"The next year will be a great harvest year." Li Hongyuan goes to jingwan. The royal crown dress is also covered with a cloak. The difference is that the edge of the cloak is inlaid with a circle of black fur. There is a palm width at the neckline. The black satin is lined with scarlet, which makes the whole person more dignified and beautiful. It is hard to see.

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Jingwan looked up at her slightly, with a smile. "Ah Yuan said it as if heaven would give me face."

"It's not all about giving you face." Li Hongyuan raised his hand and gently stroked Jing Wan's face. Unexpectedly, it was a little cold, but his face was still cold.

Li Hongyuan may have a strong physique due to his years of martial arts practice. At this moment, he has no stove and his hands are warm. Jing Wan's subconscious rubbing. Jingwan is not cold, but it's not as good as Li Hongyuan's human shaped stove. It's not too comfortable to hold at night.

Li Hongyuan reached out, put the hood on jingwan's cloak over her head gently, and straightened out both sides.

Today, jingwan combs a cross bun, with a bun on both sides hanging to the shoulder, only a hair ornament larger than palm on the top. The main body is gold, and the shape is like layers of blooming chrysanthemums. The top layer is decorated with rice sized pearls. The tip of each "flower petal" is naturally curved or unfolded, and some of the tips are still flowing like threads Su, under the tassel is a shining gem, which looks very beautiful.

Obviously, when making a cape, we have considered the factors that can comb a high bun in it, so naturally, there will be no tight and disordered hair ornaments.

Jingwan's Li Hongyuan didn't take it back for a long time, wondering, "what's the matter, is there any problem?"

"No, I think Wan Wan is very beautiful. There is no one more beautiful than Wan Wan in the world." Li Hongyuan's voice is very light, but his words are very sincere.

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Jingwan's cheek was slightly hot, and he said with a smile, "why not? Isn't that in front of me?" My husband's women's clothes, absolutely hang all women, and normal dress has hang all men. When God creates someone, he must be so eccentric.

Li Hongyuan gently shaved jingwan's nose, "no matter who it is, no matter what kind of dress, in my eyes, it can't be better than wanwan you."

Well, that's the typical beauty in the eye of the beholder. "In my eyes and in my heart, Ayan is also the most beautiful and the most beautiful." It's not just beauty in the eyes of the beholder. Put it aside, he is the most beautiful in the eyes of too many people.

Li Hongyuan kissed her with a smile. This kiss fell on her forehead. "Let's go. It's time to go to the palace."

Jing Wan nodded, led by Li Hongyuan, and walked out of the main courtyard. The two husband and wife went forward together, whispering all the way. Behind them, mother Gong and Duke Mu took the birthday present to Emperor Lecheng. Nanny Gong looks as usual, but grandpa Mu's expression is a little cracked. What, can you really take this thing?

Like the officials outside Beijing, other courtiers sent the birthday gifts to the palace early and registered them. But the princes and their envoys were different. They wanted to present the gifts in public. Other people were all kinds of rare treasures. Is this thing that was brought out by their own masters too much?

Duke Mu shook his head and threw out the mess in his mind. The princess prepared the congratulatory gift, and the prince himself looked at it. He didn't express it. That means that the congratulatory gift is not a problem. It must have a special meaning if it doesn't show. As expected, he is too stupid to understand it.

The prince went to the palace in full honor.

As the emperor's son, when he enters the palace, he will not have to line up like the courtiers and their family members. The longer he is outside, the more frozen he will be. Jingwan is actually a little worried about old lady Luo's body. However, his grandfather has already lived in the minister's office. As his family, the order of entering the palace is also based on luopeishan's position. If you want to know, you don't have to wait too long. That's a little reassuring.

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In other words, the whole process of life worship will take not a short time. According to status and gender, it's absolutely a huge project to go one by one. Of course, don't think that you can see Tianyan if you can worship Lecheng emperor, so you can imagine how huge the team is. Moreover, since it's the emperor, it's natural to keep a distance. Ordinary people can't easily move forward.

According to the rules, Li Hongyuan takes Jing Wan to Yujing Palace first, and pays a visit to Su Guifei, who is also very busy here.

In the whole harem, there are the most children belonging to concubine su. There are three of them. Now they have families, which, in turn, are more and more flourishing. It's good to know that there are two other concubines who are lucky. In fact, there are only a few who have had two children in Lecheng emperor's harem. Those who have survived to the present, and those who have sons, are also concubines su. Don't even think about the two who have their own sons. When concubines Su have sons, she can still raise Li Hongyuan, purely because In the eyes of emperor Lecheng, she has a good relationship with the imperial concubine. What's more, as the only person who knows her, no one is more suitable to raise Li Hongyuan. Other people, there are two concubines in the position of concubines. They are not old enough to raise two princesses.

Su Guifei is also full of confidence at this point. Therefore, it's a good mood to watch the gathering of the next generation. Especially when I saw Li Hongyuan, the smile became more and more obvious. I just saw the jingwan around him, and the smile faded unconsciously.

Li Hongyuan is now estranged from Su Guifei, and sometimes he is too lazy to act seriously.

Compared with the outside, it's quite warm in the hall. Li Hongyuan removes the cloak and gives it to Qingzhu. He turns away from the maid in front of the jade palace. He takes Jing Wan's "work" and puts down her hood. Then he removes the cloak and hands it to Bai Shao. The whole movement is natural and smooth. It looks like he's used to it. This scene, in the eyes of some people, can be dazzling. You should know, usually, the role of Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan is normal.

Perhaps the most exasperating thing is that Jing Wan accepted it as a matter of course.

Perhaps because the atmosphere is too harmonious, it is always invisible, or jealous. "Ah, six elder brothers are very kind to six elder sisters in law. It's no wonder that Princess Yining of former Wei met six elder brothers at a glance. In this respect, that Princess Yining is very discerning. I think six elder brothers will be pitiful at that time." Princess Minxiang said in a delicate voice.

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"Of course, the prince is good, but he has little insight." Jing Wan said with a light smile, not caring about Princess Min Xiang's words.

It seems to all that it is a certain thing that the former Princess Wei Yining became Li Hongyuan's concubine. After all, no one will refuse such a thing. It's just who this belongs to, maybe tomorrow.

Li Hongyuan glanced at Princess Min Xiang and said, "when Min Xiang got married, his mouth has become bitter. Without the constant instruction of his mother and concubine, you have released your nature. Or is there something wrong with your husband's family, and you are deeply influenced by them?" The words did not take half a dirty word, but it made the princess look so ugly. Li Hongyuan did not see it. "There is a point that someone can tell if the woman can enter Jin's royal palace. That's what I has the final say of Li Hongyuan." Any woman who takes a fancy to this king can enter Jin's royal residence. What is it to be this king? "

The words behind Li Hongyuan can be described as a knife, which is directly inserted into Prince Rui's heart. Li Hongyuan can naturally say that they dare not touch the edge, and they are directly pointed out by Laozi as the side concubines of the hostile forces. They have to obediently connect people into the house without hesitation and can't be killed directly, although everyone knows that they have been killed But if they are killed, the family behind them and the people they are loyal to will definitely make a fuss. I wish I could bite some meat on him. If I could kill them, it would be better.

According to Li Hongyuan, what are they? What are they?

Su Guifei's heart is blocked and flustered. Now she absolutely doesn't want to see such a situation. She always feels that this son is getting further and further away from her. Although she knows what the reason is, she always feels that it's not the real reason. But the fact is in front of her eyes, and the sense of no reason can't find the source. Then, Jing Wan is angered by the innocent. OK, in essence, Jing Wan It's not innocent either. The change of Li Hongyuan's attitude does have Jing Wan's factor in it.

Princess Su chided Princess Min Xiang for two words. In fact, she didn't think her daughter said anything wrong and did it for her son.

Princess Min Xiang feels aggrieved, but now her mother's face is ugly, and she dare not say anything, so she naturally remembers Jing Wan. Yes, it is clear that the "evil source" is Li Hongyuan. She doesn't dare to hate Li Hongyuan even in her heart.

For this kind of family ethics drama, Jing Wan just watched it silently and resolutely did not insert a word. I just feel that my husband is really too powerful. When I rush to seek abuse, I think it's enough for my mother to act on his face now.

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After that, the atmosphere was not so good. However, Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan had no influence at all, just like resting when they came.

In such a dull and gloomy atmosphere, Princess Su took Li Hongyuan to talk. Even though Li Hongyuan gave face, she failed to ease the atmosphere back. It seems that there is no way to return to the original appearance. Su Guifei was so depressed that her initial good mood was completely dispelled. She simply invited her mother's family, the wife's family of three children or the family members of her husband's family to the jade palace. Even if she was not in the mood to talk to them, she would let her daughter-in-law follow her son-in-law to deal with it, which is better than the suffocating feeling now.

Jing Wan is naturally happy to see her grandmother. All other things have been put aside.

What kind of person is old lady Luo? Naturally, I can feel that the atmosphere here is not right. However, after looking at the expressions of her lovely grandson and her son-in-law in a dark way, I feel relieved. Everything else doesn't matter. From this point of view, old lady Luo is also a "relieved".

No matter how cold it is outside, many people in this hall are warm in body and mind.

Unconsciously, it's time for everyone to pay homage to lechengdi.

First the courtiers, then the life wives, then the concubines, then the daughter-in-law and grandchildren of Lecheng emperor, then the princes, and finally the envoys of other countries. ——The royal family is divided into the first two columns.

It's a lot to say, but in fact, only a few people can go to the temple to pay homage to longevity.

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