A painting, carried so high by Emperor Lecheng, will naturally be curious by many people. However, some people have guessed the contents of the painting. Therefore, there are different faces and colors, and the ideas in the heart are more suitable. After all, the last sentence of emperor Lecheng is enough to bring out a lot of things. If we simply say painting, we should use words like "what" and "things". Therefore, it's probably still the thing on the painting. In all likelihood, it's people, and only one can make Emperor Lecheng lose his temper.

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After Li Hongyuan, the seventh Prince continued to play. It should be said that among them, which of them did not prepare the birthday ceremony with all their efforts, but now, all the spirits of lechengdi are attracted by the painting. Do you want to look at it, touch it, and try to open it again several times? But it's a scrupulous occasion. If not, it's probably to go straight to find a place. Be quiet Look at it quietly and remember it quietly.

Therefore, no matter what it is after the seventh prince, Emperor Lecheng is not in the mind, and it's not bad to get a nasal sound from him. At the most embarrassing time, his son had been kneeling for half a day, and he didn't respond. At this time, Jing Wan felt a little embarrassed. What? It seems that what he sent was not a picture, but a super monster that would bring disaster to the country and the people. In seconds, the soul of becoming emperor happily disappeared. Li Hongyuan, on the other hand, has no sense of guilt. He seems to be more leisurely than others. He drinks himself and occasionally peels a nut and throws it into his mouth.

Because the absence is so obvious, people naturally become more and more curious about what kind of painting it is, which can make lechengdi lose his temper. If you can know it, you can't use it. Of course, this is the idea of other envoys. In fact, it's useless to know. How to use a dead person to find a substitute? Don't be kidding. People like the imperial concubine, even if they are easy to look like that, will be torn down in seconds. Moreover, not everyone is suitable for a double. If they are too perfect, the fakes are not at the same level at all. Such fakes, let alone pleasing people, are more likely to cause outrage because they desecrate the sacred beauty in others' hearts. They will break up the so-called double, and the imperial concubine will do the same to them Emperor lechengdi probably exists like this. What's more, his son is the most similar to the one he loves. However, there are so many differences in temperament. Unless Li Hongyuan shows a special expression, Emperor Lecheng will never be dazed at his son. What other forgeries are worth.

It's absolutely impossible to know the details from lechengdi. Naturally, these people's eyes are constantly sweeping Li Hongyuan and jingwan. After all, the painting has never been seen by a fourth person - well, there is actually a fourth person, Li Hongyuan, who has shown it to Gong ma. We should ensure that the absolute effect can be achieved in front of lechengdi - however, Li Hongyuan is really calm and calm. He will look around Jing Wan can't do it to the extent of Li Hongyuan. With a little bit of makeup, the expression is perfect.

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So, no matter what they think, they all fail.

Should we say that there is no portrait of the emperor and his concubines in Lecheng's hands? So now you're dazed by a painting?

There must be, but freehand painting pays more attention to verve and lacks in form. In fact, as a court painter, the level is limited. After all, the real painters in Qiyuan are basically from a famous family, and the worst is also a scholar. They have their own pride, have their own nobility, and really disdain to be court painters, and serve the royal family, People like the emperor and his concubines can't draw such ethereal beauty and temperament. After several times, especially when there are living people to make comparison, Emperor Lecheng is impatient with what the paintings are. Two or three of the portraits left in the hands of Lecheng emperor are self portraits in front of the imperial concubines. Out of self-respect, when painting, they blur their own standards. Even so, these paintings have been loved by Lecheng emperor for a long time.

In the hands of Lecheng emperor, there are not only these two or three paintings, but also after the death of the emperor and his concubine, Lecheng emperor madly asked the court painters to draw the portraits of the emperor and his concubine according to their memory. However, compared with those drawn by his own master, Lecheng Emperor was not satisfied. Moreover, with his memory, he could not sell the paintings that Lecheng emperor was satisfied with. If Lecheng didn't need them to continue painting, they would have been clicked one by one Under the pressure of lechengdi, it is more and more like painting, however, there is no verve. Finally, Emperor Lecheng had to give up.

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Now, I suddenly get such a painting with both God and shape, just like a real person, which naturally makes my memory more vivid. Moreover, because the people in the painting are so beautiful, especially the smile, it's almost like to melt half of the people. Although emperor Lecheng has spent more than 20 years in memory, the things in the memory are better than what he saw with his own eyes There is a big gap. At this moment, lechengdi only feels that she is really laughing at herself.

In fact, there is not much beauty between the Royal concubine and Lecheng emperor. The Royal concubine is not the kind of person who complains about spring and autumn. No matter what happens, she tries to adjust herself as much as possible, and then faces it with a good attitude. However, she has no feelings for Lecheng emperor. Naturally, she will not take the initiative to manage anything. Lecheng emperor takes him seriously And in the first three years, she was not around him. After he was around, he wanted to know that in the deep palace, Emperor Lecheng could not spend all his mind on her. Just as the so-called tree wanted to be quiet and the wind did not stop, min Yuhan appeared in the capital city. Emperor Lecheng had a hot head and a hot head. When he thought that he had a heart and a lung, he was still thinking of others , naturally. In this way, what can be better between them?

The expression of Jing Wan's paintings can not be said to be the same as a dream for Lecheng emperor. It is not that the emperor and his concubines have never had a pure, beautiful and joyful smile in the palace, but this object may not be Lecheng emperor, or even any one person, just a flower, a bird

What can't be gained or lost will become the white moonlight heart-shaped sand. All the bad things will be selectively left behind, and the only beautiful things will be magnified, magnified and magnified infinitely, so that it is thought that they were all beautiful, almost to the point of hypnosis. Therefore, it can be imagined how deep the influence of this painting on lechengdi is.

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Knowing that they are "tragedies", the prince behind them is also quick and unambiguous. Seeing gifts, giving gifts, saying auspicious words, and then rolling back, regardless of whether he is the adult prince who opened the palace or the prince who is still in the palace. To avoid kneeling "can not get up" of the miserable situation, clean do not kneel.

So, when you give gifts, you become the most typical one.

Next, it's up to envoys of all countries

The empress's energy is not enough, and she has long been a little listless. At this time, she has to remind Le chengdi of her spirit.

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As for the prince, if he is his son, if he is Laozi and sweeps their face, then he will sweep. However, the envoys in these countries are different. They treat the small country differently. They can't help but give people face. Qiyuan is a state of etiquette and etiquette. As a king, the emperor of heaven has no reason to do such disrespectful things.

Emperor Lecheng didn't reach that level. Although the painting in his hand still didn't give up, he also looked at the envoys of other countries from the beginning to the end. There was no expression or disrespect on his face. In other words, the gifts prepared by these envoys are not very special. Big countries don't need to flatter Qiyuan, and they don't want to bother at all. Small countries can't bring anything that can shock Qiyuan people. Most of them are "special products" of their own country. Anyway, they look precious enough to avoid losing face. Some small countries are simply gold, silver, jewelry and other things

What's more special is a pair of small white tigers and a piece of white tiger skin. They come from two small countries respectively. It's a coincidence.

Jingwan is adored by two little white tigers. OK, jingwan is actually controlled by Meng. Li Hongyuan doesn't know what politeness is at all. If his daughter-in-law likes it, she should come directly. It doesn't mean anything. Yue chengdi will wave her hand and be right.

After the gift, it is naturally the singing and dancing drinks. Although the formal banquet is still early, this time, in fact, has been officially started.

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