Jing Wan followed Li Hongyuan out of the door, and then remembered whether he wanted to take his servant girl.

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"Let black sister and white peony follow." Li Hongyuan points people directly.

Li Hongyuan naturally won't let them down in their martial arts. On the contrary, he also stepped up his training. When Jing Wan didn't know about them, they didn't fall down day by day.

Originally, Hei Mei and Bai Shao didn't know who they had been taught to train. Now they basically know. But no one has revealed it or mentioned it to Jing Wan. To some extent, it's between the princess and the prince.

"Men's wear?" The servant girl should be the same as the master.

"No, it won't affect them. In fact, if you follow the arrangement of the boat, it doesn't matter if you follow it openly."

Jing Wan gently turns a white eye. Now I'm talking about this. Is it interesting? If she was not ready to wear men's clothes at the beginning, she would not take it out. Moreover, knowing such a small thing, she would never refuse it. This man is really, from the beginning of "bad intention", will eat her to death.

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Li Hongyuan chuckled and shaved jingwan's nose, then naturally kissed him.

The guard included Yu Zhongqing, Li Suyan and others. The first time they saw Jing Wan in men's clothes, the first reaction was when there was another young prince around the prince of Jin who made him so close to him. Then they found out that he was a princess. They hurriedly looked away and dared not look more. As for the reason for the dress of Jin's princess, no one went back to investigate.

Li Hongyuan's trip, if it is not Jing Wan's request, is basically a master who can't hide his whereabouts. Today, with some purposes, it's even more difficult to hide.

There are not many guards around. There are more than 20 in total and several female guards. Is that all the guards? Of course not.

Li Hongyuan is very clear that Jiangnan is the abode of the last dynasty. He doesn't know the specific number of people, but it's certainly not small. These people are committed to making troubles for the people of Li's royal family. It's a normal thing to assassinate. Today's situation is strange if they don't start. Wan Wan is on the side. In case of emergency, he will arrange properly.

Arriving at Linchuan River, a two-story boat looks much bigger than the ordinary boat. The drapery hanging around the lower floor has been dismantled. The Diaolianghuadong is decorated with fine washing. At a glance, the upper floor is like a house. The middle position is like connecting the walkways on both sides, which is relatively narrower, and the outside is more reserved Wide distance, the "houses" on both sides are shorter on the left side. In jingwan's view on the right side, there is either a small three-story or a fake one. The top is also carved with cornice teeth and decorated with glass. It can be seen that the boat alone takes a lot of effort.

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Of course, the real beauty is not the boat, but the people in it.

Because of their arrival, the beauties of a river came out of the boat, led by Mei Yi. There were twelve people in the back two lines. They were both national and unique. They were fat and thin. Then there were a group of younger looking servant girls. After a year or two, they would become a real money spinner.

What's more, this scene is a feast for the eyes. It brings so many beauties together, and it's also a kind of beauty contest with both internal and external cultivation. It's a beauty contest in the past, which can't reach this level. After all, those beauties are beautiful. Can they be both Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, and literary accomplishment?

Jingwan secretly praised it in her heart. This trip is really right.

In the face of such beauties, Grandpa mu can't help looking at them more. Li Hongyuan is the most apathetic. Especially when she sees Jing Wan, who looks like the light in her eyes, she doesn't look at herself like this. Then her expression suddenly becomes cold and fierce. If her eyes are lethal, these beauties may be disfigured.

Li Hongyuan grabbed Jing Wan's waist and went straight to the boat.

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Mei Yi and others are crouching down, but Yu Guang can still see Li Hongyuan's action. Naturally, he hurriedly signals the people behind him to disperse and stop in the way.

Jing Wan takes back his attention, looks at Li Hongyuan from his side, turns around and understands his present state. He can't help but chuckle.

Li Hongyuan squints at her. "Funny?" His face darkened three points.

Jing Wan quickly reached for his hand and stroked his back. He quickly went along with Mao. "No, absolutely not."

But Li Hongyuan's face didn't get better at all. "Maybe we should go back now. Sometimes I even wonder if we shouldn't take you out. The more we play cross-country. Today, I'm going to buy a boat. Will I go to the brothel directly tomorrow? There should be Nanfeng Pavilion in Jiangnan. Would you like to take you to see it? "

Jingwan really didn't know what to say. The man was childish and mean, just like the three-year-old. At this time, it's better not to say anything, look at him, focus on him, treat him as the whole world, don't ask about the scenery ahead, don't ask about the road under your feet, and then

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Even if Li Hongyuan didn't look at her, he relaxed his face and covered Jing Wan's eyes with his hands. "Don't look at it."

Jingwan smiles like flowers.

Li Hongyuan just looked at her from the side. "You can eat it. I won't do anything to you."

"Well, let's live up to this" beautiful scenery on a good day. "

The voice between the two did not converge. Mei Yi and other people were afraid to face Li Hongyuan. They only saw that the man standing beside him was a man from his clothes. At first, they saw Prince Jin's action and were surprised that he was a good southerly man. Only when the man spoke, the woman's voice was no more obvious. Now I have a better understanding of the reasons for Prince Jin's appearance. It's not surprising. However, it's better to stop this kind of thing in my stomach, no matter whether others will know it or not, in a word, it can't come from my own mouth.

In this way, it is not surprising that the guilds of baohuafang put forward those demands.

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