I don't know where he went. Gradually, all the people forget him completely and play happily. Even when he is a few years old, he runs everywhere. Compared with his family, Chuang Tzu is too big to play casually. With the support of princess sister, no one cares about him at all. It's not too happy.

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And jingwan, because there are more people accompanying her and wearing simple clothes, seems to be playing crazy accidentally. In addition, sun Yijia, the top lady cultivated by the most strict rules and regulations from childhood, also runs crazy with the trees in the water. The person who has become a mother, leaves her daughter to her father, right, it's a father, not a nanny, and then plays like a child, Luo Jingbo can only shrug her shoulders to accept after her initial dismay and helplessness. Anyway, the daughter-in-law supported by a younger sister has climbed up to her head. It's estimated that she won't have a chance to turn over in her whole life. Forget it, she didn't plan to do anything. It's rare that she's so happy. Moreover, Prince Jin can tolerate the younger sister's "doing". In other aspects, she may not be as happy as that brother-in-law Can't you match that?

Luo Jingbo now holds her daughter's movement equally quite skilled, only has a little worry, own daughter can also form a qualified lady? But when I saw my daughter's little group, I forgot. It was too early to think about it.

Sun Yijia is like this, let alone a little crazy yuan Qiaoqiao.

The result of too much fun is that she is tired and paralyzed, so Jing Wan asks people to arrange their own accommodation and send their dinner separately, especially a group of small ones, who tell their nanny and servant girls to take a medicine to prevent wind and cold after they have a hot bath. She will send someone to prepare it.

After all this, Jing Wan realized that he had probably forgotten his husband completely and never met anyone. It's a little cautious. Back to the main courtyard of bieyuan, I saw Duke mu, that is to say, he was in the main courtyard, "mu'an, where is the prince?"

Duke Mu looks at jingwan with a little shudder. What's that? The master's mood is not so good.

"Back to the princess, the master went to tangquanchi."

Tangquanchi? Isn't that a hot spring? There is a hot spring in this village, but it doesn't seem strange to think about it. But I didn't see the hot spring in the main courtyard, but I didn't bring it in. It seems that it's a little bit inconsistent with someone's style. "Where is it?" When asking questions, I noticed that Grandpa Mu was slightly wrong. "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"No, it's OK." Master Mu is a spiritualist, "your maidservant will take you there?"

Jing Wan pondered for a moment, nodded and told the servant girl to prepare clothes.

Although it's the main courtyard, there is no real sense of wainscot. After a while, jingwan saw another scene behind the main courtyard. It means that the place is special, so he can only come through the main courtyard. He came from yesterday, but he hasn't come back yet. No wonder he didn't know.

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This Tangquan pool, with the characteristics of previous generations, is built in the open air, next to the real mountains, and then all kinds of craggy rocks are used as rockeries to complement each other, just like the natural stacking. This pattern, however, complements the whole. In fact, compared with the introduction of the square pool, it lacks that artistic conception, which is more in line with jingwan's mind.

What's more, in many places, glass lamps have been installed. At this time, candles have been lit inside, just like the wall lamps embedded in the stone wall and submerged in the ground. Although the light is not very bright, the atmosphere created is ten times. Because we have experienced the civilization of the city without night, at first glance, it seems to be peaceful, but this feeling disappears quickly It just feels natural.

"Princess, the master should be full behind the rockery, and the maidservant will not pass."

According to Duke mu, the servant girls are also quite conscious of stopping and no longer moving forward.

"Mu'an, the Lord asked you to stay in the front yard?" Jing Wan asked thoughtfully.

"Back to the princess, the master doesn't need a maid to serve her. The maid is in the front yard." As a good dogleg, he naturally needs to understand the meaning of the master. Although he usually can't see anything, the master has been so obvious. If he still doesn't understand, he can roll.

just can't help but Tucao, do you want to say that the princess said that she wanted to let the princess say that in the past, refused to go to the princess, and did not let people go to make complaints about them.

-- even if the master doesn't need to wait, you can wait here instead of going to the front.

Jingwan thinks that she may have found something interesting. Her husband may be a little proud.

Jing Wan smiled in an unidentified way, which made others a little confused.

Jingwan walked alone, crossed a small wooden bridge, bypassed the two rockeries, and then saw Li Hongyuan in the smoky water. Jingwan's angle, behind his side, was covered with green silk. Part of it was pasted on the side of his face, down, brushed his shoulders, and hung in the water. Under the water, the silk was scattered. The scenery was really, quite confusing.

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Perhaps for convenience, there is a relatively smooth stone beside his hand, on which there is wine. Although it's only a small bottle with a palm high, it's quite a lot. There are five or six decanters, that is to say, at least five or six. Jing Wan frowned, "a yuan..."

Li Hongyuan didn't respond. He seemed to drink too much, and his nerves were dull. However, his own pouring action was very smooth. It can be seen that he didn't drink too much. Then, Jing Wan felt a kind of breath of "I'm not happy, I'm angry, hurry to coax me". I don't know whether it should be called intuition. Jing Wan felt that way.

Silent smile, the whole preparation to go forward, a foot stepped on a foreign body, bow one, is his clothes, see him, the attention is on him, but did not notice, just the next moment, jingwan's pupil suddenly shrank, your pure white blasphemy on a red, let people first think of blood. Three don't do two steps hurriedly to come forward, the clothes on the body don't matter, directly step into the pool, "Ayan, you are injured? Where's the injury? How can I still be in the water when I'm injured? " As I inquired and checked, I didn't dare to touch his injury.

Originally, I wanted to hang her Li Hongyuan. Seeing that she was so anxious, I couldn't ignore her. Holding her hand, "I'm ok, not my blood. No more discretion, will not be injured still bubble soup spring

Jingwan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was also concerned about her own affairs. Thinking about mu'an, she knew that her master and son were really hurt and dyed red. It was impossible that they had not yet responded. Moreover, they must have been looking for her for a long time.

"What did you do today? There's a lot of blood on that dress. "

Before last night, Jing Wan would have cared about his injury and would not have asked him what he was going to do, but now it's natural.

Li Hongyuan let go of her hand and looked at her coolly. "You don't have only others in your heart. Whatever I do."

Ah ah, I'm really angry because I ignored her for half a day.

Jing Wan chuckled up and said, "I'm sorry, they know it's wrong."

Li Hongyuan's face was still cold, with "I'm not happy" on his left and "hurry to coax" on his right. Jing Wan couldn't help kissing him twice and was still indifferent.

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Jingwan continues to coax, but still has no effect.

Then Jing Wan left and went straight to the shore.

This time, someone's face is as good as the bottom of the pot. He crushes all the glasses in his hand, but he doesn't pull Jing Wan back.

Jingwan's heart is a little hairy. She looks really angry. She has a premonition that she may suffer tonight. What is that? Does she want to run now? It's just that I'm just going to take off my clothes. It's just like this. If I run away, maybe I'll bend over in bed.

What's more, the man who has some psychological problems is terrible when he is ill. Will he aggravate his illness when he runs? It's obvious that he has some unusual possessiveness. This complete blackening may isolate himself from the world. The more you look at it, the more you feel that this man absolutely does this kind of thing.

Jing Wan looks at his side face, a little helpless, and a little funny, but the expression on his face is soft.

The bun was removed, leaving only the front part simply fixed to the top of the head. Take off the clothes, leave a very close belly pocket, desecrate pants, take off the shoes, and slide into the water again. At that moment, it is obvious that someone's face is much better.

It's true that before marriage, I was so cheeky and dare to say anything, but now it's like changing my sex.

Jingwan's whole body sank into the water, moved his hands and feet, and rowed towards the middle of the pool. When he got to the position in front of someone, he turned around, faced Li Hongyuan, and burst out of the water. In other words, in order to cajole people, she's wet and seduced, and she's really becoming more and more shameless. In the future, she may become more and more shameless.

However, the effect jingwan wants is achieved. After all, someone who "ignores her" stares at her directly at this time. His eyes are like a thick ink that can't be changed, and at the same time, they are very bright.

I just feel that all the blood is running under me, which makes the fierce beast want to break through the door.

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In fact, Li Hongyuan is really possessive, but his essential purpose is also to let Jing Wan take the initiative to "cut the land and compensate". For him, it may be more fun to forcibly rob, and Jing Wan is more excited to see her deliver the door to him. However, it is a woman who knows that she has a thin skin. Li Hongyuan didn't plan to do too much, but the reality gives him A surprise for him. In this way, in the future, you don't have to be too "constrained" yourself.

If Jing Wan knows that her tears in the future are all the water in her mind at this moment, she doesn't know how to feel.

Although there are already psychological preparations, there is a real joy on the open-air floor, and the shame is still surging, and often because of mental tension, the excitement will increase.

Late meals, into a very late night.

When it came time to go to bed, Jing Wan wanted to wear other clothes.

"I went hunting and met a big bug. I killed it." Li Hongyuan said lightly.

Jingwan's heart and liver were beating. He was full of blood. He wanted to know that it wasn't a long-distance shooting, but a close fight. Hey, it was a tiger, the king of beasts, not a cat. "Never do such a dangerous thing in the future."

"Don't worry, it's just a bug. I'll be fine. Or do you believe in being a husband? "

"Worry and trust can coexist. Even if they are absolute trust, they will worry as long as they care."

Seeing Jing Wan's serious face, Li Hongyuan couldn't help kissing her. "OK, I promise you that I won't easily commit any risks in the future."


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