The people in the Royal Palace are awed by Li Hongyuan, while the military men are pure reverence.

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It's mainly about the relationship of first impressions and the level of understanding of the real Li Hongyuan. Despite the fact that these soldiers and men are like this now, if they really work for him like the dark first, they will be the same as them in a short time. In this way, I still envy these soldiers and men. It's true that ignorance is bliss.

The last four, no accident, the final result as the first four, however, these people's eyes are more pure.

After watching the war, if he had thought about it, he seemed to understand the purpose of his master's sudden coming out, that is to say, it's not their master's style to deal with people in a roundabout way.

The muscles and bones are fully active, and Li Hongyuan's body is hot. There is an indescribable pleasure.

As soon as you throw it, the long gun in your hand will fall steadily on the weapon rack, and then walk to he xiaooverlord who lies on the ground.

A few of the army men just accepted the exposed emotions. Some of them followed nervously. They lost. It was the little childe who suffered. But their current situation was that they could not stop themselves in the face of Prince Jin alone, let alone a group of bodyguards.

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A bodyguard of the royal family followed him, but they didn't know. This time, the expression on his face was a little cracked. What? Actually they found out before. The boy was actually very hard-working, and his hands and feet were broken. He just frowned at that time. In this regard, they still respect him as a man, worthy of being born in a general. If it's those dandies in the capital Young man, you can't howl like a pig, but now, his mother, that fanatical look is even worse than those soldiers.

Li Hongyuan's feet were all subtly paused. Although others didn't see it, his lower foot was not ambiguous. The first foot was kicked on his shoulder, and he XIAOBAWANG, who was lying on his stomach, was turned over half a circle, and the angle was also shifted. After that, Li Hongyuan took the first two steps again, which was a bit of a stroll. Then he stepped on his feet, the ribs at the middle side, making people seem to hear the sound of bone fracture. What a stroll in idle court Well, it's an absolute illusion. Several feet in a row, he XIAOBAWANG spits blood without any accident. Obviously, he hurt his internal organs, but he just snorted twice, without crying or begging for mercy. He XIAOBAWANG is definitely a tough guy.

At last, Li Hongyuan stepped on the chest of he XIAOBAWANG, but he didn't use his strength. He crouched down, moved his toes, and put them on his chin. Then he made a hot look at him. OK, it's probably weird, but in fact, it's still like this. Although the injury is not light, the expression is slightly twisted, and more is still fanaticism, If Jing Wan is here, he will probably give a reasonable title, that is, fan Di, or brain powder.

Li Hongyuan has no superfluous emotions except for his original one. He XIAOBAWANG has never seen such a situation in other people. For example, Ruan Fangfei and some women under "Shengchong" are not so obvious. Of course, Li Hongyuan also knows that the meaning is different.

Speaking of he XIAOBAWANG, Li Hongyuan is very familiar with him. Of course, in his previous life, according to the time, he has to wait a few years for him to fight for the four sides. He XIAOBAWANG is one of his strong generals.

He xiaooverlord, named Zhihai, is the youngest son of he Zhenwei, the chief General guarding the northeast border. He has four elder brothers, two brothers and two concubines. At present, there are only two brothers left. The he family is not the same as other families. Because guarding the border, he suffered a lot of losses. Therefore, the relationship between brothers and brothers, regardless of the concubines, is good.

In fact, the he family are all decent, but the he family daughter-in-law is not as high as her family, but most of them are women who don't want to be men. Although they have not been on the battlefield with their husbands, they have guarded the city at least. However, among the descendants of he family, he Shihai is a wonderful flower. Maybe he Shihai is nearly ten years older than his elder brother. Comparatively speaking, he may be more indulgent. However, he family has no idea of spoiling his children and grandchildren. His education is very strict, both mentally and physically, because he was strict when he was a child and grew up in war There's a bigger chance of survival on the court.

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The reason why he Zhihai is a wonderful flower is that he has excellent physical strength. His training at the same age needs at least three times to achieve the effect. When he is less than ten years old, he can lie down his elder brother. However, he was born with a special rebellious mind. He is not a bully, but he is so arrogant that he likes the whole thing and is punished at home, Hit, shut, leg has broken, costal fracture, also have no effect at all, that seems to be born of hard bone. In the northeast, it's just a ghost.

When he Zhihai was twelve years old, he took a group of people to sneak out of the city. It was nearly ten days since he went out. His family was crazy. At last, he didn't hold any hope. As a result, he came back alive. He took people out to play the sneak attack and really killed a small tribe. Of course, there is no reward at the end of the day. I was beaten hard and got out of bed after ten and a half days. Then, people in my family guarded him and sent several brave soldiers to follow him at any time. General he's soldiers came in turn. So, these people were impressed by this young man.

He Shihai has learned a lot from them. But because he is so energetic, he took him to the battlefield when he was 13. Although he was a little younger, he didn't object to his family. In fact, he Zhihai seems to be born for war. On the battlefield, he is invincible, and he is a complete madman.

In fact, the following soldiers admire him very much, and sometimes they respect him very much. The reason is that occasionally, because the respect is often only three seconds, turning around is a very headache.

He Zhihai is now 16 years old. A year ago, he laid down his Laozi. Half a year ago, he laid down his eldest brother, who has the highest force value in the he family's army.

As long as general he Zhenwei's eldest son stays in the northeast border city, there are still some ethnic groups left. All other members of he Zhenwei's group have returned to Beijing.

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In a word, he Zhenwei is most worried about this young son. He is afraid that he will cause trouble again. The capital city is no better than the border city. For the sake of he family, no one cares too much. In the capital city, he family may not be even if he accidentally gets into power. The he family is hardworking and highly meritorious for guarding the border. The saints have many preferential treatment and some responsibilities. However, if they are smart, they should know that they need to be more careful. If something goes wrong, they will be mercilessly criticized.

But did not think, or something happened, and still hit the iron plate.

When he's family learned that the horse ran into the frame of the prince Jin's house, they didn't apologize. They dared to be fierce. They were arrested by the people in the prince Jin's house. They were so angry and anxious that their families were upset. Before returning to Beijing, they specifically told him not to offend him. They even enlarged the sign of the prince Jin's house He put it directly into his mind. He was also detained in the two days after he came to Beijing. Who knows? Because he just came to Beijing, there were so many things. He was very busy. Once he didn't pay attention, he slipped out again. If you go out, you will make a big disaster

Although it will soon be known that the prince of Jin is not on the frame, the more noble the princess of Jin is, the more delicate she is in their eyes and can't be touched. If there is a good or bad situation, it's life.

However, it's a little bit more fortunate that the evil guy didn't have the impulse to do anything. Maybe he realized it was wrong, or he was persuaded. Otherwise, according to his force value, he let go of the fight, just like in the battlefield. It's strange that he can't die.

Li Hongyuan looks at he Zhihai. He knew him well before he became king. At that time, he was the only adult male of the he family, including he Zhenwei, who died in "two months later". The day of his death happened to be the thirtieth of the lunar new year. At that time, he Zhihai didn't have this unbridled publicity. The whole man was gloomy. He was just walking on the weapon. When he went on the expedition, he saw the ferocity and extraordinary skill of he Zhihai in killing the enemy. In many years after the war, he Zhihai was the sea god needle of Qiyuan. His reputation alone was enough to make the enemy smell the change.

Li Hongyuan's current martial arts, to a certain extent, come from he Zhihai.

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However, he Zhihai is not suitable to be a commander in chief of the whole army. He is only suitable to be a general in charge of fighting. He is also the kind of general who needs to be assisted and dispatched. He is only responsible for fighting. It's not that he is just a reckless man and doesn't know the strategy of the art of war. On the contrary, he Zhihai's brain is quite powerful. Although he is not so decent, he likes to go on the wrong side of the sword, and has a good command of the army and the generals. To win with a small number is to play with a good hand, but he has lost all his relatives, and he himself has no fertility because of his serious injury, so the only thing he has left is revenge, the battle after revenge In the war, he is just like a weapon without thinking. He just obeys Li Hongyuan's command. He fights and is fierce because he doesn't care about life and death. When the war is over, he can't see anything on the outside. Inside, he is really a useless man.

At that time, Li Hongyuan was always in the eye, so when he had the chance to come back, he had the heart of loving talents. He wanted to protect he Shihai and make him a real commander in chief. He wanted the enemy not only to hear about one person's color change, but also to make the enemy's first army lose heart. In this way, he's family must be protected. That's why he's family returned to Beijing this time.

Of course, Li Hongyuan didn't want to abandon the northeast border. If he family didn't guard them, the war would only be more tragic two months later. He Zhenwei would have to go back. Li Hongyuan would give him a wake-up call, strengthen his defense, and secretly prepare some military supplies for him. If there was any chance, he's family's kindling would be left behind.

What he Shihai is like now? Li Hongyuan knows something about him, but seeing him is a little unexpected. What's more, as soon as the boy returned to Beijing, he ran into his daughter-in-law and hurt her. In this way, no matter how promising and talented he was, he had to clean up and teach well. If he didn't achieve his expected goal, Li Hongyuan would definitely abandon him personally.

"You are very powerful, Wang Ye. Have a fight with Cao min?"

Li Hongyuan hasn't opened his mouth yet, he Zhihai said with enthusiasm and expectation. ——So, he's a little bit of a nerd fan.

In fact, he Zhihai's fighting achievements are quite thick, but his father never asked him to seal them. All of these fighting achievements are distributed to other people. He Zhihai doesn't care. Therefore, he doesn't know how to return them in the capital

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