"Not for nothing, but for..."

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In jingwan's view, master liaochen is very technical. Haven't you seen that emperor Lecheng's heart is about to jump to his throat? Master liaochen, are you such a master? Is it right to say that you are wrong, or is it right to say, well, it's really a cow and a personality? Well, it can be praised and respected by countless people who are superior. It should be the latter indeed.

“…… The empress and concubine are eager to think about her son. For more than 20 years, it's inevitable that they want to stay for the king to talk. " Master liaochen twists the beads of Buddha and says softly and peacefully.

However, as soon as this is said, the resulting vibration is of earthquake magnitude.

The whole person of lechengdi was confused. At this moment, he even suspected that he had a hallucination, but soon became extremely excited. He grabbed master Chen's hand in a very bad way. "Master, master, you said" I, I... "

Master liaochen's expression was still the same, and she didn't pull her hand back. "The empress of the imperial concubine was so obsessed with the mortal world that she could not reincarnate. Because she was not a human being, the spirit could survive in the world. Usually, she could only float in the world like a ghost or a wild ghost. She couldn't show herself or influence the spirit of others. Only this time or what chance did she get The spirit of the Lord is separated. " A slow explanation.

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"He's been there all the time? All the time... " Emperor Lecheng did not know whether he was excited or could not believe it. Some words were incoherent and once again seemed to have lost his soul.

Master liaochen took his hand back gently.

Jingwan saw in her eyes, if she didn't know the causes and consequences, if she had not seen her husband take the medicine prepared by Gong Jiu, and master liaochen actually gave her husband a pulse, said a prescription, and asked Gong Jiu to match the so-called incense, she would be fooled.

However, how did Le chengdi shake her without any idea. Now, why did he die long ago? Besides, he just missed his husband and felt a little guilty. Besides, he had a little introspection? Have you ever felt that you did something wrong? Jingwan dare to settle down, no!

Jingwan is more concerned about the reaction of the three princes Kang, Rui and Gong. These people think more about it. Because the imperial concubines "in the world" will only have a greater impact on Lecheng emperor. Then, in their opinion, they are likely to be more inclined to their husbands. In this way, their husbands are obviously powerless and powerless, and will become the thorn in the flesh. At that time, only I'm afraid it won't be as tolerant as before. Moreover, Emperor lechengdi is old after all. It can't be said that they will take some extreme measures.

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As a matter of fact, Le chengdi's age is much younger than those old ministers in the dynasty. However, his body is not as good as theirs. Although he can't see it on the face, he has been corrupted inside.

As jingwan thought, the three princes had already killed Li Hongyuan deeply in their hearts, which was unprecedented. Now, it's not the same as before. It's Li Hongming, who knows that Li Hongyuan is the son of a ghost - now, it's really the son of a ghost - and they dare not believe that the throne will not be passed to Li Hong by Le chengdi Yuan, because of his father's present appearance, it's really not reassuring.

Therefore, these people have no doubt about the authenticity of master Chen's words at all.

Therefore, if this man wants to be a magic stick, he will be invincible in the world. However, in jingwan's view, master Chen's medical skills may be better.

Emperor Lecheng suddenly woke up, "master, master, let me see you, let me see you..."

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"Amitabha. Emperor, it's not impossible to do this. However, the Queen's concubine's mother has caused great loss to her. If she shows her body to meet you again, even if she can't say two words, the Queen's concubine's mother will be scared out of her wits. The poor monk just said that the Queen's mother was not a human being, which made her scared out of her wits and her cause and effect too great, and even affected the National Games of Qiyuan Dynasty Please think twice. "

If he had just been excited by his fantasy, now he is like a cloud falling into the dust. He can't ignore his beloved woman, let alone joke about the National Games of Qiyuan.

However, when we know that he is not a human being, Emperor Lecheng is convinced. How could such a person be a human being? However, at this moment, there are indeed some regrets. If she is still alive, can it also make Qiyuan more prosperous?

So, if you think too much, even if it is true, only by the things you do, the ghost will protect you.

"Master, master, is there really no way?" Emperor Lecheng looked a little pitiful with hope and prayer in his eyes.

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Master Chen twists the beads of Buddha and keeps silent for a moment. "The emperor, if you want the empress to appear, you need to strengthen her spirit. You need to find 81 treasure places in Qiyuan, and set up 81 Dharma altars. Each Dharma altar is composed of 81 monks who do 81 days of blessing at the same time. At the same time, you need to pray for all the people, and you need to be sincere. The more people, the better the effect, At that time, it will lead the empress and concubine to come out and meet the emperor. "

For an emperor, it's not difficult for the front, but for the back, who can control people's hearts.

And it's too big. If it's not a good thing, it will make people complain. Emperor Lecheng himself may also blame the people.

Therefore, Emperor Lecheng was silent for a while.

Jing Wancai was too lazy to manage. He focused on Li Hongyuan. Seeing Li Hongyuan's eyelids moving, he was overjoyed and hurried forward. "You're awake, Lord?"

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