Now that we have decided to melt the silver ingot and gold brick, there is no drag.

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The melting place is nearby, but it's not necessary at this time. What we need is to make a large-scale mold and move all the gold and silver out.

It may be too late today. But that's one word.

Li Hongyuan took jingwan to walk along the road for a while, and then went back slowly.

And you adults, almost eager to see through, finally waited for the appearance of Prince Jin again, but before the anger was over, Prince Jin lost them a heavy bomb.

The prince of Jin said that when he went to the Treasury just now, he saw so much gold and silver. Suddenly, he had a good idea. In Chongzhou, where the scenery is good, he was going to build something. Then, when the next time he said that the capital would come to collect money, he would send it back directly. He would also see emperor Lecheng. Now he is brainstorming to see what to build Better.

However, those who knew the origin of these gold and silver, whether they were alienated from Chongzhou government or not, almost fainted in the dark.

In fact, relatively speaking, people in Chongzhou are better. You know, there are other warehouses, but they are completely free. What should I do? What to do?

However, some people are more concerned about whether this is the sudden whim of Prince Jin, or whether he realized what was deliberately done?

Although they are almost the same in essence, if they are the latter, it can only be said that Prince Jin is not easy to fool, and there will be problems where there is no problem in the book.

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"One by one, they are all mute. Didn't understand what I mean?" Li Hongyuan stood on his chin and said in a low voice.

It's better not to do anything, just let the gold and silver stay in the warehouse! The reason why you are mute is that you don't want to know that it's a pit for them, but you still have to add bricks and tiles to it, but everything will be fine without opening your mouth? Naive.

Then, with a stiff smile, he began to give his own advice.

Maybe it's to delay time. What they say is extremely complex, and many parts are combined together, and each position is fragmentary. Even in order to increase persuasion, make a long speech and quote from the classics, it seems that it's natural that we should not adopt it, or even fight for it.

From time to time, Li Hongyuan nodded his head, wondering whether he would like to express his approval or praise the wonderful speeches of all adults.

Finally, "you are all right, but it's difficult to adjust these meanings. According to the meaning of the king, you can make Yuanbao. It's simple, time-saving and labor-saving, and the moral is also good. You don't need to worry about losing some parts when you are finished. That's it. " Li Hongyuan claps the board.

People's faces are a little cracked. Looking at Li Hongyuan, they have clear eyes. Besides, are you kidding me?

Li Hongyuan nodded, right, just teasing you!

Li Hongyuan didn't get angry or hurt them physically, but almost everyone felt tired.

It's almost the same time. Li Hongyuan goes back to accompany his daughter-in-law. Today, he has spent a lot of things to face such a group of rude old men, and each of them is for him to see. Prince Jin's mood is a little uncomfortable, but their wonderful expression just barely pleased her, and they don't care so much.

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Then, Duke Mu stood out again. In their eyes, the eunuch was the most likely. After all, he was not brave to be angry or even to show it in the face of Prince Jin. Now it is not the same thing to face Duke Mu alone. But grandpa Mu doesn't mind at all. Who makes him hard? No matter how angry these people are, they can't do anything about him. They hate him to die in the face of these people, but they can't do anything about his appearance. They also need a little bad comfort in their hearts.

To let jingwan know his idea, just one sentence: how a cheap word!

The purpose of Duke Mu's stay is one. According to the king's words, he allowed them to go back. His name is "go back and clean up". Starting tomorrow, he will make his own floor in this courtyard There are not too many things, and the people who serve you also collapse. Whoever makes Chongzhou mansion so shabby, he has prepared such a shabby place for the master. He is a bit bigger. When there are too many things, there is no place to put them away. There is no need to worry about food. The princess never treats people in this respect. It's cheap for you. That's all. Oh, I almost forgot. The Lord also said that if there is any official business that hasn't been dealt with, remember to go back and deal with it. Those are the major events that can't be delayed. "

I can't wait, but I'll let them go back as soon as possible. I've already dealt with it!

Jingwan also knows that these people are completely choked by Li Hongyuan, but when he thinks about financial affairs, he can't sympathize with them at all. Compared with Li Hongyuan, this "prank" is nothing more than trifling.

No one dares to neglect what he wants to do. Even if he wants to do it, someone will remind him in a special way.

This time, the place Li Hongyuan chose is also quite special. In front of a Confucius building, this Confucius building is far less meaningful to Chongzhou government than Kaiming academy is to Kaiming government, but we should know the meaning of that name to scholars.

Although everyone can come to this place, but, come and go, the most is the readers. Suddenly, such a big move, naturally, immediately attracted attention, and then competing to tell each other, more and more people gathered, not only those readers. Many people were furious when they came to the front to ask about the situation. Especially those scholars, their actions were insults and defilements to the master's building. Even the prince of Jin could not do so. The voice of dissatisfaction grew louder and louder. Even some people ignored the front to stop them. They were more and more fierce. They saw that they were about to perform all the martial arts.

You know, it's because of the previous court examination. Until now, it hasn't been carried out. Obviously, it seems that things have subsided for a while, but it's also obvious. Everyone knows that the longer things drag on, the worse the situation will be. I heard that the imperial court sent a prince to be an imperial envoy, but the other side hasn't done anything yet. The more angry I am The deeper it accumulates.

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In order to transfer the hatred and make trouble for Li Hongyuan, and let Li Hongyuan focus on the salt affairs, people in Jiangnan officialdom did not lack to publicize Li Hongyuan's "glorious deeds".

A worthless person is sent to deal with the affairs of students. What do the court think of them? As soon as they were filled with blood, they served the imperial court. So they were treated like this?

Because Kaiming government didn't involve in the school trial, the scholars there were not affected, and naturally they wouldn't do anything to Li Hongyuan. This Chongzhou government is different, but the direct "disaster area" did not involve the students hanging themselves, but their anger is quite a lot. Li Hongyuan's actions at this moment are just like hitting the muzzle of a gun, detonating a powder keg, burning his mind with anger, and then directly starting.

In such a situation, not only no one stood up to stop, but also some people fanned the flames. Otherwise, the event will not escalate so fast.

In fact, many officials are not qualified to stand in front of Li Hongyuan even though they are "detained" by Li Hongyuan. These people can't see the summit, but it doesn't mean they don't have a tacit understanding. When they learn that Li Hongyuan chose to cast large-scale gold and silver ingots in front of the master's building, many people secretly rejoice, Here comes the chance.

Someone else was inspired in advance. In the chaos, not only to the "enemy", but also to his own people, from fist to meat, to knife to meat, but also in an instant.

The roar of anger, mixed with the scream, and the "killing" and "dead" from nowhere

However, if you look carefully, you will find that there are a small number of people in the chaotic crowd who always make their moves at the most appropriate time. They are quick and decisive to prevent the deadly attack. Therefore, no matter how chaotic, there are no casualties. And the first to notice these people, of course, are those who incite the flames. They are "not good" and secretly prepare to evacuate. However, if they fail to do so in three steps, they will be captured from behind.

And just when they don't know how to finish, a group of people in black just like falling from the sky, just like blades and sharp blades, enter fiercely, and quickly separate people. However, those who resist will not faint or be fatal if they do it impolitely. They just lose their ability of action in a short time. In a blink of an eye, the chaos will be completely controlled. Then, the sound of gongs and drums, accompanied by the sound of "quick avoidance", the two teams of officers and soldiers arrived at full speed, isolating unrelated people.

The sound of the horse's hooves was getting closer and closer. When four horses arrived, all the people who saw them were quiet almost at the same time, so that the "parents" who were panting in the back were ignored by most people.

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Li Hongyuan is the first, followed by Zhongqing, Li Suyan and dark one. At this moment, all four of them have the same thing, like the cold and cold blade.

"A little thing can do that?"

The little official in charge of this matter immediately came out, went to kneel on the ground and was about to explain

Li Hongyuan's eyes swept, "take it, and dismiss it." Didn't let the other side say a word. "Li Suyan..."

Li Suyan turns over and dismounts, bows to Li Hongyuan, then just waves at will. Later, the people who had been in the chaos immediately came out. Everyone was carrying one or even one person. Look at the clothes, most of them were involved in the job Li Hongyuan assigned. There were also three students in school uniforms. One of them seemed to be very famous among many students, because seeing him treated like this was just a few points on the face of the students who were inconvenient to move.

"Dear students, don't be angry. I will give you justice in person." Hastily dissuade, look at Li Hongyuan, not humble and not overactive, before modest, now proud.

No one thinks that his attitude is wrong, even many people are overwhelmed by his lofty character, and think that this is the example of a scholar.

Li Hongyuan sneers, "the prince is here, who told you?"

The man was a little stuck. "I heard that Prince Jin is very beautiful, but no one can see it."

"Hear? Where did you hear that? This is my first time to leave Beijing. Can you tell us all about this face? Before you speak, you should also type the abdominal draft. "

No, it seems that it's true when everyone hears about it. If they don't say that the other side is a royal family, they don't dare to talk about it in vain. It's still a man. Qi Yuan doesn't have the so-called "masculine style". Who is good at talking about a man

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