"What's Wan Wan's suggestion?" Li Hongyuan asked in his spare time.

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Jing Wan looked up at him and wondered, "what can I suggest? Everything in the imperial dining room must be excellent. "

"I just heard that Wan Wan Wan is very good at eating antique soup. There are many kinds of things. Why don't you try them for me?" Li Hongyuan is "sad".

Jingwan used to be a member of the big food country. It's needless to say that hotpot is a kind of thing. Although it's concentrated in some places, it's actually found all over the country. There are many kinds of eating methods and types in it. It's really not comparable to the current antique soup.

It's really good to eat hotpot in winter. In ancient times, it would be very pleasant to eat it once in a while without such a problem. Although jingwan hasn't had it in Jin's Prince's residence yet, there must be something sooner or later. "Where did you hear that, Lord?"

"Where did Wan Wan think he heard that? I think Wan Wan should have known something before. " Li Hongyuan's face is quiet, and he seems to be more sad about his daughter-in-law's "incomprehension".

The beauty and sadness of super beautiful man is 45 degrees, and the lethality is absolutely strong. However, jingwan, who is more adaptable now, just wants to slap his face. From the perspective of getting along after marriage, someone deliberately knows his own preferences and other things before marriage. In the current background, this kind of thing is generally the "patent" of women, especially women Zigao married, so after jingwan realized what Li Hongyuan had done at the beginning, she was still a little flattered. Of course, jingwan was not particularly surprised by some of his behaviors before marriage, but now it's just a quibble. Jingwan is a little "angry with shame".

Duke Mu watched his nose, nose and heart from the side. He waited quietly for the Royal concubine's orders. At the same time, he watched and listened to all directions. He looked at his prince and his concubine from time to time, but he could not show clearly, which affected the two people. So that they could know the way at the first time if they had any orders. As a qualified dog leg, they should make the master feel close at the same time To close the six senses at the right time, not listening, not looking, is definitely a technical work that needs long-term exercise. Well, Grandpa Mu has now practiced to his home.

Jingwan only moved his hand slightly, and Duke Mu immediately stepped forward.

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Since the living Yama wants to eat antique soup, jingwan, in the name of the living Yama, is also very polite to start ordering, including all kinds of meat, vegetables, bean products, mushroom products, egg products, etc., which could have been added with seafood, but in the north, seafood is not fresh, only dried fish, and some other things are required, such as cattle Meat is a kind of food that ordinary people can't easily eat. It's illegal to kill cattle or even break the law. But it's really not a matter for Tianjia family to eat. It's not necessary to put the dishes on the table. According to jingwan's meaning, it's to make the ancient Dong soup, which is not very popular in Qiyuan people's eyes, high-end and atmospheric.

Jingwan's demands are so many. Duke Mu has memorized all of them in his mind, so it's a good memory and one of the necessary skills for excellent dog legs.

Duke Mu just wanted to leave, but was stopped by mammy Gong. She was only talking to Jing Wan. "Princess, just now there are two or three kinds of things. Although it's OK, it's better not to eat together."

Jingwan thinks about it. In fact, in the past few years, Mammy Gong has told her about it from time to time, but apparently, she still hasn't learned it all. "Otherwise, Mammy and mu'an can go together. In addition, if there are good ones, let the imperial dining room get some more. Otherwise, the bad ones won't be needed."

"Yes." Mother Gong answered.

What's wrong with the palace? This is jingwan's way of saying it after he married to Jin's royal residence.

Duke Mu was "robbed" of his job, indicating that he was a little unhappy. However, he was the most powerful mammy around the princess, so he didn't dare to bring out any emotion. He just secretly decided to take time to light up a skill after returning. He didn't want to learn pharmacology. At least when he was eating or doing errands for the princess, he couldn't appear again The situation of being intercepted by others halfway.

Gong Ma took a look at Duke Mu and told the truth. After she went to serve jingwan, she was with the living king of Yan. Naturally, she also had contact with the chief executive of Jin's royal residence. Gong Ma thought that this man sometimes had problems. She didn't think of anything else except to please the Lord.

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However, mu'an is absolutely loyal, and she is not careless about what she should do. In this way, mother Gong is naturally reluctant to pay attention to him.

The head of the imperial dining room is also quite familiar with Duke mu. When the prince of Jin had not left the palace to open his house, he was dealing with each other almost every day. I haven't seen him for several years, but the heart shadow that once left him was so strong that I can't erase it all my life. Of course, the real culprit is Li Hongyuan, so I can imagine, Li Hong Before yuan left the palace, he was a complete devil in the world.

At this time, I saw Duke mu, the chief executive of the imperial dining room, his heart, liver and flesh jumped straight, but he put a smile on his face, and he was a little cautious in his words and actions, "please give my father-in-law a good day. What's your order? " "My eyes are fixed on Gong Ma, who looks quite serious and upright beside me." small eyes are clumsy, is this one

"The mammy next to our princess. There are a few gossips. Our Lord wants to eat the antique soup and hurry to prepare it. "

The chief executive of the imperial dining room has no place to talk about it. The king of Jin is now more famous. Before he came out of the palace, the chief executive of the imperial dining room usually looked a little dignified. But he was nothing in front of those noble masters. He was like a quail in front of Li Hongyuan. Now let alone eat antique soup, even if he wanted to eat bear heart leopard gall, We also have to find a way to prepare immediately, so don't worry about the hard work. It's the king's way to be quick.

"No problem. Many pots have been prepared in winter. I'll get them out right away. What kind of food do you need? "

"Go to the storehouse. I'll have a look." Mother Gong opened her mouth at the right time, and then asked for the bottom of the pot.

"Yes, you two come with the younger ones." On the one hand is the guide, and on the other hand calls for more than ten eunuchs to follow, so that they can pick up things later.

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The imperial dining room is naturally rich in inventory, which can be described as everything. It can be divided into categories, whether it's dry goods or fresh goods, whether it's meat or vegetables, whether it's semi-finished products or finished products. However, in winter, fresh vegetables will certainly not be much.

At this time, it's Gong's home court. As she walks, she points out how much weight she needs and how to deal with it. From time to time, she checks the ingredients by herself. She's satisfied or dissatisfied. However, Duke Mu is completely a foil, just like a small class, who is next to her. However, he's not completely upset Geng Yuhuai "went, you know, now is a good chance to steal the teacher.

The time of the dinner was long enough, but mammy Gong didn't want the prince and the princess to wait too long, so she moved quickly. Because her eyes were sharp enough, there was no case that she would order something bad. This circle is basically over, and everything in front of us, which is easy to do, is ready.

Mother Gong washed her hands carefully and checked one side again. All the unqualified ones were beaten back and picked up the ingredients again.

In this way, no matter the chief steward or the minor steward below, they dare not ask the eunuch to do it again. They all do it by themselves.

When it's all finished, and mammy Gong is satisfied, it took about half a quarter of an hour, which is a very fast speed, but mammy Gong still dislikes it, so that the people in the imperial dining room are a little stiff, afraid to annoy her. As a matter of fact, Royal chefs, like royal doctors, are all high-risk occupations.

However, she may be a little harsh, but she doesn't mean to find fault to prove her superiority. "OK, send it to Qianchen hall."

They were relieved. There were more than a dozen people, one carrying one or two or four, depending on the size of the plate.

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Duke Mu saw two copper pots and frowned, "whoever gives up to prepare two pots, just one." On a table, I still eat separately from the princess. I really want to get it back. Even if the master doesn't peel off his skin, he will never have a good look. He has to make two small mistakes, so he can go back to the furnace and rebuild it.

The people in the imperial dining room looked at each other, but since the people around Prince Jin said so, it must be right to follow suit. After all, if there is a mistake, the two can't be together.

Remove a pot and send it to me.

Duke Mu quickly followed, but Gong Ma was behind a little. She didn't catch up until everything was taken away. Unexpectedly, she glanced back and saw a chicken not far away was cooking. She looked at which concubine should want it. At this time, she was able to drink it when the dinner was over.

Mother Gong didn't pay much attention and left the imperial dining room.

All royal meals are not the main entrance, but there are so many people, and at this time there are no dishes, so don't be too obvious.

The original dishes on the table were all removed, and the copper pot was placed not far away from the two people. All kinds of side dishes were placed around the periphery, which could not be placed, and a table was added, which was dazzling and exquisite. Although it was regarded as something that could not be put on the table, it was still quite good in jingwan's view, but I didn't pay attention to it at the time of ordering, now it's on There are too many tables. Besides, most of them are made by mammy Gong.

However, jingwan later thought that the meal that seemed to be sitting on the top was breakfast. There were three kinds of snacks, rice meal, porridge, a small table of pickles, chicken with mushroom, duck with three delicacies, chicken with five grains of chicken, stewed meat, persimmon with stewed tripe, cabbage with slices of meat, mutton with yellow stew, bean curd with spinach with mutton stewed, cabbage with donkey meat stewed, radish with slices of mutton, sea cucumber with strips of duck, and pueraria with diced duck Xianmi, shaocigu, braised Yulan with meat slice, braised run with mutton, fried spring roll, fried meat with yellow chives, smoked pork tripe with elbow flower, stewed tofu, smoked dried silk cooked and pinched vegetables, fried cabbage with pepper oil, dried five spices, meat slice Soup for worshiping gods, boiled salar, cooked white meat and so on. According to the different seasons, there will be various changes. It's OK to say that there is no waste in tofu and other things, but basically, there is no waste Chicken, duck, fish and other things, then we need to ha ha, because we often take a small part, such as the duck tongue, such as the cheek meat of grouper, to get a plate, how many ducks, how many fish

Lecheng was a more economical emperor, but he ate at least thirty or forty dishes each time, as long as he kept people to eat or compare

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