"Father, that's not true. You believe me..."

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With a cold face, Emperor Lecheng looked at Princess Minxiang with a look like a dead man. Obviously, he didn't believe Princess Minxiang's explanation at all.

"Emperor," Princess Su's fierce struggle seemed to be irresistible. "Minxiang's appearance today is the fault of my concubines. My concubines didn't teach her well," she said, while sobbing. Low, it's the grief of extreme grief and forced patience. She was disappointed in Princess Minxiang and blamed herself. "Emperor, all the mistakes are Min Xiang has learned a lesson from my concubine's mistake. If the emperor wants to punish me, I'll punish my concubine. If I don't teach my daughter, my mother's fault, everything should be, should be... "

"Father, my son is also responsible for this. He cares so little about Minxiang that he doesn't know a lot of things, so that she can make a mistake again. If my son takes some time to ask about it, even if he only finds some clues, things will never come to this point." Li Hongming also has a deep pain on his face.

Let's be clear, the two of them are just taking a step back, and in this case, not only can't "kill the family" but also have to give Min Xiang an "excuse". It's not only about the family, but also another factor. Min Xiang is a princess and the emperor's daughter. Don't say "the prince breaks the law and the common people share the crime". That's for ordinary people to hear. Otherwise, why is it called Tianhuang nobles, let alone she is still wounded by her son-in-law, the guilt has been reduced a lot.

There is no mistake in such a routine. However, there is a premise. It depends on whether success is lost or not.

Princess Minxiang is a scandal of Tianjia. If all the princesses are the same as her, the princesses after her will not want to find a better husband. After all, no one is willing to follow the footsteps of the fifth son-in-law. Ordinary women are envious and vicious. Can they compare with Princess Minxiang?

Well, you can never underestimate the situation of the backstage, the woman in the backstage. Some people's means are absolutely better than Princess Minxiang's. The biggest "mistake" of Princess Minxiang is to make a big show. If others don't know it, it doesn't matter. If others know it, it's a scandal and they've lost the face of the royal family.

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However, when Princess Minxiang is treated like this, what is the royal majesty?

"I haven't said anything yet. One by one, you are in a hurry to ask for a pardon."

Emperor Lecheng is different from what he expected, but the mother and son of Princess Su dare not go on talking. In fact, this situation looks like a dilemma, which makes people feel uneasy and difficult. In a word, I'm quite sure that this is not a good phenomenon.

The scene fell into a strange silence, which made people panic. Except for lechengdi, who controlled all the honors and Disgraces of life and death, even the internal servants felt suffocated.

Until a confidant came in, "the emperor, the other people in the five Princesses' house have interrogated..."

However, it turns out that other people in Princess Minxiang's house have also been brought into the palace.

“…… As a result of the interrogation, "the servant paused," the son-in-law is in the princess's mansion. Probably, everyone can be deceived. "

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The last four words are very light. In this place where the needle can be heard, everyone can hear them very clearly. It can be seen that the people around Princess Minxiang have some reservations just now.

"Everyone can be deceived?" Emperor Lecheng's fingertips hit the imperial case, "Qi Yuan's son-in-law has fallen to this point?"

For those sons in law, whether they are sisters or daughters, there are absolutely no three that satisfy lechengdi. In lechengdi's opinion, even if Princess Shang has lost her future, many people don't want to be princess Shang. However, people like the eldest princess's son-in-law don't lack them. However, several of his sons in law, in his eyes, are really one by one Setback, now it seems that not only the future, but also his daughter is not excellent. Compared with the eldest princess, it's really far behind. Plus Min Xiang, no wonder no one likes it.

The Royal daughter-in-law is royal, and the Royal son-in-law is also half Royal. She was raped by a group of lowly Yangzi. No matter how cowardly a man is, she has dignity. No wonder she can't bear to break out and hurt the princess. To some extent, Princess Minxiang deserves it.

Emperor Lecheng also believed that Princess Minxiang deserved it. However, tens of thousands of reasons are not the reasons for the son-in-law to hurt the princess, no matter how much he paid for it.

"The imperial concubine's goddaughter was unjustified, and she was punished for one year. She was closed for half a year. During this period, she was not allowed to interfere in any palace affairs. Prince Rui left his office without permission, regardless of the seriousness. She was punished for one year and suspended from the official department. Princess Minxiang was vicious in heart and bad in moral conduct. She closed her door and thought about it, and ordered the two nurturing mothers to teach again. The five sons in law bullied the emperor and ignored him. They injured the princess and put her in prison for life, However, if you think and hurt her, you can't find it in your house for life; if you don't want to dissuade her and help the tyranny, you will be sent back to the house of internal affairs to be released. If you don't have any, you will be punished for three years of hard labor. "

As soon as lechengdi's words came out, no matter what mood the people below were in, they had to "thank the Lord for his kindness".

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For the fifth son-in-law and his family, this punishment is actually not a punishment. They should be crying with joy. However, they should not be too happy too early. The current situation of the fifth son-in-law can not be optimistic, saying that there must be no risk of death.

Princess Minxiang's face was as dead as a dust. If she hadn't been caught by Princess Su in time, she would have resisted the order openly.

In fact, Prince Rui of Princess Su wants to strangle her directly. It's the two of them who are really bleeding.

In the case of Princess Su, the queen is not here, and the palace is for her and Princess Qin. Now Princess Qin is down. She is in charge of it alone. Although there is a princess Wei Xian, she can be a former Princess Wei. That is a vase decoration. This is an absolute opportunity to install her own people. Now she directly seizes the power and will be closed for half a year. Of course, the closed palace does not allow Princess Su to leave Yucui palace, but for half a year, there is no chance to go to the palace. Although emperor Lecheng now goes to the palace, most of the time, Princess Su arranges other beddings. But that is also the favor of the palace. Shut down, it is aimed at emperor Lecheng. Within half a year, he will not step into the palace. No matter how luxurious, how high the status of the concubine, the emperor does not step in, it is equivalent to the cold palace.

But Prince Rui is even more unyielding. Listening to the meaning of emperor Lecheng, he is meddlesome. He has left the big things in his hands to manage the disputes in the house. He has directly lost the duties of the official department. He has worked hard to enter the official department. He has worked hard to stand firm. He knows more things, and his right to speak has increased. Now all of them are in vain.

As for the people on Princess Minxiang, who will take care of them.

"The emperor, the prince of Jin asked for an interview."

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When Emperor Lecheng heard the words, his face relaxed a little. Li Hongming could not help showing the look he hoped for without mentioning Princess su.

When Li Hongyuan came in, he did not look down. "See your father."

"How did you get into the palace now?" Asked lechengdi.

"I heard that there was something wrong with Minxiang, so I went to the palace to have a look."

"You're ready, but I've already dealt with it. Don't worry about what you should do."

"Father, do you know how to deal with it?"

"What does a big man do with all this? Get out of here. " Lechengdi waves impatiently.

Li Hongyuan "hesitates" and rolls away.

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