Now we are in a relatively busy road section. Since the woman stopped, many people around us have stopped, with a strange excitement and excitement. After all, as ordinary people, they have a strong curiosity about all kinds of gossip with people of different classes. This often serves as a kind of chatting material for them, which can not be said to be spiteful at some time. No Because of the guards, those people dare not get too close.

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It is known from some people who know that this is the frame of Prince Jin. Many people are scared. It can be seen that Prince Jin's "prestige" is very popular among ordinary people. However, today, when the Jin Princess returns to her mother's home, the Jin Prince may not be in the carriage, but the Jin Princess must be. Inexplicably, some people are excited again, like beating chicken blood. Afraid of anything, are temporarily put aside, there are only two words left in my mind - the drama.

It can be said that it's "a thousand calls". Of course, only in my heart, the curtain of the carriage is finally lifted. These ordinary people haven't seen the Royal concubines of Jin Dynasty. However, looking at the whole style, it should be the Royal concubines of Jin Dynasty no doubt?! If nothing else, it's enough to show off for a while just to see the real face of a princess.

People are beautiful. They are different from them. Looking at a gentle and kind-hearted woman, she is a man who is willing to take good care of her. They only dare to think about it. They will never have a blasphemous mind. Just, how will Princess Jin deal with this? I'm afraid I will suffer a loss.

However, when the princess opened her mouth, it was quite different from what they expected. ——Most people are left with consternation, followed by fear.

When jingwan's voice falls, the people who had a good impression on her before turn to be in a hurry, vicious, snake and scorpion beauties, know people, know faces and don't know hearts and so on.

It's true that there's no room for people to be married to the princess. But the woman who once served the prince of Jin, even if she was not happy and didn't want to see him, was sent far away, but she asked for human life when she opened her mouth. People like that, however, live in a high position and don't know how many people will die in her hands.

"Princess Hmmm mm

Jingwan said that the bodyguards would not be polite any more. You should know that these people, in addition to carrying out orders, are not ordinary hard-hearted and pitiful? What the hell is that.

As for the beauty, Jing Wan didn't look at it any more, still with a smile like nothing, glanced around, and just this one eye, it made people immediately silent, as if to say another word, or even any bad idea, would be immediately known by her, and then she could go to the moat to feed fish just like the woman.

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When doing this in public, Jing Wan predicted the possible consequences, but it doesn't matter. The man in the carriage did little to make her happy? So why not do something to please him? But when it comes to human life

Jingwan looks back at Duke mu, which means nothing more. In the past, those women, someone doesn't know what it is. As the top dog leg around him, this kind of thing must be known, and even the "account book" is there.

Duke Mu was trembled by jingwan. "Princess, this daughter has been given by the prince earlier..." In the brain flipped the memory, to whom, who? Time is a little long, and there are so many things he has to remember. How can he remember such things? However, the princess asked. If she can't remember, she has to think hard. She must think about it. Think about it. Think about it

Although Mr. Mu remained quiet, jingwan also knew that he couldn't remember, "isn't it from another courtyard?"

"Back to the princess, No." Duke Mu is absolutely positive about this.

"In this way, find out who sent them back. By the way, my princess is very angry about this."

It seems that the tone of indifference, Duke Mu's inexplicable heart is cold, there is a kind of illusion of facing the living king of hell, is it true that he who is close to the red is close to the black? No, how kind is the princess? She will become the same painting style as the prince in the future? Think about that picture. A living Yama will make people hot. Another Yama princess, do you want to end it? Because it's so horrible.

"Mu'an, what are you thinking, or are you still saying that you haven't heard what Princess Ben said. Do you need to repeat it again?" Jing Wan said with a smile.

Duke Mu felt even colder in his heart, which was more terrible than the king's cold face. "Princess, I can hear you clearly, and you don't need to repeat it."

"Very well, do it quickly." Jingwan calmly stroked his sleeve, turned around and entered the carriage. Then he saw the living king of hell, who was holding his cheek with one hand and laughing extremely. Jingwan was helpless and funny in her heart. She went up, leaned over her forehead, put it on the other side's, and whispered, "satisfied?"

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Li Hongyuan reached out, grabbed Jing Wan's waist, and with a little effort, he took Jing Wan into his arms. "Look at Wan Wan's words, someone thinks of your husband. Usually, you shouldn't deal with them all? At this time, it's not a matter of my dissatisfaction, it's a matter of your dissatisfaction. Wan Wan, you are defending your own interests. "

Jingwan is not the first time to learn about someone's virtue of being cheap and being good. "Just be happy."

"Is that euphemism or unhappiness? You should be happier. "

"Yes, I am very happy, very happy." It's not because we've solved the "rival", it's because of this man. Hook his neck and rub the tip of his nose intimately on the tip of his nose, then kiss his lips without hesitation, scratch his lip seam on the tip of his tongue and knock his teeth open. After more than half a year of marriage, Jing Wan is often held by someone who is full of kissing skills. Even if she is not full now, she has seven or eight points. It's more than enough to take the initiative once in a while.

Li Hongyuan's eyes narrowed slightly. Although he didn't know where he touched his little heart, his daughter-in-law was so active and enthusiastic, but she had a rare welfare. There was no reason why she didn't enjoy it well. Her eyes were unusually soft, just catering to jingwan's actions, and she didn't take back the initiative.

However, jingwan is still weak in this respect. At last, she is still breathless. Her eyes are slightly flushed. She lies on Li Hongyuan's shoulder and relaxes her body soft, so as to calm her breathing. Obviously, Li Hongyuan 's desire is also picked up by her, but now is not a good time to continue to do something. Li Hongyuan stroked her back.

When Jing Wan regained his peace, he stood up and looked at Li Hongyuan with a smile. "Wang Ye, do we have some accounts to calculate?"

Originally, it's very hurtful to turn over the old account. Even if it's unpleasant in my heart, I can't change the past. In this way, it's better to let it go. But, she does not turn over, carries a body debt person to be not willing instead. In that line, we'll have a good liquidation. It's clear whether it's more unpleasant or not. Then it will be clear at a glance. Then what, it should be a kind of interest.

"Oh, what does Wan Wan want to do with her husband?" Li Hongyuan once thought that he might not be able to explain the past dark history to his daughter-in-law. Now, tut, he can't calm down any more, and even become an excuse for him to find jingwan's "trouble". It's clearly what he did, but he is more upright than anyone else.

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"Come on, let's talk about your" seven days of prosperity "first."

"It's not like that. What's so simple, Wan Wan Wan is so intelligent, need to explain? "

Jingwan bites the back alveolar, this bastard! "Oh, there is no deep meaning, so to speak, ah yuan is not a general dislike of the new and the old."

"The euphemism is wrong. It doesn't match the word" love new and hate old ". If you decide which one, you will like it from a new time, and then you will like it all the time. No matter how old or like it, and in my eyes, it will always be new and never fade." Li Hongyuan holds jingwan's face in one hand, and his eyes are unusually gentle. "He will be fond of the new and dislike the old. That's because, no matter the new and the old, he can't even care for his husband."

Jingwan almost was confused again. Turning over the old accounts can make him show his loyalty in disguise. That's enough. Niutou, spit on himself. Look at Li Hongyuan again. The bastard is laughing. It's clear that she is "laughing" at her poor determination. So easy to be confused by men. Jingwan opened her mouth and took a bite.

"Hiss..." Li Hongyuan seemed to take a breath of cool air, a very painful look.

Jingwan really thought that he didn't grasp the right measure. He immediately reached out to rub it. Pure care would make chaos. He didn't think about it. In some times, it wasn't once or twice that he bit the blood directly. It was like last night. In fact, it was just to make the animals more animals. Could it be more serious just like that?

Li Hongyuan held her hand. "Wan Wan, don't rub it." Like a moan of pain.

"It's so serious, Mingming, Mingming..."

"Well, very serious, very serious..." Li Hongyuan's eyes are deeper and deeper.

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Jing Wan realized later that he was red and black. Without saying a word, he continued to bite him to death.

"Good heart, don't bite. It's really serious. You can't get off the carriage for at least two hours." Li Hongyuan grabbed her waist and held it close to himself. "Let's see what it's like? Good heart, you should know that you can make it react with one look. Don't you want to be your husband's life if you tempt it and don't appease it? Is this serious? If Wan Wan moves again, I think that Wan Wan is ready to appease him in the carriage. "

Jingwan is really biting her teeth, but she felt the obvious hardness and the latent heat, and did not dare to move again.

Although Li Hongyuan is a little uncomfortable physically, he is in a happy mood. He kisses him and lies in his arms, but he is very obedient. "Is the account finished? Keep going. "

Jingwan sneers coldly, "the key is not that you don't care, the key is that you don't care about those, in essence, there has been."

"Well, it's a question, but it's an unchangeable fact. What should I do?"

"Apart from those in other hospitals, some of them have been sent away?"

"I don't want it anyway. People like it. It's just time to save some food." Li Hongyuan's tone seemed to say that he was not a human being or even an object.

So, it's good to be seen by him in the life of the living king of hell, even if it's just a little bit, in any sense, maybe it's lucky. The rest of them, it's OK not to pay for him. If they pay for him, it's doomed to be the biggest sorrow.

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