The next day, after jingwan woke up, it seemed that he had completely forgotten it.

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It's been so many days since she came back. She's been delayed in setting up a small banquet. Now the court is busy, but it has nothing to do with her. It's better to have a small banquet. So, Jing Wan with people, began to be enthusiastic about the preparation of posts.

The number of people in the small banquet is not large, that is to say, there are only a few sisters and sisters, one hand is not enough, and the most is to add another hand to the sky.

In this way, this post can be very casual, but also very careful, jingwan specially made for it, spent a lot of thought.

First of all, this post is not square, but a beauty post. It's a very vivid and meticulous beauty. At first glance, it looks like the owner who is going to be delivered. But if you look carefully, it's not me. Without shape, it's a God. It's not easy to do this. At least you need to understand their temperament and grasp the biggest characteristics.

Obviously, Jing Wan did a good job at this point. At least after she drew it, people around her recognized who it was at first sight.

After the post is painted, there are other things to decorate, including the words in it. It looks pretty and beautiful. At first glance, it looks not like a word, but like a beautiful painting. Look carefully, it's really a word by word. It's clear and unmistakable. It's the opposite of the beauty on the face.

Jingwan spent a whole day making several posts.

This also means that Li Hongyuan must have been neglected by her all day. If Jing Wan didn't stop her quickly, her hard work would be ruined by Li Hongyuan. This guy is jealous, and he may get sick by accident. So Jing Wan doesn't fight with him, and shows a little grievance. "My hard work, you really want to destroy me Is that it? " There's a little "how bad are you" complaint in my eyes.

Li Hongyuan's face is darker. Looking at those posts, it's like killing people.

Jingwan reached out and hugged his waist. The things he put on disappeared without trace. He smiled, "OK, are you really angry? It seems that you are busy today. "

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Li Hongyuan reached for a post, which happened to be "Sun Yijia". This time, Jing Wan didn't stop her. She believed that Li Hongyuan would not really be destroyed.

"Since Wan Wan painted the beauty picture, it's not a lot. It shouldn't be a little. That picture of twelve beauties should be almost the same. Why didn't you draw one for me with such good leisure?" The dark face did not improve at all.

Jingwan chuckled. Although he didn't say it, jingwan knew that he cared about it from the beginning. Now he finally said it.

"Wan Wan thinks it's funny?" Li Hongyuan reaches out his hand and pinches Jing Wan's chin, as if a storm is gathering in his eyes.

In this way, another person's legs are scared to be soft, but jingwan is not afraid at all. He still smiles and crooks his head, gets rid of Li Hongyuan's shackles and rubs on him. "No matter how gorgeous those beauties are, in my eyes, they are nothing compared to my husband's incomparable beauty, which is the best, of course, the most elaborate and perfect."

It has to be said that Li Hongyuan is still quite happy in his heart, but "do you compare me with those women?"

"How can it be? The whole world can't be compared with you. However, a yuan women's dress must be very beautiful, absolutely gorgeous Jingwan smiled a little bit rusty.

Li Hongyuan pinched her face. "That's what you want to say."

"Say, last year, when the eldest princess was born, you obviously took out women's clothes. As a result, you openly played with rascals by virtue of your lawless nature. In the end, you also played a thrill."

Li Hongyuan also chuckled politely, "are you not brave enough to let me wear women's clothes? However, Wan Wan really wants to see it. Being a husband is not enough for you. There are some things that only wan wan can see naturally. "

At that time, Jing Wan had already thought about the man's "beauty", but at that time, he only dared to think about it. Now it's different. The man himself agreed. Think of the men who were famous for their women '.

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Jingwan's eyes at Li Hongyuan now look like he Zhihai's eyes at him. Li Hongyuan squints his eyes slightly and dangerously, "Wan Wan's interest seems to be very high?"

"No, it's hard." Jing Wan retorted at once.

"It doesn't matter if there is, I'll allow it." Li Hongyuan is funny.

"That's what you said. No regrets." Jingwan turned to call them green bamboo, "you make two women's clothes for the Lord. They should be gorgeous, grand and beautiful."

Several servant girls look at each other and make clothes for the Lord. Is that really OK? Although Li Hongyuan's clothes are still basically made by the embroiderers in the palace, they are mainly responsible for jingwan's clothes, but they haven't made them for Li Hongyuan. They are good at making women's clothes. It's just that the complicated palace clothes are all OK. Now they want to make women's clothes in the size of the king?

Secretly take the eyes to look at Li Hongyuan's expression, no helplessness, no unhappiness, only indulgence and connivance, looking at their princesses, the whole person exudes a "you are happy is good" atmosphere. They all lowered their heads in silence. Well, then, what should have been seen clearly for a long time? The prince would never do such a trivial thing, and the princess would not do such a thing that is really excessive. Therefore, no matter what it is, there is no need to make a fuss. Since I am ordered to do it, just do it.

"Yes, princess." Several servant girls answered in unison.

"Princess, are you in a hurry? Do you need to catch up? " Then the green bamboo asked again.

"We don't need to rush. Just do it at your normal speed." Although I'm looking forward to it, I haven't been able to squeeze them. If she really wants to make it, they will be able to finish it in two days. They will not cut corners at all, but they will all have dark eyes.

Later, Jing Wan turned back and gave them the points post, "send it out tomorrow morning." Don't put it under someone's eyes now.

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After this, Jing Wan smiled at Li Hongyuan and said, "ah yuan's dress must be the most beautiful woman in the world." Speaking of this, jingwan was suddenly shocked, because she thought of the imperial concubine and said that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Similarly, more than one person said that Li Hongyuan was like his mother, and even looked at his face and lost his mind. "Ah yuan, you said, how about I draw your women's clothes and give them to the father as a birthday gift?"

Although it's painted according to the living Yan king, it's probably the imperial concubine.

Li Hongyuan suddenly understood jingwan's meaning, which was a little reluctant. However, if jingwan was equipped with a talisman called "lechengdi", it was obviously no harm. Even when jingwan made some "minor mistakes", she could be protected by lechengdi without Li Hongyuan going to Zhou Xuan with lechengdi. So he nodded his head, "take it out alone and send it in your own name. You can prepare another one for the Jin Prince's mansion."

"If so, that's all." To please le chengdi, the essential purpose is for Li Hongyuan. She doesn't need it at all. Even if it's the imperial concubine in the painting, it's also based on his own husband's painting. How can he easily make others cheap.

Li Hongyuan seemed to see what she thought, "just keep the portrait of your husband, and what's the portrait of the emperor and the concubine. Wan Wan, what do you want to know for your husband? His attitude towards me doesn't need to use another painting to make it better for you. "

"Can't yuan protect me?" Jing Wan chuckles.

"Nature can protect you, but if you don't get there, you can be more casual now."

Jingwan has no language, and she is just a famous woman with her jealous hair? Who in the world is responsible for this? ——Jing Wan accidentally said this.

"I'm right, but Wan Wan's promise that you dare to pat your chest, aren't you jealous?" Li Hongyuan said teasingly.

Jing Wan opens her mouth and is speechless. Although she is essentially different from the jealous woman, if she has a group of people around her at the beginning, she will never give her heart and won't be jealous. In fact, he gives her the right to dominate him. However, according to the current standard, she is more than just the jealous woman. She is the super jealous woman among the jealous women, the top one in the pyramid.

"So my husband just advertised a fact, didn't he?" Li Hongyuan is quite upright.

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Jingwan hums twice. She has gained great benefits. She has a bad reputation. It's nothing.

Li Hongyuan takes her into his arms. Wan Wan doesn't care, but he does. How about true envy and false envy? Now it's just that he can't get rid of them. Wan Wan Wan will be the best wife, the best mother, the so-called virtuous, never rely on how many women her husband has arranged.

Now there is still time. Jing Wan leaves Li Hongyuan's arms and continues to draw. It's not a picture of twelve beauties, but an isomorphic portrait of Li Hongyuan. But before, he secretly carried Li Hongyuan's painting on his back. Because he didn't have much time around her, the painting hasn't been completed.

Jingwan now only opened a part of it, only showing her feet and clothes.

As soon as I see it, I know it's a man, it's absolutely impossible for me to be someone else. Li Hongyuan is not jealous, and he will open his hand.

Jing Wan hurriedly reached out his hand and said, "no looking now."

Li Hongyuan picked up his eyebrows. "The servant girls have seen it. Are you not allowed to watch it for her husband?"

"Who told your servant girl to read it? No one but myself."

Li Hongyuan was a little surprised. After all, in the past, there were basically servant girls waiting for the brush and ink on the edge when painting in a gentle way. Otherwise, he would no longer insist on watching, "I'm looking forward to my husband."

"I'll show it to you as soon as I've finished."

"Good." Seeing that she may have to continue, Li Hongyuan simply retreated to avoid her careless drawing and "being suspicious" to prevent him from "peeking".

There's no one else. Jing Wan unfolds all the paper and quietly stares at the man who stands in the negative hand. To tell the truth, she has used unprecedented energy to draw this picture. In fact, it's quite slow. She wants to try to see if she can reach the surreal level and be as realistic as the picture. She hasn't tried before. Although meticulous painting is more realistic, it is different from surrealism. In the past, surrealism was generally reflected in oil painting, but in

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