There are more than 30 or 40 Jiren in the house, and more than half of them are willing to be sent out. Apart from jingwan, there are five. On average, there are still three left in one person. Of course, this is jingwan's ideal state. Jing Wan knows that this is what she really said. She doesn't want to explain it properly. According to their private thoughts, she probably doesn't want any of them.

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However, the number of people who want to leave is still a little beyond jingwan's expectation. Most of the beauties have the ambition to conquer men and climb to the top? Or is her reputation too low? Well, it should be that ninety-nine percent of the mistresses have a low reputation in the heart of foxes. They never think that any mistress will accept them sincerely and magnanimously. Their beauty is the original sin. As women, the mistress will only be jealous and hateful, and will not appreciate them.

In this case, jingwan can roughly guess, and then, just like that, can she sit down and hold those people's hands and talk? Ha ha, that's really a joke.

Although today's good sister-in-law has become a "pioneer", she will not be too cheap.

In such a calculation, jingwan felt that these sisters in law, she almost all offended light, there is such a worry about losing.

There are nearly twenty beauties who are fat and thin. They are arranged in a row. The royal residence of Jin is rich. They are specially for people to see. Naturally, they are more well dressed. At this time, they have been specially dressed, which is even more colorful and extremely beautiful.

Some people's eyes would like to stick to them, while others would like to pick their skin and cramp them. They are dignified, virtuous and even "smiling". The hand in the sleeve has already been clenched. The deep eyes are more like hardened poison. In the heart, it can not be said that the words such as flatterer and inferior hoof are flying together.

"It's just the so-called order of growing up and growing up, sister-in-law. You should choose first." The ninth princess said with a smile. Hurry up, the most beautiful to choose, and choose the more the better, do not mind the end of the remaining "crooked melon split jujube.".

"If we want to talk about the order of growing up and growing up, shouldn't we be the first to choose?" Prince Kang seems to be reserved, but his eyes are not very close, and his tone is a little anxious.

"What does it have to do with you that Princess Wang gave to her sister-in-law and sister-in-law? Wait until you marry the stepprincess. "

Prince Kang's face is black, and he has never considered this at all. In his opinion, what is given to the princess is not given to their brothers, but their women are named. Now, Li Hongyuan slaps them in the face.

"That said, Prince Kang will soon marry his stepwife. Now he will take people back to his wife. When she passes the door, she will give them to her." Since you can't wait, take it, take it all.

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Jingwan looks up at the sky, blue as wash, so beautiful, but jingwan's mood is a little sad. Alas, before she became a sister-in-law, she offended the Minister of the Ministry of works.

My husband is a master who holds the hatred of the whole world properly. I want to follow his example.

Jing Wan glanced at Li Hongyuan and wondered if he had deliberately done so to isolate himself from the outside world? Just opposite Li Hongyuan's four eyes, it gives people an illusion that he is looking at you all the time, and you can see his tender and tender eyes when you look back. Jingwan feels that her cheek is a little hot, and she looks away without trace. Then, her suspicion is also thrown out of the sky.

Prince Kang is embarrassed by Li Hongyuan, but he really wants to say "no" forcefully. However, one of the beauties has been staring at him for a long time. The more he can't eat, the more greedy he will be. It's impossible to say that there won't be a shop in this village. Therefore, he puts down his anger and rarely has any grumpiness.

Once in a while, she is not impulsive or rash. The reason is that if a woman is known by the queen, she does not know what expression to make.

The empress has been competitive and ambitious all her life. This son may be her biggest loser. She is good at controlling, but sometimes she is very stupid. She always makes troubles and catches people off guard. To be honest, empress sun thinks that if Li Hongming is her own son, then, no matter in the court or in the harem, there is anything else about Princess su. So, Prince Kang A lot of times people are eager to rebuild him.

Then, Prince Kang politely ordered the person he wanted, and then he wanted the second one

"Big brother, everything is enough." The next brother reminded him chilly.

Prince Kang reluctantly put away the idea of continuing to select people.

The people Prince Kang chose to leave may not be the dishes of others. These beauties have their own advantages. It's hard to say what's the first and the second. Therefore, there won't be a situation where several brothers fight for one.

Several princesses, under the great pressure of their husbands, originally wanted to choose the one who was the least brilliant. However, comparing these foxes with their backyard seems to be the least brilliant, and slightly better than them. In this way, it's better to choose the "good" one. Maybe they can also win the hearts of the good.

Jingwan sees their struggles in her eyes. To be honest, there is no pressure on them. There are only five princesses. They are given to her by these people. They are really just for her. They spend their boring time when they are free. Therefore, my husband's health is not good. To some extent, it is not a bad thing.

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In jingwan's view, choosing a beauty for her husband is actually a little like choosing a junior for her husband by her wife. In order to please her husband, she has to be generous, choose a beautiful one, and choose the one that threatens her the most in the future. If she doesn't love, it's OK. If she loves deeply, it's torture.

As the leader of this matter, Jing Wan felt very ungrateful.

Jing Wan glanced at Li Hongyuan again, with a cold face, and had no feelings about it.

Jing Wan is discouraged. Forget it, he is still in the dark zone where light and dark intersect. How can he sympathize with others.

In the end, this kind of selection, one by one, is really even. What about one?

Prince Gong will be hated to death. Jingwan is not much better.

"The last one, I will do my best..."

"Give me the last one. I don't go out often. It's really boring in the mansion." The five princesses said with a smile.

"Naturally, I won't compete with my five younger brothers and sisters, but," Prince Kang's eyes turned to jingwan, "my six younger brothers and sisters are so mean that they can hide the best." There is a saying that the heart of the people is not enough to swallow the elephant. Prince Kang is such a person. If possible, he even wants to get a round. He has got three, but he still thinks about those who haven't come out.

"The best, of course, is for yourself. It's not a great pleasure to be surrounded by beauties and enjoy dancing and listening to music." Jing Wan said with a smile.

-- so, even if she sends people out, she dare not do it. The most flattering thing is still in her hands. In this way of thinking, I feel more balanced. When I look at jingwan, I feel less hatred.

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Jingwan didn't know what they were thinking, or she would not be able to laugh or cry. This logic is also a bit strange.

What she said is a big truth. How can it be distorted.

However, there is a personal letter, but also distorted. Li Hongyuan thought that it really should be dealt with completely. Who cares if they are willing to leave? What's the meaning of surrounding his daughter-in-law all day long? It's really a wrong decision to cultivate wan wan to relieve her boredom. How could Wan Wan be bored with her own existence?

Come empty handed and return with a big gift. Should you be happy or unhappy?

The expression on Jing Wan's face was lighter when he sent away those people who were at the top of the pyramid.

"What's the matter?" Li Hongyuan reached for Jing Wan and said, "are you tired? In the future, they will not be allowed to enter. "

A lot of times, Jing Wan is really helpless and speechless to this man, "and nothing to do, where will be tired."

Jing Wanding looks at him. Is it true that male supremacy is the most important thing? Can women's feelings be so recklessly squandered and their hearts be crushed? Are they really not afraid of retribution one day? However, it's funny to think about retribution. Let alone they never think they are wrong. Even if they are wrong, they will not care about retribution.

"We are husband and wife. What can't you tell me?" Li Hongyuan brushed her face.

Jing wandun said, "well, it's his married wife. How could she be so shameless, even if she pretended not to be. Such abomination! " Around Li Hongyuan's neck, his fingers rubbed on his back neck, opened his hands, pinched him on his back neck, inexplicably breeding a rage, trying to break this man's neck.

Li Hongyuan naturally understood jingwan's meaning, and how could she not feel jingwan's mood change. After all, she was not like them. Her mood was not so easy to cover up, and her heart became more and more possessive of him, which was a good phenomenon. However, he didn't do anything sorry for her, so he wanted to kill him, which was not good.

"They are the emperor's sons. They don't have the constraints of the family in law. Naturally, they do everything for granted. It's just a few playthings. How can they worry about it? Even if they poke it to the father and the emperor, they will probably be criticized as making a fuss and have no bearing."

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"So, the Lord is so unbridled." Jing Wan said in a light voice, in fact, there was a cold that she didn't realize.

"They have nothing to do with me, nothing to do with me but you. I will not... "

Jingwan covered his mouth with a hand. "The cruelest thing is to give a promise and hope and crush them with your own hands. How many vows and pledges can survive the years? It's good to have a few years. "

Li Hongyuan didn't say anything. He kneaded Jing Wan into his arms and kissed him.

It's still in the yard. There are not only close attendants, but also other servants in the house. It's just like saying that we should be together. Is it like saying, like saying? Anyway, Li Hongyuan doesn't care what she looks like. Jing Wan doesn't care about others at the moment. She's in a bit of a bad mood at the moment, so rules and other things are all left behind.

Meet such a master, the most embarrassing is the people around, all hurried to hide away.

Because of jingwan's response, Li Hongyuan was directly provoked to anger, and directly picked up jingwan, and went directly back to the main courtyard, and directly into the bedroom. The people who had stayed in the main courtyard were so shocked that they quickly withdrew.

It's not that I haven't done it in the daytime. It's not in the daytime when I first have intimate contact.

Jing Wan has no scruples at this time.

They were in the dark in the room, seemingly forgetting all the important things, and mourning for Luo Jingying, who was still sleeping for two seconds.

Liu family came to Jin's royal residence,

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