"Details." When he realized jingwan's unusual, Li Hongyuan thought that she probably didn't create the meticulous painting, because jingwan's painting style was relatively mature at the beginning of her painting, and she never said it was made by her, but how about that? It was brought by her. No matter in the history of Qiyuan or in other countries, it never existed. Then, it belonged to her, and she would When fame and wealth were given to her brother, he was not happy, but he would not interfere. Now someone wants to intervene. No matter what the purpose is, it is absolutely unforgivable.

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"At the beginning of the rumor, it's just a little bit of a sign. According to the preliminary situation, it should be that the princess's paintings in Qi'an mansion were originally released and fell into the hands of outsiders. This time, I don't know whether they were used by others or by others with their own ambitions. The latter is more likely to be used. If the other party doesn't take out the paintings, no one will know. If it's early With premeditation, things may be a little difficult to deal with. In two or three years, enough time for the other party to make the whole process. There are no other paintings of the princess in Qi'an mansion. The other party is likely to fight back, and probably also determined this point. Only then can they dare to be so unbridled. If things are serious, the reputation of Mr. Luo will be damaged. "

"Old lady Luo was preventing the painting of the princess from flowing out at the beginning. What did you eat for? There was such a mistake?" Li Hongyuan said without expression.

"I'm waiting for you to die." Dark one bows his head and pleads guilty, "still ask Lord son to let subordinate wait for this matter to be solved to receive punishment again."

"Who is behind this time."

"Prince Rui."

Li Hongyuan sneers. Li Hongming's purpose is obvious.

It should be said that such a thing, once a little bit stirred up, will soon spread, especially after the plot. Even if Li Hongyuan took control of the situation at the first time, it is difficult to control it. In fact, the spread of this matter is not fast. Obviously, someone is deliberately suppressing it. Except for the leader behind the scenes, there will be basically no second choice.

"If you're honest, I'll give you some blood this time. Since the accident happened, I won't let you hurt your muscles and bones. I, Li Hongyuan, will write the name upside down. ——Let people impeach Shen Shuhan, or let Shen Shuhan smooth out the position of the right governor, or cut off the rest of the Shen family. "

Dark one's heart is shocked, which is really cruel. Shen family is Prince Rui's iron rod. The right governor has the palm power. Shen Shuhan is stroked. Prince Rui almost breaks his right arm, while the rest of the Shen family are in various positions. They are all broken. The loss can't be said to be more huge. It's not just a muscle injury.

In fact, it's not just that. In the previous plan, but for Prince Rui's money bag, the current situation is not to give up the former and carry out the latter, which is clearly the superposition of the two. Why is Prince Rui so reluctant to open his mind? He has repeatedly provoked the Lord's son. Speaking of it, it's also the sorrow of the beast that I don't know is hidden.

In this way, the balance between Prince Rui and Prince Kang is broken.

However, this is not a matter for dark one to consider. He only needs to execute Li Hongyuan's order. "Yes."

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Part of the drawings Jing Wan has not completely drawn out. I believe that there is an intuitive effect picture. The following masters can definitely finish it by themselves. Now what we need to determine is the location of this small amusement park. It's for sisters to play. After the construction, there must be other small Douding. Isn't it not good to build it on this villa? Someone seems to have a strong sense of territory.

Jing Wan sent the three little girls who were full of curiosity to look for Li Hongyuan and ask him what he meant.

"There's nothing wrong with it. You can build something for your children to play with, and there won't be any conflict of interest. In a short time, everyone else will follow suit. It doesn't matter if you build more. There's nothing to worry about."

"That's true. Our children can play for a few years."

"That's a long way to go." Li Hongyuan chuckled a little.

"What do you say?" Isn't that a matter of course? If she wants to monopolize this man, she naturally has the obligation to give birth to children for him. After all, how can a man be childless here? No, it's not just an obligation. If they are in the same mind, children are the crystallization of their love and the continuation of their life.

As for someone who will be emperor, maybe the seventy-two concubines of three palaces and six courtyards, she doesn't want to think about what hasn't happened now.

"Isn't it clear what I'm saying?" Li Hongyuan saw that she was a little annoyed. "OK, let's not talk about it. Tell you something... " He didn't plan to keep it from her.

Jingwan frowned slightly. She was very clear that if this matter is not handled well, it will have a great impact on the third brother, and if it is not handled well, it will destroy his future. It is the same with Locke, because no one will think that the third brother did it alone.

"Don't worry. I'm the one. I'll tell you. It's just a number in your heart. It's not a worry." Li Hongyuan stroked her forehead with his fingers. "If my daughter-in-law and her mother's family are all calculated to die, then I don't have to mix."

Jing Wan is relieved. Yes, he is. Besides, even for herself, she can't do it. After all, she can't shake the position of the other party.

However, although she can't do anything, she can come up with some ideas. Jing Wan meditates. The best way to cover up the gossip is to create a more sensational gossip. Moreover, it's not someone's patent to rake it back.

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"Didn't you say that there was me? I have eight hundred years left for this kind of thing."

Jing Wan is discouraged. Forget it. I'd better play at the same time. However, her previous paintings in Qi'an mansion should play a role. However, in this way, some things must be explained and cleared. With this idea in mind, Jing Wan no longer hesitates to tell Li Hongyuan that the meticulous painting was originally made by her own hands.

Then, there was no half difference in his face.

"Ah yuan didn't seem surprised at all." Has this been known for a long time?

"Wan Wan is smart. I won't be surprised to do anything."

"Don't hat me up." Although it's from her, it's not her own creation. It's embarrassing to mention it.

"Well, no more. ——Did you just say that the old paintings, including those abandoned ones, have been brought to the capital? "

"Well, when I left Qi'an mansion, my grandmother asked me to take it."

"Old lady Luo is really prescient." Li Hongyuan said in a low voice, "but Luo Jingbo is quite accomplished in fine brushwork now, but he can't compare with you. You copy all the teaching books behind him, which are quite different from those you used to have. Anyone who knows about painting can basically see it at a glance. They are made by two people. It's not hard to break the rumor, but it's hard to clean him thoroughly, because he's not clean... "

"What is unclean? Don't use words." Jing Wan said discontentedly.

"You are so good to Luo Jingbo." Li Hongyuan said with a deep look in his eyes.

Jingwan could not cry or laugh. "He is my brother."

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"I'm still your husband. I have never heard of her brother

"Let's not talk about these boring things, shall we?"

Li Hongyuan nodded. "When Luo Jingbo took out his painting, he couldn't stand the scrutiny. No one doubted that it was OK. Once doubted, the seed would take root and sprout. The result may be to push you out. "

"The third brother is not following the path of literati in the future. It doesn't matter if there is a stain. If I push it out, it will not only make him a joke, but also affect his sister-in-law. Don't forget the picture of birds facing the Phoenix."

"All right, listen to you. Now, Wan Wan, you've given a group of small people a lot of consideration. What about the husband? He's boring on weekdays. Doesn't he have something for fun? " Li Hongyuan asked with a smile.

"Was Ayan a little Alone? "


"Seldom play with others. I heard that you are very good at playing, but others..." Jing Wan joked.

"I have time to play, not interested in taking them to play." In his eyes, those people are no different from children of several years old. Take them to play with you. Don't be a joke.

"I'll take them with me in the future. You are the first dandy in the name of the capital. Let's build a racecourse in Zhuangzi. Then we can build other game facilities for horse gambling. We can make money and have fun."

"To be specific."

"It's easy to bet on horses. In a horse race, other people bet on the horses they like. It's almost the same as starting a race in the villa. Horses raised by other people can also be put in the villa to see the race. Any horse that wins, as the owner of the horse, will be divided accordingly. General gambling is forbidden. I don't think it's possible to bet on horses. "

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"Well, it will probably be called elegant. There will be a lot of people involved. In addition, I'm afraid it will make a lot of money. Am I short of your money? It's all in the eye of money. "

"The people who can enter your Chuang Tzu will not be ordinary people at least, and they are the owners of fun and money. If you don't make money in vain, you will have a lot of money, but only now, in the future..."

When the emperor is in power, the State Treasury is rich and good. If one is not, he will use the private Treasury. At that time, no amount of money is like running water. There is no more money. At that time, there will be less.

"Wan Wan has thought so long now," Li Hongyuan chuckled, and came close to her ear. "It's the mother's choice."

Jingwan's eyes narrowed slightly. This is a real admission of ambition. It's not the same as the feeling in her heart.

"How to build a horse farm? Wan Wan is better to draw a picture and have a look for her husband."

"Good." Jing Wan went to paint with great interest.

This time, Li Hongyuan has been asking for one or two questions from time to time and occasionally talking about his own views. Jing Wan can't help but look at him again and again. He is really an all rounder and has a good command of everything.

The atmosphere of the two is warm and harmonious.

But in the capital, there are not a few people in a gloomy state.

Prince Rui can't keep the gentleness of his concubine's release. Although no one mentions it in person and he is sure there is no gossip outside, he always feels that whoever he looks at can't help suspecting that the other party knows it. He thinks that the other party is mocking him in his heart. There is no more shameful thing. It's strange that he's in a good mood.

Often in the face of luopeishan, he also becomes a little funny, even a little weird.

What's more, he seems to be trapped in the mud again. He doesn't know where to ask

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