I feel uncomfortable. It's more uncomfortable to move. Talk to me and talk to me."

"Well, it depends on you, it depends on you. Tell me what you want to say."

"I hate being called concubine Ying. I hate it..."

"Well, no, no one is allowed to call in the future. Who dares to ask me to help you clean him up?" Jingwan assured her.

Other people don't think much, but Princess Liu, Prince of Rui, has followed the people who serve them. That's what makes her face wonderful. But Li Hongyuan, the living king of hell, was standing nearby. Prince Rui was afraid to say anything, because he peeped at his daughter-in-law. The fire was not over yet. If he did anything, he would add fuel to the fire.

Prince Rui only wishes that Luo Jingying would die quickly. Although there is no evidence for what she said, if it is spread, it will have a great impact on him. Other brothers will surely grasp this point.

He only hated, how to listen to Luo Jingying's words, how to believe that she will try to restore the relationship with Luo jingwan, so as to bring the Luo family closer. As a result, this bitch dare to do this. It's really time for her to die.

has the final say in what Prince Luo Jingying is, and is behoove him. He is the master of life and death. He is in control of his hands, and is like the rest of his backyard. He can fight and fight, but he will be unanimously consistent. So when he says that he wants to save the relationship between Luo family, he has no idea of anything wrong, but it is a means of competition. He is advantageous, why not? When he comes out, she will be a coquettish figure obsessed with her if she is gentle. Therefore, he is so conceited that he thinks women are like this.

But that's it. All year round, I've been pecked by the eagle!

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These men will never know how crazy a woman is when she revenges. When she has nothing, she hates you and will protect your face?

It's a lot more arrogant men who keep this "naive" idea. ——Male supremacy and imperial supremacy mean that women have no ability to resist? It's just a girl who is absolutely helpless. Luo Jingying is not

"Three elder sisters, children, those children didn't have on the day of you and Ji Li, they sent people to brag about your and Ji Li duolong's greatness. They know that I hate you the most. They specially stimulate me. My children, my children, have become the type, and the last one belongs to me, then it's gone. However, if it's gone, I may not be able to protect him. It's just that tiger poison doesn't eat. He doesn't have a son yet. He can do such things. Do you think he's a fool or something? "

"Bitch -" Li Hongming couldn't help it any more. He wanted to rush up and strangle Luo Jingying.

Li Hongyuan stretched out his legs to hold him, then swept his hands horizontally, grabbed him by the neck, then turned around behind him, cut him back with one arm, and kicked him in the knee bend, so that Li Hongming would kneel on one knee, and his head would soon be pressed to the ground.

Princess Liu jumped up in surprise, but she couldn't do anything but watch and dare not go forward.

At this moment, several other people were led in by Duke mu, who was surprised to see the scene. However, those who had feud with Li Hongming were particularly gloating at it. Their brothers, in other aspects, had nothing to do with how to fight. But they were basically doing things before the age of 16. After the age of 16, they were very few Li Hongyuan has suffered losses in his hands, but he has only been kicked one or two feet. As he is now, he has not been forced to kneel on the ground. It's not just a matter of losing face, it's a disgrace.

"Li Hongyuan -" Prince Rui was furious.

Luo Jingying's head was very painful and dizzy, and her consciousness began to be lax. However, it seemed that because of Li Hongming's rage, she chuckled, "he is still a coward, and he is really stupid. How could he be confused by this kind of man's appearance? As expected, you can't be too greedy. It's even more foolish to climb the dragon and follow the Phoenix. "

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Jingwan only thinks that every minute and every second is very hard now. Doctor, why hasn't the doctor arrived yet?

"Three elder sisters, please do one thing, please..."

"You say, you say."

"I want to go home. I want to go back to Luo's house. Don't get involved with that man again when I die. Otherwise, I will die with my eyes closed..."

"OK, let's ask him to write a book about how to put concubines. Then I'll take you home and take you back to Luo's house..."

"Thank you, sister three, thank you Xie... Before I die, I can still see my family. I'm very happy, really, very happy... "

"Four younger sisters, don't, don't die. When I get back to Luo's house, I'll help you with the hairpin ceremony and find you a good family again, you will have your own children. Believe me, believe me Four sisters... "

Luo Jingying's lips are wriggling and her mouth is open, but she seems to be speechless. Her eyes close slowly, but tears still roll out from the corner of her eyes.

"Princess, here comes the doctor, here comes the doctor..."

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The doctor looked younger than the Luo family, but he was also in his early fifties. In a word, the king's mansion of Jin Dynasty has a large territory. However, more than 90% of them are occupied by Li Hongyuan, the overlord dragon. Other people live in a relatively remote place. They can't destroy the pattern of the royal mansion because of the place they live. No, so even if the doctor comes here with news, he still runs regardless of his image, It also took a lot of time.

The doctor's pulse was thumping in his heart, "hurry up, send someone to the room, and I will give her a needle."

This time, the servant girl did not delay any more. She hurried forward and sent Luo Jingying back to the house.

Just because some legs are numb, Jing Wan, who had been squatting, sits on the ground like that, looking a little lost.

Li Hongyuan pushed Li Hongming away. "Get out of the way." Drink the servant girl who wants to help Jing Wan up. Reach out and wrap her up directly.

Jingwan reached out and hugged Li Hongyuan's shoulder and neck, buried his head in his neck side, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't like her, and sometimes I wish someone could clean her up. However, I didn't think of her death. She used to hate returning to hate, but she didn't really do anything harmful. I didn't think about her dying, really... "

Li Hongyuan didn't know what to say at this time. There was a reason why he intervened when he sent Luo Jingying to Ruiqin palace. Even now, Luo Jingying died, but he didn't want to see jingwan sad.

"Ayan, let me down."

Li Hongyuan did what she said.

Jingwan stands still and looks at Prince Rui. "Prince Rui, let me write. Today's business is over. Don't write..."

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