So far, others are naturally afraid to say more. You should know that these people may not be involved in the previous court dance fraud case, or they may not be involved in the salt administration. However, it does not mean that they are not suspected of corruption. A knife named "living Yama" is still hanging on their head. Many officials in Chongzhou have heard of their "Misery". However, even if they have scattered their wealth, it doesn't necessarily mean the end of the matter.

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Other examiners have to guard all the time. Li Hongyuan is a natural exception. He just wants to leave and stay. He is very willful, but no one says a word. No matter because of fear or anything else, in a word, when he is away, he can relax a lot. Therefore, he may not come.

Li Hongyuan didn't just give up, either in the morning or in the afternoon, he would take some time to sit down.

Three days and two nights, the first time, in addition to being taken out in the middle of the people more than in previous years, seems to be no different.

Collect all the answers, and then seal all the names. Because the inner curtain officer is still busy copying the questions that were originally put in the first scene but in the third, marking the papers is temporarily put on hold.

Li Hongyuan sleeps with his wife at night. Everything outside seems to have nothing to do with him.

Compared with his leisure time, jingwan is busy. From the beginning of the rural examination, there are officials and wives who come to visit. You should know that the same city and county is not comparable to the Chongzhou government. In the ordinary city, the government and Taiwan are the leaders and the top four products. In the county city, the government and Taiwan can only stand by the side.

Maybe I had thought about picking and picking, but now it's not the same. No matter the etiquette is light and heavy, Jing Wan collects all the items according to the list. What she sees is the "hot spot", and what she looks down on is not enough. Anyway, her attitude is clear. This is not enough.

The specific situation of Chongzhou is unknown, but now I can probably feel the same feelings with those people. The greed of Jin's Royal concubines is just filling in the bottomless hole of discontent.

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But even if so, what can we do? Don't we? After two days, when the prince of Jin finished his rural examination, he invited all the officials to have tea, saying that there was no return. In this way, my heart is painful and cruel again. I can only bite my teeth and bear it. Not only that, when I face the princess Jin again, I still have to smile, hold her and flatter her. I just hope to cheer her up and blow the wind in the prince Jin's ear.

Of course, everyone knows that if things are too big, it's no use just to raise the side wind. However, according to the situation of Chongzhou government, it's not difficult to fool the prince of Jin with the things in the book as long as the Treasury is almost the same. Of course, the prince of Jin could not leave the south of the Yangtze River for a day, and the people who were hanging could not land for a day.

Until the afternoon of the first day of the second exam, I didn't know if I had mastered the working and rest time of Li Hongyuan. When I came to the door, Li Hongyuan happened to take a nap.

When Li Hongyuan saw the post, he didn't deny it. He threw the post aside, and then he let people in.

Jingwan picked up the post and saw the name of the last one, "Min Yuhan? This is the Min clan? What does this person look for in the door? "

"The fiance of the imperial concubine." Li Hongyuan did not hide, "let the emperor suspect and even the culprit of the next killer." In his tone, it was a shocking thing, but in his words, it was classified as "the weather is good today".

At least jingwan's heart jumped with him. "Ah yuan has seen him? Did he find it himself? "

"This man hates the historical royal family, especially the one in the throne. Last year, he was involved in the west border affairs. Only when he found out in time and captured people did he not lead to more serious consequences. People were taken to Chengde Summer Palace, and they knew his identity at that time. "

Jingwan wants to say that there are your hands on the border. You have a long hand. However, this is not the point. "Because of the relationship between the emperor and his concubines, you let him go?"

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"He volunteered to be the king's nail and to act in Jiangnan."

Jing Wan's expression was a little bit difficult to say. After a while, he began to return, "because the feeling is deeply rooted. It was originally hatred. After seeing you, he changed his attitude, just because you are the only blood of the person he loves? Even if you still have half of your enemy's blood, he loves the house and the black better than hates the house and the black? "

"There's something he needs to know." Li Hongyuan is quite meaningful.

Jing Wan understood and said that if nothing happened, how could the other side's attitude change so much. Also, according to the man's temperament, he didn't do anything but let it go for nothing, which was not in line with his personality. Jingwan can even imagine that Min Yu was in a state of agony and remorse. He didn't die immediately. He probably wanted to send his beloved child to the throne, and then he could have a little face to see what he loved.

For this kind of person, Jing Wan doesn't comment, but can only say that the poor person must have something to hate.

Li Hongyuan went to see min Yuhan. Compared with last year, the whole person didn't look so depressed, especially the outside. After careful modification, he finally found a way to live. After nearly a year's training, he grew some meat and could afford to wear clothes. That's the bearing of the aristocratic family. Even if he is over the middle age, he is not less handsome, Just through the vicissitudes of thousands of sails, this kind of vicissitudes is described by another word, that is wisdom.

This kind of person is easy to be happy and angry, because his heart has already died. However, when he needs to, he can also be a first-class acting emperor.

"Yes, I have." Min Yu's face is calm and Li Hongyuan meets Li. However, his eyes are always drooping and he does not look at Li Hongyuan. It can be seen that his heart is not so calm.

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Li Hongyuan sits on the throne casually, "what do you think of this king?" It's not polite at all.

"This incident in the south of the Yangtze River is of great importance and involves a wide range of issues. It is not a short-sighted officialdom, but also a struggle between the great and powerful families. Although we know that the king is a man of great talent and great wisdom, we are not particularly familiar with the South of the Yangtze River. It is inevitable that we will be negligent, and some people are dangerous. The grass-roots people are brave and are good at asserting themselves. They want to do their best for the king, but we don't know the layout of the king and dare not act rashly In order not to disturb others, I just sort out the relationship between the aristocratic families and the officials, hoping to have some effect on the prince. "

With the completion of the speech, min Yuhan presented a pamphlet.

Li Hongyuan didn't refuse. Mu'an accepted the brochure and flipped through it at will. After reading two or three pages, Li Hongyuan's face was a little solemn. He kept turning the brochure over and pressing it on his hand. "It's useful."

Although Li Hongyuan has a staff in Jiangnan, it has limitations and is not so convenient to start. Just like in the family, the closer the people are to the core, the more difficult it is to arrange nails. The people around those people, generally follow since they were young, belong to the family and have high loyalty. It is very difficult to buy or change people, min Yuhan is not In the same way, his lineage of Min's family, which had been attached great importance to at first, was marginalized by the family because of changes. Now he returns to the family, even if the family is still light, he can't deny his ability. Some things, he doesn't have to do it on his own initiative, and some people come to him on their own initiative. He sometimes talks or talks about it in a few words, because the family is more and more natural to him Depending on him, he wants to know something, which does not touch the interests of the family, and will not be noticed.

It may not be a big deal inside the family, but it's hard for people outside to find out.

Min Yuhan smell words, slightly moved a breath, "can have effect on the Lord, is no better."

To be honest, Li Hongyuan, a close relative, had "an accident". His worry and anxiety did not need to be ignored. However, he soon found that things might not be as he expected. Because of the clues, he calmed down, tested carefully, and added some inferences. He had already guessed the matter to 89.

It is to know that Li Hongyuan is not in real danger, min Yuhan's mood is not improved, and his life experience is more gloomy.

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In recent years, he has been confused and did not think about it carefully. After waking up, he carefully combed the events of that year and felt that things were not right. Some things were not so simple on the surface. In the past year, he helped Li Hongyuan to do some things secretly, and at the same time, he carefully investigated them bit by bit. The Emperor didn't fail to take care of the people he wanted, and finally let him find someone The things he used, but only the little things that surfaced, made him hate Pei people deeply.

At that time, Lecheng emperor, who was still the prince, went south and met Pei's daughter. She fell in love at first sight. At that time, it was when Pei's head and his brother were fighting for the position of the head. That kind of fight was not inferior to the court's struggle for the throne, but the scope involved was not so large.

The current brother of chief Pei seized the matter, saying that it was not only related to the royal family, but also against the ancestral precepts. The first daughter of the chief Pei's family and her concubines simply left the whole family's face behind. Chief Pei loved his daughter very much, and even did some inappropriate things. But in the end, he chose the family and gave up the ego, not only let the first daughter "die suddenly." ”He will also ruthlessly cut people from the genealogy, which has been very depressed for some time.

However, min Yuhan found that, to some extent, this matter laid an unshakable position as his successor.

Min Yuhan has learned about the current Pei clan leader from many aspects. The more he knows about him, the more frightened he will be, and the more he will hate him.

As the head of Pei family, he may be impeccable for the benefit of the whole family, but he is cold-blooded, impersonal and ruthless. As long as he thinks it's worth it, he doesn't blink his eyes when he's guilty. As long as he thinks it's worth it, his close relatives can also give up. In his eyes, there are probably only useful people and useless people. The former can be adored and praised by all kinds of people, while the latter, usually ignored completely, bumped into him and stepped on the mud.

Because of this further understanding, he didn't think that what happened in that year was just a coincidence, but he just happened to bump into it. For further investigation, although there was no exact evidence, according to his guess, he was seen by Lecheng emperor. Maybe it wasn't an accident at all, but a man-made design, and this man is probably the old thing of Pei clan leader.

Min Yuhan once again became a trapped beast, just a little bit, a little bit, he rushed into Pei's family and faced him.

He didn't think about the reason why Pei's patriarch did this before. Until he learned that Pei had been paying attention to the prince of Jin for many years, until he knew that it might be the old man who "hijacked" the prince of Jin. He thought of a possibility

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