Li Hongyuan stood up and looked down at patriarch Pei. At this time, he did not forget to calculate. The living king of Yan said he was very unhappy.

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“…… The grassroots know that they have made a big mistake and annoyed the king, but they are all grassroots... " The color of pain flashed on the face of clan Pei, "it's all the work of the master's family. The rest of the people don't know about it. It's just the so-called innocence of the ignorant. Please let the prince get away with it." What a sincere statement.

As soon as the words were spoken, the people next to me also pleaded guilty in disorder, asking Li Hongyuan to show mercy. However, these people didn't plead for themselves, so to speak, is it because the prestige of the Pei clan leader is too high, or has it been arranged before he came out? As the saying goes, the patriarch Pei thinks that although he calculated Li Hongyuan, he did not cause any damage to him. He has made Pei fall to the present level, and he will not be killed. Especially now, the relationship between Pei and Pei has burst out. If he has been ruthless, he will be criticized. He is so ruthless and ruthless, and he will kill all his relatives, even if he is a saint I'm sure I'm not happy.

That is to say, the patriarch Pei insisted that Li Hongyuan was the real murderer of Pei family, and then forced Li Hongyuan not to do anything to Pei family. Even though Pei's family shrinks sharply and even withdraws from the ranks of the aristocratic family, as long as Pei's foundation is still there, and now that it has shaken out, Pei's family no longer needs to be afraid of not entering the Dynasty and not getting involved with the royal family. According to Pei's information, many excellent children, Pei's family has to stand up again, but it's only a matter of time.

Because of all kinds of assumptions, to this point, the Pei clan leader is still hot in the heart, and does not see decadent.

So, patriarch Pei has suffered a great loss in "self righteous", but the current form is still me. Pei may have a day to recover, but it has nothing to do with him. Li Hongyuan's nature is absolutely not to accept threats.

Maybe it's too late to wait for Li Hongyuan to open his mouth. Some people look up carefully. After seeing Li Hongyuan's face, some people suddenly stop living. Especially, some of the people around the chief Pei look younger than him, but they are also old. Obviously, they are all the sons of the chief Pei. Watching him, they are even more stunned

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"Yes, it's so similar. These five features are just like the ones carved in the same mold as my little sister. No wonder my mother can't get sick after seeing her..." Later, I realized that it was not right. "The Lord forgives me. The grass people didn't mean that. My mother missed my younger sister all the year round, and became ill from depression. Seeing the LORD was stimulated..."

Li Hongyuan chuckled. His uncle, who didn't know the number of blood relatives, didn't dare to go on.

No one in Pei county knows that Pei's wife has passed away. It's reasonable to say that it's possible to get excited even after meeting her grandson. However, unless the lights are dry and the missing person has no regrets, they will smile for a short time. In addition, as long as the time goes by, the so-called people will feel refreshed when they are happy, then they should More healthy is, but it turns out that Chen Ke, the wife of patriarch Pei, died in a day or two. So, it's doubtful that she was overzealous. It can't be said that Prince Jin was too fickle. What she said or did really stimulated the old lady.

Driven by the people who are interested, Pei county people know Li Hongyuan very well.

Li Hongyuan finally got out of the car and came to the front of the chief Pei. "The chief Pei worked hard. Why don't he put on a good show with blood splashing on the spot? Isn't the effect better?"

This is not light or heavy. The people who watch the bustling outside can't hear it, but the people near him can hear it clearly.

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Patriarch Pei was frozen, and vaguely felt that maybe "The king joked and laughed. The grass-roots people sincerely asked for a crime, without his intention."

"Does great grandfather really mean nothing to him? Isn't it not that great grandmother's condition has improved greatly, you deliberately stopped her medicine, in order to calculate her own grandchildren, in order to achieve some ulterior purposes, leading to great grandmother's anger, heart attack, spitting blood and death? " Not far behind, Pei Xiuying, a Xiaoyi, suddenly stood up, his voice was cold, and he said "inside". In his voice, he suppressed his deep sorrow.

So people look at Pei Xiuying with different looks, of which nature is the most shocked.

Clan head Pei didn't turn back, just clenched his fists. His loose face seemed to be stretched flat. Because she lowered her head slightly, no one could see the emotion in her eyes.

Pei Xiuying's words are not over yet In those years, you pushed your grandmother out regardless of your kinship, which made her heartbroken. She has been with you for decades, even if she has no credit, she has given birth to children for you. Everyone else has seen her scenery. What's the difference between your backyard, which is controlled both inside and outside, and that puppet's withered wood? Have you ever really given her a little honor? Now I don't want to be married. In order to achieve my goal, I will kill my wife. How can you bear it? "

Some people look at patriarch Pei, and their eyes are a little subtle. As a man, you are still the patriarch, and you should have full control of the back house. Ha ha

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“…… In terms of seniority, I was Prince Jin's cousin, but you designed to almost send me to his bed. Usually, it's only said by someone. However, people who often talk about the family style and rules do this kind of thing, how disgusting it is that they are so different from each other? And you have always told me that I am the most honorable legitimate daughter of my family. I have my dignity and pride, but you treat me like this? Really like some rumors, we are all things you seek for benefits, without any feelings at all? "

Pei Xiuying's voice was slightly choked, but every word was unusually clear.

The people around her, because they are all young people, and Pei Xiuying has always been in a high position. No one dares to steal her edge. Now she is so scared that she has no one to stop her. Her parents and grandparents are scared to death. However, as soon as they want to stand up, they are stopped by Li Hongyuan's slightly low voice.

"I know that it's a great unfilial thing for me to say these things, but it's really my great grandfather who makes people feel cold and does something to push Pei family to the abyss. Now you still want to calculate the prince of Jin, but have you ever thought about the consequences? The prince of Jin is Pei's grandson. But he is the prince first, and then he talks about other things. If Pei annoys today's sages, what will happen to Pei? Great grandfather, don't be stubborn anymore. When Pei's family is really gone, it's too late to regret. " At this point, Pei Xiuying suddenly pulls out a dagger and stabs it hard into her neck. The dagger is extremely sharp. In an instant, blood flows out along the dagger

Pei Xiuying's face flashed with extremely complex emotions, then her eyes began to slack, and her body began to fall as soon as she was soft.

All of this was so sudden, and the people around her basically lowered their heads, until she fell down and saw the bright red blood, one by one, they were shocked and scattered. So, Pei Xiuying, a large circle nearby, was empty, leaving her lying in the middle, white and dazzling red, so sharp contrast, inexplicably making people feel a little scared.

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Some people praise this kind of thing, but others think it's heartless, not only unfilial, but also unfaithful. In a word, in my family, I wish I could strangle myself, because there are many people who scold Pei Xiuying in my heart. Naturally, some people doubt its authenticity. After all, Pei's name is beyond

Now, people die, commit suicide, without hesitation, martyrdom, she may be unfilial, she used her life to atone for her sins, no matter what can be wiped clean.

At this time, patriarch Pei just stood up, his body was slightly quivering, and slowly turned around. Seeing Pei Xiuying who was lying in a pool of blood and died in tears, she had deep disbelief and uncontrollable anger in her eyes! He was planted by a well-trained person. Moreover, because the other person died, he would never want to clean up again. Compared with a life in public, no one would believe his words.

He thought he was in control, but reality gave him a slap; he thought it was just a good chess piece, even if it was abandoned, it could be squeezed again

"How does it feel to be backfired?" Li Hongyuan's slightly smiling voice sounded from behind him.

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