"Well, solo is not as good as all the others." Jing Wan is quite frank. This is her purpose. Why do anyone take it for granted and take the wife's people as their own, or even think that it is for them.

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In fact, jingwan would like to ask them how big their faces are.

However, her candor, in the eyes of some people has become shameless, dare to do not dare, clearly is his jealousy, but also to find a good name for himself. As expected, he is used to pretending like the bitch su.

"In this way, Princess Jin can't be one of them. How can she lose Princess Rui?"

-- don't you boast that you are a good mother-in-law? You didn't even put a barrier on your son. Now, if you don't stop it, you will fight yourself. If you stop it, what will you do if you send it to other people?

Who is Princess Su? It's just as ugly to her for this little measurement? Ha ha "It's true that the sixth daughter-in-law can't be so kind as to leave your third sister-in-law alone. If there are still people in the house, they will send two more to your third sister-in-law to please their royal concubines, which is one of their merits."

Jingwan understands that this is for Rui's princess. Rui's Prince will not be contaminated. It's not even Jing Wan's face. Her little daughter-in-law and her sister-in-law are in harmony. She gives her sister-in-law a "gift" happily. Her eldest son, a gentleman, is not as dirty as others. All the good-looking ones around her daughter-in-law should be taken as their own.

Don't worry whether it's a smooth talk or something. In a word, as long as Prince Rui doesn't infect those tricksters, it's a proper thing to say. Not only can't Jing Wan be given a jealous hat, but Prince Rui also compares other "lecherous people".

Zan, as expected, is a good mother-in-law. She is also an ox fighter in the palace. Right and wrong are black, black, white and white. She can easily flip back and forth. When you need it, she can extend a lot of content to you without a deep meaning. And one thing that has a deep meaning, she can also make a conclusion with a slap. That's the literal meaning. Who wants to extend it? That's you My mind is dirty. I think too much.

You know her intention, but because she can always "speak in accordance with the truth", Emperor Lecheng will see "sincerity".

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There are also concubines who want to refute two sentences. They are simply stopped by someone they have made friends with, and then they realize later that they understand the truth. For a while, they get angry and suffer from liver pain. This is not only a joke not seen as Su's, but also their son's name of being lecherous and abusing her daughter-in-law.

I'd like to tell you something about the release of concubine's book, but I'm afraid that I'll ignore the threat from Prince Jin for a while, and I'll turn back to my son's misfortune. In the eyes of the living king of hell, there's no such word as brother, friend and brother-in-law.

However, the hard-working son who raised the eldest son didn't give face to his parents and children at all. If he helped his daughter-in-law who was just passing by to marry his brother, he didn't believe that she could have no idea at all. Instead, he was afraid that he would feel that he had raised a white eyed wolf who could be indifferent, and that he was the kind of hypocritical person to the extreme.

People in the harem all think that they have seen the face and mouth of Princess Su, and they believe that the emperor and Prince Jin are the two people.

However, as the so-called mask has been worn for a long time, the fake has also come true, because Princess Su is always very good to the prince of Jin, and no one can pick the wrong place. In this way, she scolds Princess Su in her heart, but she dare not speak out.

According to Su Guifei, the prince of Jin is her son. Her two brothers are in conflict. She is either fighting 50 boards, or they are not helping each other. No one cares. From this point on, it seems reasonable.

Jingwan didn't think it was very good to evaluate the attitude of Su Guifei towards the prince of Jin. She believed that this was a kind of hypnosis. Princess Su kept implying that she was her own son. Only by deceiving herself, could she be happy with her son.

Princess Su sent everyone else out, and they thought they had seen her jokes. Even if they didn't pull them out, it doesn't mean they didn't exist. They are all insiders. If you want to pretend you don't know, just pretend.

Therefore, there are only imperial concubine Su and jingwan, and the palace people in Yujing Palace are next to them.

Su Guifei beckons Jing Wan's kindness and asks her to sit by her side and open up to Luo Jingying.

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Jingwan's face is dim, and her eyes are lowered to the ground. "The mother and the concubine, all about the books of concubines, are the fault of their daughter-in-law..."

Princess Su looked cold and fierce where jingwan couldn't see her, but she passed away. "Prince Rui has gone too far, but since your four younger sisters want to go back to Luo's house, it's just that the concubine release book has gone too far."

"It's the daughter-in-law who worries about her sister. She's confused and impulsive. Don't worry about her daughter-in-law."

Without a concubine's letter, how can Luo Jingying completely break away from Prince Rui.

At that moment, jingwan thought that if possible, she would let Luo Jingying remarry. In this way, she would naturally kill all the hidden dangers in the cradle. Even if you are incognito and live in a different identity, you should never let anyone catch you. If not, in case of remarriage, Prince Rui will hold her as his concubine. It is said that one daughter and two daughters of the Luo family are married. At that time, it is not clear how many mouths the Luo family has.

Seeing Jing Wan's uneasy look, Princess Su's eyes were cold. She told her about the situation at that time, whether it was ming'er or his daughter-in-law. Even if they had their own emotions, she knew clearly that her new daughter-in-law was not confused and impulsive. She was very calm. She would be very painful if she grabbed the handle. Otherwise, how could she force her son On the spot, the son wrote a letter to lower his concubine. Such a person, if it's aimed at outsiders, naturally makes people happy, but if it's aimed at the most important person, it makes people want to strangle her.

Although jingwan didn't look up, she always felt that concubine Su's eyes fell on her neck. Although I feel a little cold, I don't have any fear. If I don't care about my love and hatred, there is only one prince Jin in the world. However, there are some things that even he has to worry about. Otherwise, Prince Kang, Prince Rui, these people are afraid that they will go to hell.

"I don't need to say anything more now. However, there should be a misunderstanding about the matter. What kind of person Prince Rui is? I can't be clearer as a mother. Jingwan, you are raised beside your grandmother, far away from the intrigue of the back house. This back house, ah, has not much security, do you understand? "

Jing Wan raised her head. "Please tell her."

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Princess Su took a breath, feeling a little pain in her heart, liver and lungs. Pretending to understand something is disgusting, pretending to understand something, and making people resent it! "Most of them are other concubines in the backyard of Prince Rui's mansion, who are fighting against each other in front of your four younger sisters. Prince Rui is busy. He didn't realize it for a while, which leads to irreparable things. Our palace has heard that it's a formed boy. We have been looking forward to it for many years..." Su Guifei can't stop pressing the corner of her eyes with her veil.

To say that the child, Princess Su has a solid pain. So many years, that is to say, seeing such a boy without a grandson is definitely the deepest pain in her heart and the most difficult thing to stand on. When she learned that, she and her son all scolded her severely, which was also the first time to show her face to Princess Liu, her daughter-in-law.

If it's a girl, you won't blink.

"Is that so?" Jing Wan was stunned for a while.

"That's true. You don't know how powerful you are just because you have little experience."

"Did you not wronged Prince Rui?" Jing Wan's uneasiness seems to be more serious.

"He's a big man. There's nothing wrong with him. It's his fault that he didn't get his family together."

Jing Wan breathed a sigh of relief, as if to say again, since you say so, I am at ease.

Su Guifei felt that she was suffering from heart, liver and lung pain. If she didn't follow the routine, could she have a pleasant chat? "How are your four sisters now?"

Jing Wan took a careful look at Su Guifei. "The dream that my mother and daughter-in-law said is true. I'm afraid that some of her soul has left her body."

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Su Guifei's breath is sluggish. She doesn't know how many times she has been blocked today. The little bitch doesn't want to die alone. She wants to pull her son together?! Concubine Su doesn't believe it for a long time, but she's confused. It's the most unpredictable thing to say. In case her son is really hooked

"Where is she now? Is he still in Jin's Prince's residence, or has he returned to Luo's family? No matter what kind of precious medicine is needed, the key is to find a way to cure her. After all, Prince Rui is sorry for her. If she really died, it would be a sin. " The princess sighed softly.

Jingwan's eyes are so low. I'm really worried about her turning into a ghost. I won't let your son go. If there is such a thing, the royal family and the harem, there are several people who can live well. Otherwise, her husband, who has only been married for a few days, should bear the brunt of it. "Thank you very much. Four younger sisters have been sent back to Luo's family. "

"Then you can take time to go back and have a look. It's only when you make amends with your grandfather and grandmother. You can also say two good words to Prince Rui. After all, you are still a relative. Don't misunderstand too much." Luo Peishan is a man of understanding. If he is clever, he should know how to do it. Therefore, although this is a disgrace, it is also profitable.

Princess Su thought that Jing Wan was young and had little experience in keeping her in the boudoir. She didn't know these things. She knew that everything had been seen through for a long time. There was also a "son" who was "worthless" and was digging a pit.

Jingwan left the imperial palace with a task, sat on the carriage, his face was unshakable, his eyebrows bowed, and he pulled the handkerchief for a while. These people were really bitches and archways. After doing this disgusting thing, I still want to be healthy and upright, and I'm not afraid of choking.

Jingwan's eyes are also a little cold. I hope your son can resist

When jingwan left the palace, Li hongyuanwo was reading a book there. When he came back, he was still in the same posture, as if he had never moved. Jing Wan changed her clothes, washed her makeup, and sat down beside him. "Is the Lord so idle on weekdays?"

Shouldn't a man who is ambitious and ready for the throne become a dog every day? After all, there is no power on the surface, and everything can only be done in the dark. In this way, it costs more mind and spirit. But these days, I haven't seen him do business. He really looks like the real "king of leisure". No, he left last night. Jingwan thought vaguely that he was dreaming. He had already forgotten. Now he thought that he should have left. So, he did Is it idle day long hair, busy night into a dog?

But if it is true, his spirit is impossible

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