Minyuhan naturally does not ask why jingwan appears here, but simply explains his intention.

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Li Hongyuan is not interested in the things presented. Jing Wan opens them directly and turns over the criminal evidence. The chief Pei sent people to the Min family. The Min family didn't sort them out. Each of them has one. This is about ten pieces. The suspected ones are about a dozen people. But in comparison, Jing Wan's eyes are fixed Ning, deliberately pulled it out and handed it to Li Hongyuan.

Li Hongyuan may not be able to pick up what others have handed over. Jing Wan's hand is bound to pick up. He shakes his letter slightly and reads it quickly. "According to the law of Qiyuan, one is a capital crime, and the other is also a death penalty. Looking at you minshi, do you want to protect people? "

"Qi Yuan's moth, Min's disaster, such as this, death is not a pity." As a family member, I always think that I'm higher than others, and I always think that everything is supported by my family, and my head is better when I'm sober. That is to say, if I'm not sober, I think my family can compete with the whole country and do anything I want. In some cases, we should always give these unconsciousness a lesson and make an example of others. Of course, in Min Yuhan's position, it is not really for the foundation of Min family.

To some extent, people who know better than people who don't.

"The aristocratic family is the aristocratic family. It's not a common move." Jing Wan chuckled.

Li Hongyuan looked back and saw that there were five stacks of silver tickets that Jing Wan had brought out. If there was no accident, there should be one hundred in each stack, each with a face value of ten thousand and five million Liang. Isn't it unusual? Can ordinary people take out so many at will? However, as a family, if it's only a few hundred thousand, it's probably not normal.

Min Yuhan didn't know how much money his brother had prepared. He didn't open it. He glanced at it. He also had a number in his heart. Actually, it was not a small amount. However, min Yuhan still saw it as a small amount, but he wouldn't say anything, which was beyond his concern.

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"Min Yuhan, you are a wise man, and I am not stingy." The implication is that as long as you don't do what he's not happy with, it's natural that you're good, I'm good, everyone is good.

"Don't worry, my Lord." He was only going to help Prince Jin do everything he could. He was very clear about what to do and what not to do.

"My Lord, it's not early for me to watch this. Why don't you leave Mr. min for dinner? ——How about Minxian's business? "

Min Yuhan ' It's not bad at birth and education. It's good to be so casual and close to Prince Jin. Of course, there is no better way for the two to know each other and agree. "It's an honor for the grass-roots people."

"Your prince and Mr. min are talking first. I'll go and get ready."

Li Hongyuan nodded and Jing Wan got up and left. Because of the presence of an outsider, he, as the host, naturally wants to accompany him. Obviously, he can't eat with his daughter-in-law, which makes Li Hongyuan a little upset. Looking at Min Yuhan, his eyes naturally feel cold.

Min Yuhan is a little inexplicable. I don't know where he got into trouble with this master. Fortunately, Li Hongyuan didn't attack. He casually asked some questions that he wanted to know and the other party might be able to answer. In terms of Min Yuhan, it's natural to say everything.

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It has to be said that the prince of Jin and min Yuhan talked about each other very opportunely. Min Yuhan was surprised to see Li Hongyuan's knowledge and insight at first, but then he was relieved. This was the child of Li Hongyuan, who was born in the royal family. Although the place was longhutan, there was no denying that her child had ever been there It's a great place. Li Hongyuan has no idea about min Yuhan's knowledge. To be honest, if min Yuhan can't reach this level, he will feel bored, and this person will probably be abandoned by him.

The lunch is probably a feast for the guests and the host.

After that, min Yuhan left. He didn't ask Prince Jin what he would do with the people of Min's family. It was unnecessary if he didn't want to ask.

In Qiyuan, after the middle school entrance examination, although you can go back to your hometown to go to work, this situation is a minority. There are not many minshi people in the south of the Yangtze River. They are distributed all over Qiyuan. The two most serious people are not in the south of the Yangtze River. Obviously, they need to "settle accounts after autumn". Min Yuhan sat on the carriage, closed his eyes and thought about what to do next.

Li Hongyuan gave Jing Wan the remaining five million liang of silver notes and said it was Jing Wan's private property.

"The Lord not only gave his own small Treasury to my concubine, but also let my concubine get a small treasury?" Jing Wan joked.

"What's wrong? Which of the women who have dowries has no private property? " Li Hongyuan said naturally.

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"Yes, you are right." Jingwan smiled and hugged him. "Don't worry, I will prepare the allowance for the Lord."

"Wan Wan thinks Ben Wang needs pocket money?" It seems that when he takes money out, it's very little. Basically, he gives it to his subordinates. Although the amount of money at one time is relatively large, it's not a matter for him. It shouldn't belong to "pocket money". He needs to pay money out for food and clothing?

Jingwan stares at Li Hongyuan. OK, this is a complete overlord. He belongs to the type that can be unrestrained without money.

Tut, what are those people who marry in the past, how many billions can they get, and what kind of gifts can they get, compared with her? She's in the bag.

"Things are almost over in chuanzhou mansion. Let's go to play tomorrow." Li Hongyuan stroked the hair of Fujing Wan's sideburns.

Is that enough? "Those in the outer courtyard..." In fact, the accounts of chuanzhou mansion have been found out. Of course, it's just the accounts on the surface, but Li Hongyuan still detains people. Is this the preparation to put them back? It's probably to know that they are for money rather than for life. Their family is relatively thin. Actually, they have already made a lot of money. However, some people, Jing Wan is 100% sure that their family is still very rich. Although those officials and wives are implicitly saying that their family is too poor to open a pot, they have been blacklisted by the prince of Jin to deal with that group, so Jing Wan doesn't care, It's not for now. It's only for copying.

"The matter of Minshan county has already been dealt with. Put it back today to make them comfortable at home for two days. It's time to transfer it to the prison."

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"This should not be made public, should it?"

"Of course not, but it can frighten people from other places in the south of the Yangtze River. In this way, the future will be more smooth."

Jingwan nodded, "the prosperity of the Sichuan Zhoufu is not inferior to that of the capital city, and the Linchuan river is more dependent on yangliuyi, with pleasant scenery and......"

"There are countless boats, and the singer is famous." Li Hongyuan answered.

"My husband knows me." Jing Wan dallied in his arms as if she were coquettish.

"You are a woman."

"But they want to see it."

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