The he family received the reward, but there was no sorrow or joy. The younger generation of the he family knows what life and death are when they are a few years old. They are used to the bloody life. Let alone the old lady he, Mrs. he and his daughter-in-law. Who hasn't seen the cruelty of the battlefield? In this way, who cares about the extraneous things, gold and silver? If you have them, you can take them. If you have them, you can use them. If you don't have them, you will never demand them. The position of the leader is your own. You don't have to worry about that kind of brain The disabled generals don't care, so they are more concerned about their own lives and the lives of the border generals. They hope that all of them can live well. Although, as long as there is war, this is an impossible thing.

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On the battlefield, it means life and death. Even so, they will not stop their own children from going to the border, because that is their mission. As long as they are not old enough to move, they must stick to it.

However, the he family did thank Prince Jin, especially the old lady he and his wife, who are most clear about the changes in he Shihai. At this moment, no matter what the purpose of Prince Jin is, they are silent. In the future, even if Prince Jin does something they can't accept, they can not participate in it, but they will acquiesce in he Shihai's help, even if they want to "eliminate he Shihai" Clan ", Li Hongyuan gave to he Zhihai, to some extent, that is another life.

He Zhihai rushed to the northeast border city in a hurry and rode two horses in turn. Both of them were almost abandoned. Fortunately, he didn't see the horrible situation in his imagination. He took a sigh of relief. What, maybe the news of Prince Jin was wrong? However, he Zhihai didn't make a conclusion. This war is only the beginning. If there is an inner ghost, it's most likely to strike hard at a critical time. So it's too early to rest assured.

He Zhenwei didn't think it strange that his youngest son suddenly appeared. Instead, he took it for granted that this son was mixed up. He also put his family in his heart sincerely. He had the ability and no reason to stay in an easy place. As for the two strangers he zhihaidai was around, he didn't care. Whatever the origin, it was always related to the capital.

However, general he didn't care about him. When it was time to fight, he had better be honest at other times. Obviously, general he's still impressed by his son before he left the capital. After all, he Shihai is still the small overlord from the aspect of his speech and behavior.

He Zhihai doesn't care. He doesn't rush to participate in the affairs between generals. He gives a deep-rooted impression that many people walk around him, but in fact, no general regards him as a threat. If he wants to catch the internal ghost, he will be more convenient to act. Of course, he has to have a good communication with his Laozi to see if he has any doubts To have identified the other party.

In the view of he Zhihai, the situation that Prince Jin said can never be ordinary people or ordinary soldiers, because they have no ability to know the overall deployment of the Northeast Army, and some places they can't get close to, and some passes can't be opened, so the scope is quite small.

He XIAOBAWANG, a "loafer", wanders around the camp with two people. As before, no one thinks it's wrong. The soldiers of one team walk by in an orderly way. When they see he Zhihai, they stop and call him "little general". It's a respectful term for he Zhihai. For those generals, he Zhihai is only powerful in the battlefield It's little generation. These soldiers are different. They only know that little general is very brave and invincible. They have the deepest feelings and regard him as the most respected person.

This situation is not without the generals to see, most people are still gratified, hoping that he Zhihai will grow up and become the commander-in-chief like his father. Of course, some people sneer at the fact that there are no children with long hair, no brains and arms. They sigh in their hearts, but they are not afraid. It's really too easy for such people to calculate him.

He Zhihai didn't know that he had been defined as "developed in limbs and simple in mind". After a circle of turning, there should be no less people, so he left to make sandbox.

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As a matter of fact, the sand table may have existed for a long time, but it used rice grains and loose sand grains to stack up. Therefore, it didn't spread widely. This time, I saw a different, practical and image one from the prince of Jin. It's necessary to make one.

He Zhenwei finally has a little spare time and calls the evil man to follow him.

As a result, he XIAOBAWANG said something before general he said anything.

General he listened to his son's words, and his expression was like a palette, which was quite wonderful. In the end, his eyes became so subtle that he even doubted that this man was not his son's possibility.

When he Zhihai finished, his face turned black when he looked at his Laozi. "What eyes do you have, old man?" He XIAOBAWANG, who can't be serious for more than three seconds, shows his true shape.

General he is relieved. That's right. That's what his stupid son should look like.

He Shihai's face is black again. He wants to offend others and kill his father?

General he clenched his fist to cover his stupidity, coughed, and slightly put away the expression on his face. Now I know what I mean by my wife's letter. Prince Jin is really powerful. What I haven't done in more than ten years has been reversed by him in such a short time. It's still beginning to work. It's just that I'm glad and a little sour at the same time.

Let's put these things aside for the time being and exchange information before we can determine what to do next.

Although what he Zhihai has to say is basically said, but general he was a little "distracted" at the beginning. He didn't hear it very clearly. After listening again, his face became serious. Although he was reminded by Prince Jin, he didn't think about it very seriously, but now it's different. When the Northeast Army was destroyed, he's only three or two kittens. What's that Concept? Just thinking about that scene, general he couldn't control it completely. The negative emotions that he had caught through the battlefield broke out in an all-round way at this moment, just like thousands of wandering souls wandering around him, which was frightening and terrifying.

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It's absolutely not fun to say that you've made a million bones.

He Zhihai's elder brother came in at this time and was shocked to see such a scene. "Dad, what happened?" Although his father is a military general, as long as he doesn't go to the battlefield, he can basically be called a Confucian general. There are few times when he can't control his emotions. Now, this is the first time he has seen it.

He Shihai's elder brother is much more handsome than his bully. However, he is the first general under he Shihai in the Northeast Army, and he has a high prestige. He is the successor of general he.

Go to he Zhihai's side, "little brother, are you making dad angry again?"

He Shihai glanced at him coolly. "You don't think it's reliable for me to be in your eyes."

Brother he wants to laugh, but because of general he's condition, he doesn't laugh at all.

Fortunately, general he quickly controlled himself. "Boss, you are just in time. Let's discuss this together."

"Take your time. I'll go first." He Zhihai vowed to stick to his "no brain" image to the end.

General he also knew that it was best to let the evil man pay attention to it, so he waved like a fly.

Before he Shihai left the camp, he saw the wolf smoke in the distance.

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"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

In a flash, the whole camp is moving. All the people in the camps, big and small, rush out at the fastest speed and gather quickly. One after another is the shouting of "hurry up" by the generals.

He Shihai rushed to the horse circle at the first time, led out another horse of his own, and the person in charge of raising the horse quickly put on the saddle and other things. They all said he Shihai had a beast like intuition, which is the same for his own horse. If his horse is good or not, he Shihai can walk it casually. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to start his feet at he Shihai's horse .

A battle started, and the battlefield was full of blood.

He Zhihai is still the invincible "mad devil", and the people behind him are always the most fierce and active in the battlefield. Their blood seems to be burned together by he Zhihai.

However, if someone takes a moment to have a look, he Zhihai will find that he has already taken his mind to kill the enemy, and no longer rushes forward recklessly. He will also pay attention to the war situation. He can't help it. This is all deliberately trained by the prince of Jin. No matter how crazy he is, it seems that there is always a line to lead him. If there is a little space, he will think subconsciously Know sea oneself also realized this point, wiped a face, can't pass fast play, sad urge!

The war lasted for more than two hours, but after all, it was the local defeat that brought in the gold.

Although Qiyuan won, there were not a few casualties. They were all human lives. The soldiers swept the battlefield with fatigue. Maybe they were numb. They dragged their brothers who had been hunched over before, but they could not cry at all.

He Shihai was physically excited, but mentally not easy to suffer. Just in this war, he obviously felt different from the past. Moreover, after the first World War, there would be no such injury in the past year.

It's hard for anyone to see such a situation.

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He Shihai wants to find his Laozi, but in nine out of ten, he is talking with other generals about things. He can only hold back and try to kill people once. In the end, reason still exists and no stupid thing has been done.

His brother came to him and said, "why, I'm not happy?"

"Big brother, why are you here?" He Shihai asked in a muffled voice.

"I'll see you when I know you're not happy."

He Shihai took a look at him. "When I was still in my twenties and threes, I would kill someone if I didn't feel happy."

He big brother good temper smile, looking at the younger brother who is a little older but a little higher than himself, "you know the right size." After a look at the mottled battlefield, the mud trampled out, and the scattered black and red snow, at this time, there are snowflakes floating in the sky. Look at this posture, it will be covered again soon. "In fact, the situation is good. If we encounter this situation in the past few years, the damage will increase by at least 50%

"What can the imperial court do so much?"

"The court's natural point is far from enough. It's just a cover up. It's the prince of Jin..."

He Shihai was stunned. It seemed that he couldn't believe it. If he had worshiped Prince Jin because of the force of the other side, he would now rise to a height that he couldn't imagine.

"Prince Jin saved the Northeast Army

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