It's sun Yijia, followed by a large group of people. The woman who has always been quiet and high above, with thin anger in her eyes, has walked a little faster than usual. When sun Yijia came near, Qingju had already let go of the whip at the sign of mother Gong.

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Sun Yijia saw the blood on the whip, and went straight to his head in anger. He felt a lot of pain in his brain. He glanced around and saw that he just hurt a servant girl's hand. He was relieved. "What did you do to hit people?"

In the face of sun Yijia, the woman didn't continue to wave the whip, but her temper didn't converge. "Why don't you ask these bitches what they did? They are all lowly bastards, trying to seduce brother Lin secretly. Shouldn't they fight? "

No matter how good tempered he is, he will be furious at this. Jing Wan calm face, "girl mouth put clean point."

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"So that bitch is you?" The woman pointed at Jing Wan with a whip. "I don't see what virtue I am, and I dare to climb up brother Lin. Brother Lin likes flowers. You think you can fly to the branches and become a phoenix

Jing Wan can bear it, but yuan Qiaoqiao is about to be blown up by Qi. He hates to rush up and tear the woman in red. Jing Wan pulls her, and this disaster is caused by her. The identity of the other party is noble. Once they get revenge, they will often be in trouble in the future. She doesn't want yuan Qiaoqiao to join them. However, it's said that this beauty is a disaster. In fact, this blue beauty is not a disaster!

"I know flowers at the age of three and raise flowers at the age of five. It can be said that I spend time with flowers every day. However, I only came to the capital a few days ago. I don't know a few people in the whole capital. Who can I show them? Which high branch did you climb? It's you, girl. You should be dignified, but you are vulgar and arrogant. You don't have the style and accomplishment a lady in a boudoir should have. If I were your brother Nalin, how far away I would have to hide from you, so as not to get involved with you and make myself vulgar. "

The woman in red was so angry that she shivered all over. "You are really brave. Dare to talk to the princess like this --"

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many people have made a cold sweat for Jing Wan. What virtue is this? They know it clearly. They are usually unruly and willful. They become like mad dogs when they get in touch with sun Yilin. Naturally, there are also people like Luo Jingying. I'm not too happy. I'd like to see jingwan thoroughly annoy the woman in red. It's better to crack her face with a whip.

"Princess?" When others thought that jingwan would be soft, jingwan sneered, "as a royal woman, she should be a model for the world's women. But in your way, what else can she do besides make the royal family feel dark?"

"You --" furious, the whip will be out again.

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"Li Ruyu, how dare you try?" The warm voice became a little gloomy, and sun Yilin went back.

Li Ruyu's hand shook, and immediately hid the whip behind his back. When he looked at Sun Yilin, he had a charming smile. "Brother Lin, why are you here? Don't you have guests today? "

The people who are as warm as jade in the ordinary days are calm, "you are really rude and insolent, not only to the royal family, but also to our grandchildren. I am lazy to pay attention to what you do in the ordinary days, but you are more and more unbridled. I will tell you now that sun Yilin will never marry you, Li Ruyu, even if he becomes a monk. "

Li Ruyu likes sun Yilin, which is well known in the world. However, because they were born noble, some things were tacitly understood. It is clear that if Li Ruyu really married sun Yilin, it would be a waste of a good man, no one would dare to make a noise, and the two families did not make a clear statement and were ambiguous. Today's banquet seems to show the world a certain decision.

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I thought that after today, maybe sun Yilin's marriage will be clear. I don't want to. I can't wait for the end of the party. Suddenly, sun Yilin made such a decision. He tore Li Ruyu's face off and threw it on the ground. So many people were present. It's impossible to seal it. Today, Li Ruyu is bound to be the laughingstock of the whole capital.

Li Ruyu is hit by lightning. "Brother Lin, you, you I did it all because of you. Why are you so ruthless? "

"Don't say for me, I can't afford such a reputation. I've long lost my love with your cousins. As for ruthlessness? Is it better than that you can't move without human blood? I'll find my aunt myself and say, "if you don't learn the rules, you'd better never show up in front of me, otherwise you'll be disgusting." In ordinary times, a modest and polite person can stab people even more when his mouth is poisoned.

"Brother Lin, it's not like this, no, you used to be very good to me," Li Ruyu's tears, like broken beads, "my mother said that you like me, you will marry me, how can you say that change will change?"

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