"Luoshi, you dare!"

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Jing Wan raised her hand to stop mother Gong temporarily. "What can I dare not to do? Moreover, since he doesn't care about it, he doesn't have to be angry. "

"Prince Kang Jai wants to split," this kind of thing, a man will not care! "

Later, all the brothers of Prince Kang want to hide their faces with their hands. They really don't want to admit that this is their brother, and it was born by the shrewd woman of the queen. Although the father is not very wise, it should be considered normal. How can the son born be a cripple? Now I'm totally led by the nose. OK. It's easy to say that the first thing to do at this time is to remove something more obvious? However, they are quite willing to watch this kind of joke. They can go into the palace and tell it to their mother and concubine. Then they can watch the Queen's joke by the way.

"Oh? What do you mind, Prince Kang? " Jing Wan caresses the cuff casually.

Prince Kang was so angry that he almost jumped at jingwan's attitude. He pointed to the curtain and said, "what do you mind? What do you mind, a man..."

"* * not a man. You said it yourself. It's said that this woman's heart is deep-sea needle, in fact, the man seems to let it go. If Lord Kang doesn't mind this, it naturally means that I, as a sister-in-law, didn't do anything wrong. Then there's no reason for my anger. But if Lord Kang does mind, I have to suspect that you want to make people lust in the back yard of my brother. If you do, you have to suspect that you want to make people lust in the back yard of my brother. What's your intention? " The more behind, the colder look.

Prince Kang is so blocked that he can't speak, so it's all his fault to talk about it? If you don't mind, his backyard will probably be regarded as a whorehouse. If you do, it's intended to be bad for his younger brother. The former can't be angry, the latter is angry, and others will only be more angry - it's natural to do anything.

At the end of the day, the princess of Jin stepped on his face and made a scene in his palace, but asked him to apologize and calm down?

Thinking about this, the angry Prince Kang lost his mind directly, and raised his hand and slapped the fan on his hand

To say that jingwan is also guarding against him, subconsciously, he has stepped back two steps.

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Prince Kang didn't get a slap. He wanted to have a second time, but he was directly grabbed by the wrist. Prince Kang screamed and thought his wrist was broken.

"Li Hongyi, is being king a dead man? In front of the king, how dare you fight against the princess? " Li Hongyi's voice was so cold that he dropped ice dregs.

Prince Kang wants to get rid of Li Hongyuan's grip. However, his strength is not enough, and his strength is too weak.

It's a habit to pretend to be brothers and sisters in law. When you see this scene, other brothers will naturally come forward to dissuade you.

Li Hongyuan's cold and fierce eyes swept away, and Li Hongming and others seemed to be frozen. It was really that the eyes were too obvious, that is to say, if they dare to intervene, then they are looking for someone to ignite. To be honest, these brothers are the five princes of the sick Yangzi. They also ate row leaders in Li Hongyuan's place, but compared with other people, they are drizzle, which is nothing at all.

Because the loss in Li Hongyuan's hands is really too painful, at this time, I really can't afford to go forward.

Li Hongyuan is different from Jing Wan in the end. Jing Wan takes a circuitous route. Li Hongyuan is simple and rude, but he can't be imitated by others in his way, because what he can do can't be done by others.

Jingwan looks at it almost. He moves forward two steps and shakes Li Hongyuan's other hand where no one else can see it.

Li Hongyuan glanced at her sideways, but said nothing. He let go of his hand, and the violence in his eyes did not subside.

Li Hongyi rubbed his wrist as if it was going to be broken. Looking at Li Hongyuan, he could not bear the hatred in his eyes. He sneered, "men and women of the six younger brothers don't want to avoid it. They have been kept together for a long time. It's going to be an obscene Houzhai. It's going to be a mess, isn't it?"

"Look at what Prince Kang said. In the past, those objects that were thrown away within seven days at most were still the Lord's children? No matter how disorderly they are, they can't be regarded as our Lord. Just like the beauty sent by our Lord before, are they all the people of our Lord? King Kang received the largest amount of it. It's hard not to think that it's our Lord's woman when we do the rites of Duke Zhou? Don't laugh. " Jing Wan said with sarcasm.

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Prince Kang's face was blue and white. "When is it the woman's turn to interrupt when a man talks? "The sixth brother is powerful in front of our brother, but his own woman has ridden him to the top?"

Jingwan said with no disguise, "Prince Kang is really right. As a woman in the back house, it's not easy to talk to a man. It's someone, but a big man uses a woman's means. So, if a woman cuts him off, it's what he's looking for. It's right."

"What do you mean, Luo?"

Jing wanpi smiled at Prince Kang without laughing. "Literally." As he said this, Li Hongming and others were also swept by his eyes. "Besides, I didn't name them. Someone sent them to pick up the conversation by themselves. This is to admit that I have done something?"

Everyone else listened. Li Hongyuan didn't spend much money most of the time, but when his mouth was poisoned, he was so angry that he could get one Buddha out of the body and two Buddhas into the sky. The ability of Jin's Royal concubine to harm others was enough to make people spit blood. Just now, it was clear that he was with them, but he didn't dare to talk to them.

In fact, a big man and a woman are in trouble. They are inferior. If they do not let go, they will have no face. Then, Prince Kang turned his head and began to bombard Li Hongyuan. "I can't see whether you are a woman who is caught by a woman, or a jealous and ruthless woman. If you don't lose a man's face, you won't say it. If you let the father know, ha I can see it for you. I find a lot of excuses to make trouble in my palace. In essence, I just don't allow people. Looking at it like this, I have a good idea. I'd like to see if you can keep her alone in the future. "

Li Hongyuan's eyes at Li Hongyi are a little subtle. It seems that he is looking at a fool, and he is too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Jealous? Are you talking about me? How do you say that? I'd like to ask Prince Kang to help me out. " Jingwan's face again hung a perfect smile. "Don't try to get rid of your mistakes by turning right and wrong into black and white. Give me a big hat."

I don't know how many people draw their mouths when it comes to this. Who in the world is wrong?

"Is it not the beauty of the other house of the sixth brother, or the sister-in-law that you deal with?"

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"I deal with it. Has a copper relationship with jealousy? It's said that it's just some things that our Lord doesn't want. I don't know where I forgot to go for a long time. I forgot to charge the people below, so I spent money to support them. I became the daughter of the Jin Dynasty's royal family. I cleaned some useless things that wasted money, but also had something to do with jealousy? It's true that Jin's royal residence is rich, but that's not what the strong wind blows. The place to be thrifty is still thrifty, "Jing Wan said, looking at Li Hongyuan in a rather puzzled way." prince, did I do something wrong? "

Li Hongyuan put his hand to his lips. He actually wanted to laugh at the moment, but he still cooperated with jingwan to continue, "the princess is right."

"So, Lord Kang said that I am jealous. Where did this conclusion come from? As for this ruthlessness, I don't know when I will beat people directly into meat sauce. Some dirty water is better not to be splashed. I've ruined my reputation. The person who splashes dirty water doesn't know what it's destroying. "

In some people's ears, I can't stop my heart beating. That's another meaning.

"Since Lord Kang wants to distort the facts, I have to find my father and emperor to reason with him. At that time, don't say that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law don't give face. There's another thing you need to know. If you are jealous or not, that's what our Lord said. He didn't say anything. The people outside are chattering. It's unreasonable. Or do you all think that I can hold the living Yama

Everyone looked at Li Hongyuan, so it was really reasonable to say that the emperor and Laozi could not lower the person, is a woman can easily handle?

Li Hongyuan is a little helpless at this moment. It seems that his daughter-in-law has solved some serious problems. He still borrows his name. In this respect, he is really wronged. He was pinched to death by his daughter-in-law. He can listen to his words. Come on, it's not interesting to think about it. Nobody believes it. It's hard to be a good man because he's too ingrained.

"It's boring. Go back to the mansion." Li Hongyuan seems to be completely angry now. It seems that he was not the one who was going to kill.

Jing Wan nodded a little, but before he left, he looked at Li Hongyi. "Is there anything you want to say about Prince Kang?"

Prince Kang said with a sneer, "I'm just sitting there, but I seem to look at my sixth brother's pity and send some beauties to him, but I'm not considerate. Even when I'm in front of my father, I'm also saying that."

Others nodded slightly in their hearts. Well, the water in their head finally poured out.

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Jing Wan said that he understood, "then I don't need to comment in front of my father."

Prince Kang smiled even more, still with mockery, and contented, as if to say, what can you do for me?

Once again, I want to help my forehead. Please, see the situation clearly. The curtain hasn't been removed. Your concubine is naked with a man, but she doesn't go to the front of her father. This may not be a good thing. Since the Royal concubine Jin can do such things in the Royal Palace of Kang, she can do more things. It's better to go to the front of her father and make things complete The end is clean.

Sure enough, Princess Jin smiled at the corners of her mouth, and her eyes were cold. "No matter whether he didn't think about it or did it on purpose, anyway, I think it's like the latter. Prince Kang doesn't want to be a man and doesn't care about it. The princess cares about it and is very angry. Prince Kang looks at it. It's not over."

Later, Jing Wan looked at Li Hongyuan. The smile came from the bottom of his eyes. It came from his heart. It was tender and affectionate. He even took Li Hongyuan's hand and said, "do you want to go now?"

Li Hongyuan nods, ignores others and pulls Jing Wan away.

And the people Jing Wan brought also squatted and left with his master.

Prince Kang stood in the same place, his face a little confused.

After watching the good play, Li Hongming and other people left in succession. Even if Li Hongyi hated to eat them, he didn't stop them from being in a good mood.

The extraneous left, and then there was

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