As for the officials who didn't know about it, they didn't dare to have any hesitation when they heard about it, and their hearts jumped to their voices.

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When the people got on the boat and washed, they didn't show up again. However, none of the officials of Kaiming mansion could go on. The first Governor Su, when he wanted to follow him, was directly stopped by the dark half. Once again, like the day jingwan arrived at Kaiming mansion, all the officials changed stakes to punish the station.

Just now, my heart is more unbearable than that of that day. At that time, I was angry and impatient, and some people were uneasy about Prince Jin's hearsay. Now, more than 90% of the people were occupied by more than 90% of the fear, stood respectfully, without any impatient thoughts, so silent, waiting for the response of Prince Jin.

However, it seems that they are ready to air them as before. The longer they are aired, the more bottomless they will be. It's like a knife hanging on their head. If it falls neatly, it's life or death. It's true right away. But the longer it's hung, the deeper the fear in their heart will be. That kind of torture is really hard to describe.

Until the sky turned white, there seemed to be movement on the ship. The officials with back ache stood up straight and tightened their bodies, but they felt a little relaxed. However, they thought too much about it, because the people they wanted to see didn't see it, and the cable for fixing the big ship was put away. How about this? It's obvious All of a sudden, the faces of the officials were blue and white, so wonderful.

Can you stop me? No! Therefore, we can only watch the ship go away.

Who is the prince of Jin, the living king of hell? The rumor about him is that he will report, and no matter who he is, he will only report at that time. I haven't heard about it. What's the situation now? Is it hard to forget? Think about it and know that it's absolutely impossible. This kind of thing that will kill him can be so calculated. Those brothers who have been killed by him should have opinions. Therefore, it can only be prince Jin's anger soared to the extreme, which will inevitably turn back to be mercilessly cleared.

Everyone knows that in many cases, anger erupts on the spot. The consequences may be more serious, but it's all over. If you don't say anything, you don't know what he is going to do. You can't help thinking, comforting yourself in the best direction and scaring yourself in the worst direction. That's absolute psychological pressure.

What they didn't know was that Prince Jin's other hospital was out of water. What they knew was that they didn't understand why things didn't work out. It was just because Prince Jin didn't speak and they didn't have time to understand the specific situation. This was just that the master left in a rage. Now it's time to find a way to solve the problem.

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After a casual understanding, almost everyone aimed at the governor.

The governor's face was gloomy. "Should the governor give an explanation?" It's not enough to interfere in his affairs, but it's bad.

"When I arrived, the LORD had almost solved the problem." A light floating sentence, but it contains too much content. "Now we should think about how to explain to Prince Jin and the holy master. Prince Jin is the most beloved son of the holy master. Don't think that Prince Jin is OK, it can be simply revealed. I'll leave you at your convenience. " Inspector Su swung his sleeves and left.

The governor's face became more and more ugly. When he saw the subordinates who had been following the dead enemy of the Governor Su, he only wanted to cut them off with one knife. However, he was not in the same heart with him at first. Just like the people close to him under Governor Su, they checked and balanced each other, so no matter how angry they were, they could not directly fight. "Details."

In fact, we all know that even the grasshoppers on the two ropes are essentially on the same boat as Kaiming mansion. When they overturn the boat, we have no good end. Therefore, he thinks that there should be a tacit understanding of this, but he doesn't think that Su can do such a thing. Although according to the surname Su, no one was taken, and the final result was the same, in essence, he was obviously put together, which was absolutely intolerable.

In the face of his anger, the general didn't show any unusual emotions. He would go through the whole story.

"And the bold bandits?" As expected to start the hat.

"All of them." Between "gangsters" and themselves, there is no need to consider who to choose.

"If you want to assassinate a prince, you will die." Said the governor in a fierce voice. In my heart, I was relieved. Fortunately, Su knew how to be measured. "I will personally accept the investigation and give the prince of Jin and the Holy One an account. I am equal to an official of Kaiming government. It's a big sin to frighten the prince of Jin. I should take the initiative to ask for a confession and the Holy One."

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Jing Wan and Li Hongyuan didn't go on the road overnight. They slept well in the late night. When they got up in the morning, they were full of spirit. At the same time, they heard the news that their boat had left Kaiming mansion. Everything is going according to plan. After a little preparation, they set out on their way.

Thinking that Luo Peisong might be worried, Jing Wan wants to send a letter with him. Although Li Hongyuan is a little upset, he still sends someone to send a letter. There is no accident. After Luo Peisong gets up, he can see the letter before he gets what happened in another hospital.

In terms of speed per hour, a boat can't be faster than a horse. However, the horse will be limited by physical strength, and the land will also be limited by the terrain. Compared with the boat and the canal, there is a greater advantage. So, the people on the canal are much faster than the people on the land.

It will take less than two days from Kaiming Prefecture road to Chongzhou Prefecture road by water and four or five days by land. Of course, this is the relative normal speed of not rushing. So, on the second day, that is, the seventh day of the lunar new year, the people on the land got the news from the water, and they were certainly attacked.

Jing Wan looked at the few words of the book, slightly frowned, "is this ahead of schedule? But isn't this bandit a little wrong? It's very important that the canal connects the north and the south. There are countless branches and ships. The safety along the way should be very important. How can there be such things as bandits? "

"Chongzhou Prefecture and chuanzhou Prefecture belong to Shannan Prefecture. In Tongzhou, near Shannan Prefecture, there is a mountainous area extending for tens of miles. The canal is difficult to dig, so the original river channel is borrowed. The terrain is quite complex, and the water flow is relatively fast. The mountains on both sides are steep. In fact, there are water bandits in that area. The ships and large fleets they dare not move. They are afraid to move The smaller private ships are usually in groups, and generally there is no conflict. However, those who are familiar with the area usually pay homage to some silver coins as money to buy the road. Most of the time, they are safe and sound. When there is an accident, the so-called officials protect each other. Naturally, there are also officials and bandits colluding with each other to put things in order. There is no rumor. It is normal.

Only in terms of time, something happened when we entered that period.

In fact, it is the most conventional and the most unconventional means to do it by bandits. After all, no matter how brave the water bandits are, they will not easily move the official ship, especially the king's ship. Once they move, they will have the awareness of being completely annihilated. The water bandits also lead their families. There are not a few old and young, unless... "

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"Unless someone promises to provide them with another place, including household registration land, to ensure that all of them will have a comfortable life in the future." Jing Wan replied.

"There will be threats as well." However, in Li Hongyuan's view, there may be a third party who has done so and created something out of the situation.

That's right. I'll kill you if I don't agree with you. Anyway, it's only natural for officials to suppress bandits.

"So Ayan is going to release the news of our" murder "

"How can such an unlucky thing be released? Naturally, what is the news that those people get? When will we arrive in Chongzhou and when will it be finished? " Li Hongyuan has always been happy to laugh at other people's anxieties. Especially among these people, there are those who are worried about killing him.

"Even if the previous thing is over, this time it's really" life and death are uncertain ". Should I send a message to Saint and my grandparents?"

"Before leaving Beijing, your grandparents asked people to say hello to them. If you hear any bad news, you don't have to pay attention to it. You can wait three or five days."

So, someone has already arranged it.

However, Li Hongyuan only mentioned Luo's family, not le chengdi's, and Jing Wan's. although it's her father-in-law, it's not bad to worry about such dregs.

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Therefore, Jing Wan also put aside all concerns and continued to follow the scheduled route as a relatively fast journey.

Although there are not many things to carry, even if they are relatively complete in all aspects, there are many people to serve, but they are not very comfortable. Jingwan pretends to be angry and complains that Li Hongyuan keeps her more and more charming. Li Hongyuan has the audacity to say that even after marrying the tiger daughter, some places should be more and more charming. Otherwise, it must be her husband is not good enough, he is good enough, so the daughter-in-law will be charming.


He ate it himself eight hundred years ago.

In a word, there are a lot of them. In addition to the changes in their clothes, Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan have less appearances. What should they do along the way? They don't match the word low-key at all, but they don't attract much attention. Of course, they have nothing to do with not passing through the big city along the way.

On the night of the seventh day of the lunar new year, Li Hongyuan was awakened in a soft voice while Jing Wan was sleeping in his arms. He didn't move, but asked people to send the message to the carriage.

Mother Gong handed the letter to him and lit a small lamp, which could only light up the space between the square inches. Li Hongyuan quickly browsed the contents of the letter.

Li Hongyuan's face did not change. There were real third parties. Their whole boat was not attacked, but surrounded by each other in a relatively open river. Obviously, the purpose of each other was not to kill, but to capture alive, or even to invite. And look at that posture, it's not, it seems to have been waiting for a long time.

The letter was brief and did not contain any details. It was just a general statement that, under the balance, they did not start but followed them.

The other party didn't even move anything on the ship, but directly sank the ship. After being taken away, they were not treated rudely, so as to prevent them from knowing the destination. They just closed the cabin, didn't cover their eyes, and didn't tie their hands and feet. Finally

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