Even at dawn, Mei is still ready to open the door for dawn. Moreover, from her point of view, she is solely responsible for this matter. She gives her girls a better chance. It's perfectly reasonable. Even if others hurt her for power and personal gain, they will take it for granted.

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To some extent, there is such a friendship between Mei Yi and dawn. The two chatted casually about some trivial matters, until the servant came to report, and the person invited by the boat owner arrived, Mei Yi got up and left.

After Mei's departure, I was a little distracted at dawn. I didn't know what I was thinking or just distracted.

Mei Yi pinches a fan and covers her face half. Because it's summer, at least nine of them are cool. In front of the dawn, Mei Yi is still like an elder. Now she is wearing the breath and smile that they should have. Even if they don't see the "benefactor", they should show their full momentum in the face of these old rivals. Tingting curls up and says hello with a charming smile. The girls under him are fighting for splendor. Naturally, they are no exception.

Although they are half old Xu Niang in terms of age, they basically come up from the same road. If they occasionally encounter something with a special taste, and they are willing to do so, it's not uncommon for them to pick up guests at this age.

"I don't need to say why you are invited." To avoid these people procrastinating, it can be written on the post that there is such a big flag, these people are not so quick. Although it was in the name of Prince Jin that she won once, she didn't think it was wrong at all and deliberately showed the winner's smile.

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Eleven people are biting their teeth at her, but they can't help it. Who let them occupy not "use wanhuatai and cooperate with baifangdu, what do you think?" Obviously, Mei Niang had a plan in mind.

The crowd was silent for a moment

"Baifangdu? Our generation has only heard about it. We fight against each other openly and secretly. It's the Mid Autumn Festival of the Lantern Festival. We haven't cooperated in baifangdu. It's good for us to have a look at ourselves by pleasing Prince Jin. "

Others said nothing, but apparently agreed.

Whether it's wanhuatai or baifangdu, there are rules to follow, mainly or in detail.

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"What's more, Huakui of each family must be the main character, just be together, or separate? How do we get together and separate? "

We have roughly agreed on the articles of association. First of all, we should call people's boats back at the fastest speed. We don't know how long Prince Jin's patience and interest will last, so we should prepare all aspects as well as the programs. The girls in all the houses and boats are basically within the predetermined range.

There are boats on Linchuan river every day. When they are few, they may be hundreds of feet away from each other. When they are many, they rub their heads and tails. But today, they are a little strange. It seems that they haven't seen one after another for more than one hour. What's the situation? All the rich and noble people are turning at the same time?

Of course, this is the idea of people who don't know. What they know is just like the guests who are "driven out of the boat" apologize to the boat in front of each building. They also return a lot of silver. In addition, knowing the cause of the matter, they can only recognize it with their noses in their hands. Quite a few points dare not say it.

And the first sign of louxiehang is the cancellation of the girl's leaving ceremony at dawn, which is naturally more and more widely spread.

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Some people think it doesn't matter, but there are also people who are furious. For example, those who are necessary to get the dawn power may only be those who are interested in the dawn leather bag, and there are many who are deeply rooted in her. After all, you, young men, are not so many who are interested in the women in the qinlouchuguan, who want to marry to go home, but they also appear from time to time. At dawn, I happened to meet such a man, who is still in charge of the official family. The family was originally mixed up by Prince Jin. Now it will be taken as its own by the other side as well as the woman it likes. The hatred in the heart is about to condense into essence, but it can't do anything, so the hatred also has its own burning pain.

Yes, in the eyes of these people, dawn must be the treasure of Prince Jin. Insatiably avaricious, of course, simultaneous interpreting such a group of people,

, is like a darkroom:

, the Jin prince, is really as extravagant as rumors, and typical "only state officials set fire to people not to light the lamp", but also a princess who is greedy.

"What Prince is it? It's just the pariah from the mud legs who stole the Huanshi River and mountain. Loach is loach. After sitting for several years, the throne will become a dragon? Dream! "

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Other people don't agree with him. At the moment, they scold delizo. When they leave here, they dare to try it out? But what about Li's royal family? In fact, they know it well.

"Otherwise, it's a rare opportunity. We can't even get close to a turtle that doesn't go out. Now he comes out on his own initiative, which is the reason why he hasn't let it go. "

"It's still up to you to say that it's just waiting for this day. Isn't there any reason why a romantic and lecherous man can't come out of such a boundary as chuanzhou mansion?"

"So, the chance to kill for the people is here."

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