This is not easy to answer. You can say anything wrong.

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Of course, there are also people who are completely unaffected and don't care at all. For example, Li Hongyuan and Jing Wan are both in this situation. In fact, they really want to coax Yue into emperor. Unfortunately, both of them have no intention or intention.

And others can't coax them.

When Emperor Lecheng was angry and didn't make a single move, he just wanted to strangle these unfilial children. However, this group of unfilial children didn't do anything. At most, they scolded them. They can't punish them without reason just because they are in a bad mood. Then they are no different from the despot king. Otherwise, the ministers should have opinions on him.

This is supposed to be a hot and happy New Year's Eve dinner party. It's cold at the beginning. Jingwan isn't sure if it's the first time for her family. Anyway, after she came to the world, she met for the first time. Before, even in Qi'an mansion, even if most of the Luo family were in the capital, people in her room with her grandmother and fourth uncle could also enjoy the new year's Eve Happy heart, so, royal or something, sometimes it's really annoying. Jingwan felt that it would be better to spend time with her husband in the palace. Even if they were two, they would be 100 times and 1000 times better than now.

Jingwan sits next to Li Hongyuan. There are many kinds of tea, dried fruits and fruits on the table. However, he can pass the time slowly. As for the surrounding atmosphere, it's better to ignore it directly.

Of course, the cold field will not be cold all the time. As long as lechengdi doesn't get angry, someone will warm up the field slowly, and then try to brush good feelings in front of lechengdi. Of course, you should be careful tonight, otherwise you may brush bad feelings.

The whole dinner was almost half over, and the atmosphere was at last normal, at least on the bright side.

"The Royal concubine of Jin Dynasty is more and more beautiful. Today's body is more complementary, bright and moving, and festive."

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Jing Wan, who is good at eating, suddenly hears this and feels inexplicable. He looks for prestige. Prince Gong's mother is obviously smiling, but the quiet eyes are clearly hostile. I think so. Prince Gong has been repaired miserably by Prince Jin for many times. It's not an accident that he has long been killed and will be picked up.

Jing Wan is not satisfied with the smile, waiting for the other side to make a move.

Of course, other people are not so calm, especially Prince Gong. After all, the psychological shadow given by Prince Jin is a little big, but his mother has already opened her mouth, so it's hard to say anything more. But others are more of a mentality of going to the theatre. As long as they have nothing to do with themselves, they will be happy when others tear them up. It would be better if they could come to "lose both sides", especially now they are both hated by others. ——Of course, just think about it.

"It's just my palace's thought that the soldiers in the northeast border are fighting with blood. Isn't it not good to be in such a body?" Prince Gong's mother and concubine cover their lips with a veil, which seems to cover up their smile.

It's true that he didn't even beat around the bush. However, his lethality is a little bit big. No, even emperor Lecheng followed him and other people responded with great cooperation.

Jingwan's psychological quality was strong, she was not moved at all, and even smiled, "I don't know how about the war in the northeast. Naturally, the father and the courtiers worry about these things. I think it's only a matter of time to defeat all the departments of Zhennv mountain according to Qi Yuan's national strength. It's just a matter of time to listen to the words of Niang. It seems that the war is not smooth? So that the emperor has to avoid three points at his feet? What's more, where did you know the news when your mother lived in the harem? "

Prince Gong's mother and concubine lose their color in a moment. If they can't find fault with each other, they will be put on two hats in a second. "Sing down" Qi Yuan, and the harem is in charge of politics. Any one of them can make her go to the eighteenth level of hell. She's not a queen or a princess Su or a concubine Qin. She's neither a favorite nor a strong background. She doesn't need to balance any forces and become emperor Yue To deal with her, I don't need to think about it. In this way, how can I not be afraid.

The other one that made his head sweat was Prince Gong. Although his mother didn't give him much help, if something happened like this, it would be a great loss.

"Emperor (father)..." The mother and the son almost opened their mouths to remedy.

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"Enough!" Lechengdi put down the cup severely, made a bang, turned his head and looked coldly at the woman who had been around him for many years. He had no feelings at all. "Put away your little careful thinking, and next time, don't go around lightly."

The person who wants to speak becomes mute instantly, dare not speak easily again, after all can be let go, already extremely lucky.

Of course, after this, the atmosphere is naturally depressed. This kind of atmosphere is always depressing. Some people complain that Prince Gong's mother and concubine have nothing to do with the new year's Eve. They know that the emperor is in a bad mood. They know that the emperor's partiality has no end. They have to get together to stir it up. It doesn't matter if they throw stones at their feet. It also affects other people.

This is the mentality of this person!

However, some people are aiming at the living king of hell. Should we be glad that the master is not angry.

Li Hongyuan is really indifferent. It seems that what happened has nothing to do with him, but Prince Gong inadvertently looks at him as if he is being stared at by something extremely fearful. His hair explodes in a flash, and his cool air leaps up from the sole of his feet. Prince Gong regrets again, why didn't he stop his mother.

Prince Gong was absolutely scared by Li Hongyuan. However, just because the hatred grew deeper and deeper, he wanted to take it back when he caught the chance, but he didn't succeed every time. He also fell down.

Looking at it, it seems that jingwan is going to suppress it to the end. At this time, jingwan poured a glass of wine and held it up to Lecheng emperor, "father, daughter-in-law, I'll give you a toast..." Then he said a few auspicious words: "the father is worried about the state affairs, but also to take care of the dragon body, he general's prestige, daughter-in-law and other women in the backyard have heard about it, the father and the emperor should be assured that they can't send the best news tomorrow. As for other things, it's just the so-called "the mountain is heavy and the river is clear". Today's dilemma may be solved tomorrow. The body is the capital. Only when the body is well can we deal with those things. Besides, I can't say Looking at you. "

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Emperor Lecheng was stunned, and then he seemed to be connected with each other. He smiled, "what my sixth daughter-in-law said is. ——This new year's Eve is supposed to be hot and noisy. How can it be cold and clear today? "

The attendants on the side were also aware. They immediately arranged dance music. The atmosphere was naturally warm again.

Li Hongyuan poured himself a glass of wine and poured Jing Wan a small half, "what do you think he did?"

Jing Wan smiled and said, "I just don't like such a dull feeling."

Li Hongyuan has been to the mouth of the wine cup meal, "but also, in the Luo family, the atmosphere should be good."

"Well." Jingwan does not deny this point at all.

Li Hongyuan shook Jing Wan's hand. "Another year or two." A glass of wine to drink, the tone is extraordinarily indifferent.

This kind of public, dare to say this kind of rebellious words, he is Li Hongyuan.

Jingwan heard the deep meaning in it, but didn't show it at all, enjoying the dancing of the beautiful people.

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Li Hongyuan took a look at Jing Wan and casually enjoyed the dance. In a word, his daughter-in-law has the ability to "predict". After all, the northeast border will be the first battle to determine "fate".

According to the news, general he, they have determined who the internal thief is, but they have not found out the people, but they have decided to take care of everything, so the time of the incident is still tonight. Although tomorrow won't get a quick report, if things go well, it will probably postpone the matter for two or three days. As for the matter about the emperor and the concubines, all are arranged, and there will be a "turning point" tonight.

At midnight, the clock on the tower rings continuously. Over the whole capital city, firecrackers ring the sky.

The royal family has also moved outside the palace, watching the burning fire and the slight explosion. How many people want to be prosperous.

All of a sudden, the ground moves slightly. Although it's not strong and the time is not long, what we should feel is basically felt. Many people suddenly change their faces, just because it feels like the ground moves.

At midnight, just at the beginning of the new year, it's not a good place to play.

Emperor Lecheng suppressed his anger and said, "check it out."

Jing Wan looks at Li Hongyuan without trace.

-- here comes the ceremony.

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