The guard of honor stopped, "master, the little son of general he's family blocks the way."

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Jingwan hears the words, chuckles and looks at Li Hongyuan with teasing eyes. "Young master he's really in love with ah yuan. After all, nobody dares to block the carriage of the living king of hell except him, right? A yuan is not ready to make a statement? "

Li Hongyuan glanced at Jing Wan lazily. "I'm sorry, I just want to fight with my princess, but I'm not interested in fighting with outsiders."

Jing Wan is embarrassed with a face, so what, a matter of many men, can also be pulled on by him so yellowly. After the embarrassment, Jing Wan chuckled, "let's go to fight alone slowly. I'm not interested in being with you. Whether you fight in bed or under the bed, I'm sure Prince Jin will be able to win." she reached out and patted his face gently, "I'm quite optimistic about you, work hard, Prince!" Yellow is yellow, violent is violent, who is afraid of who.

"I'm sure I'll win under the bed. As for whether I can win in this bed, as long as the princess knows," Li Hongyuan leaned close to jingwan's ear, lowered the voice line, reached out the tip of his tongue and licked jingwan's earlobes. "Wan Wan said, it's like losing or winning for her husband?" And deliberately pulled out the confusing ending.

Jing Wan could not stop shivering for a moment, then slapped her subconsciously. "Speak well." It's a real foul.

Li Hongyuan laughed directly, let alone patted him off, and the whole person directly hung on Jing Wan.

Although jingwan's physical quality is much better than most of the women, in Li Hongyuan's hands, she is still like a chicken.

For a long time, the people outside didn't get the instructions of their own masters, and they didn't show their eyes, nose, nose, and heart. Now, as long as the two masters are in the carriage together, they are accustomed to "weakening" their five senses, especially their hearing, and they can always find ways to divert their attention. Because the situation in the carriage is usually toxic, and they are all a group of powerful old men, although In a special situation, their desire is lower than that of ordinary people, but it doesn't mean that they don't have it. When they are stimulated from time to time, the saints also need to get angry, so it's better to try to isolate this situation.

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He Zhihai came here alone today. He didn't ride a horse, but he didn't run across the road. In fact, he was a little nervous at the moment. He was afraid that Prince Jin would refuse. After all, if Prince Jin refused, he would not dare to come here. He was not afraid of being beaten up again, but could bring troubles to his family.

"Go home." Li Hongyuan said. Because he Shihai was prepared to be a good coach in the early morning. He Shihai is going to be a tough general who can lead the army. This fight is definitely going to be fought. I'm afraid it's more than once. I'm going to fight and help this kid completely. I'm going to be obedient. I'm going to worry about it later. But it's not the right time. He Shihai has to block the door again and again. Finally, he is "too tired" to stop someone Some people's minds are full of conspiracy theories, so his plan can proceed smoothly.

The guard of honor started to move forward again, ignoring he XIAOBAWANG standing in the middle. He XIAOBAWANG can't be hegemonic at this moment. He can only make way obediently. Then he looked at the guard of honor and left. His eyes were just looking forward to him. He didn't know which one he was looking at.

It was not until the honor guard disappeared in sight that he XIAOBAWANG left with drooping head. He couldn't lift his spirit at all. When he returned home, his family saw him like this, and they were all shocked. The boy was able to jump up and down when he broke his leg. When he didn't stop all day long, his energy was good, which was a headache. This look, seriously, I haven't seen it.

Although he Shihai is a tyrant and his family has a headache. He Shihai should be trained and beaten when he should be beaten. He is not soft at all. However, he is very fond of the old man. At this time, he naturally concerns about two things, for fear that he will encounter something.

He Shihai cried, "Prince Jin didn't answer me."

What I don't know is that he was abandoned by the prince of Jin, with the expression of being struck by thunder on his face. What I know is that he is also like being struck by thunder, and this evil guy is really blocking the door?! The scene froze for a few moments. Then, one by one, they left. It's strange that Prince Jin would take care of you.

"Ah, don't go away. Listen to me. Prince Jin is too much. The honor guard has stopped. I thought he would have a good fight with me. Last time, it was clearly agreed, how could he talk without words?" He Shihai chases this, chases that and catches people to complain.

He's the youngest and impatient master of the he family. All of them send him a word: roll. Where to stay cool and where to go.

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They ignored him, and he XIAOBAWANG went to find the family generals he brought back. These people dare not let him go. If they hide, they will encounter XIAOBAWANG's cruel and inhuman fist to wait on them. Then they can only listen to him repeatedly saying "sad".

I've never seen this little tyrant alive and powerful all day long. Now it hurts spring and autumn. To be honest, it's no more than thunder cleavage.

General, help me. Our little childe has been turned around. Hurry to get the real childe back. Even if he is a little tyrant, he is much better than this one. Now this one is really terrible.

After general he went back to the mansion, he heard such a "terrible" news that he almost tore off all his beard. Let someone call the evil man.

Then I saw that my little son, who was not a little angry and drooped, was called "Dad" with impotence, instead of "what do you want to do with me, old man?" at that moment, he was shocked. Then he was angry and didn't fight. "He stopped at the honor guard of the king of Jin, and you were more and more lawless. I told you so many things That's for nothing, isn't it? "

"Dad, he doesn't care about me, how can he Then it seemed that he thought of something. His eyes suddenly became bright. "Dad, why don't you go directly to ask for the holy edict? If there is one, the king of Jin will never refuse it again?" The more you think about it, the more you think about it.

General he Zhenwei almost fell down in anger. He didn't listen to his words at all. He was also a whimsical "asking for permission to fight". He knew that there were only fights in his mind all day, but he didn't want to go so far. What he knew was that he would only look at you as a fool without any words. What he didn't know was that he thought you were trying to make a big deal with Prince Jin's Secret music money As for the conspiracy, it's right and light for the king of Jin to ignore you. He ordered that the bodyguards around him could completely beat you to death. The more you think about it, the angrier you get, so you take the whip that you can't leave, and then you take it to he XIAOBAWANG.

He XIAOBAWANG was hoping for something. What can I do? He waited for Laozi's whip. Then he started to run up and down to avoid it. "Laozi, how can you beat me again? Don't fight. Fight again. I have to fight back. Come back? I really fought back...... "

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However, he didn't dare to fight back when he heard all kinds of shouting.

People outside listen, empty breath, finally normal!

At his age, he Zhenwei couldn't compare with he Zhihai's physical strength. At last, he stopped when he was out of breath? Do you dare to go again? Believe it or not, I will send you back to the northeast border city immediately? "

"I saw you off. Don't you know I'm back?" He Shihai grinned again and again. After all, his injuries were real. He whispered again and again.

Before seeing Li Hongyuan's force value, he Shihai would like to stay in the border city. Now, if this fight hasn't been fought once, he wants him to leave? no way!

He Zhenwei nearly breathed blood. "As I said earlier, the king of Jin is not easy to provoke. If you can let it go once, it may not be the second time. If you send it to your door, you will die, and no one can get justice from you."

"I blocked the carriage at most, but I didn't do anything else. The king of Jin would kill me without reason?" He Zhihai mumbles with a little grievance.

General he smiled angrily. "Be reasonable? How can these three words come out of your mouth? "

He XIAOBAWANG is speechless. Well, he admits that when he was in the border city, he was the last one to reason. "Dad, in my opinion, the king of Jin is not as infamous as you said. He's such a fierce man. If you don't like him, you can beat him directly and lose half of his life. Who dares to trouble him? He's not a three-year-old kid. There's nothing wrong with him. He can't be unhappy in finding people. Therefore, living the king of hell or anything is definitely a false story. As a general, I should be upright and honest, realistic and realistic. I don't want to be the same as those civil servants, but I only know how to plan and fight all day. You can teach all these words, but now I'm so biased against the king of Jin... "

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He Zhenwei probably didn't expect that one day, the evil man actually reasoned with him and stopped him with his words? What's more, "there will be nothing wrong. It's not pleasant to find someone." isn't this kind of thing that you do? What's the point of saying the same thing over and over again? Huh?

General he only thinks that the first two are big, but, to be honest, he can't take this evil. This evil thinks that Prince Jin is a good one. Then, you can't break his idea.

What? Maybe in some people's eyes, Yan is justice. In he Shihai, that's absolutely - military is justice.

"Don't go to the prince of Jin again anyway, otherwise, I will lock your cage."

The iron cage that can close tigers is probably the only thing that can lock he Zhihai. The iron bar is too thin to be made specially.

He Zhi's eyes turned, but he didn't follow his father anymore.

He Zhenwei is 100% sure. He Zhenwei doesn't give up the idea. He doesn't know what's going to happen. In normal times, he is a reckless man. All his intelligence is used to play tricks on them. He's not honest and strict with himself. How can he just be a different person? If it wasn't for his face, he would suspect that his faithful wife had put on a green hat.

Well, in fact, Mrs. he suspected that he Zhenwei had brought her son back from the outside room, so Mrs. he didn't believe that she had such a son. Of course, it was just a joke. However, when Mrs. he beat her son, she was more ruthless than general he. If someone else was beaten by his father, he could find his mother to protect him. He Shihai, if he dared to find his mother, it would definitely be staged A men's and women's doubles, fixed point without ambiguity.

General he thought that in order not to end the scene, it's better to report to lechengdi?

Originally, he's going to have a banquet these two days. This post has been sent out, but he doesn't want to meet the queen seriously ill. Although it's not like the death of a dead man, he still needs to avoid all kinds of banquets, drinks and pleasures. No

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