"Ah, you mean, young people rob their elders, boys rob girls' things," destroy them if you can't get them. "That's all right, isn't it? Is that the so-called preaching and teaching? Is that the fourth brother? " Li Hongyuan held up his chin. "That's interesting. The father carried out benevolent government. The fourth brother's ideas were totally different from the father's. I wonder if the father knew it, would he be angry?"

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Li Hongyuan's mouth is the kind of mouth that few people here have never heard of. It's not necessarily that many words are said. It's just that it's too poisonous, and the export may take human life. Just like now, when it comes to the ears of Lecheng emperor, Prince Gong is in all likelihood going to eat a row.

Prince Gong suppressed his anger. Because he had learned too many lessons, he was really enraged and lost his mind. It would only be worse. So he told himself again and again to be calm and calm. "Six brothers, it's just that we can eat at random. We can't say that. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to be so contemptuous of your brother. "

"The fourth brother is wrong. As for my king, I always don't eat anything at random. After all, I've been picky since I was a child. This is not good or delicious. I can't swallow it. I've always said this at will. The right and wrong are reversed. The black-and-white exchange is more interesting. Therefore, I don't want to say anything at all, especially in front of my king."

Prince Gong pulled the corners of his mouth, and now he has a little regret. Originally, what his son did had nothing to do with the royal family's house of Jin Dynasty, but he thought that he might face the punishment of his father, so he subconsciously wanted to get rid of the crime, which has become a habit, so he blurted out without even considering it. If Li Hongyuan is offended, there is no possibility of getting rid of the crime, but "one more crime" is only one in ten. Prince Gong even wanted to slap himself.

"Yu Yao is our cousin. Her cousin and niece are not in the minority. So many people didn't rob her. Your son has no respect. The fourth brother is willing to blame the king. However, the fourth brother said that. It's better for you to know that you can take out the king's things to whoever you like. If you don't have the king's permission, you can reach out and try! Even so, I want to see who dares to blame me. "

"Six elder brothers, let me say, maybe it's because there are so many good things in your family. Four elder brothers are greedy. This cat and dog can share them. Maybe they expect you to share other things."

Other people have learned to be smart about things related to Li Hongyuan. Even if the person he opposes is his own enemy, it's better not to mix them in easily, because it's not possible to bury him if he doesn't get a hole. So, when meeting this kind of thing, everyone has a tacit understanding. It's good to look at it. Now someone has mixed words, but it's not the same In the past, on the 11th, the calves were really not afraid of tigers.

The eleventh emperor's son will leave the palace next year. There is a big gap between his age and that of Li Hongyuan. Although he knows the prestige of Li Hongyuan, in fact, Li Hongyuan hasn't dealt with the small ones. In any way, these younger brothers are just one person, his son. That's all. No more.

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Li Hongyuan glanced at him. When others thought he was going to be angry, they just took back their eyes.

Different from what he expected, Prince Gong had hoped that the other side would share the fire power with him. As a result, Li Hongyuan didn't play the card according to common sense this time! What can't Li Hongyuan do? What can't he do? Prince Gong's eye knife swished past, "eleven, don't learn from him easily without your six brothers' life, no good."

The eleventh prince was threatened, but he just shrugged, "I have always known myself, brother, but I'm not learning from six brothers, just talking about my own ideas. Four brothers think that's not the case, just don't admit it. It's so simple. Why should I care? This man is easy to live a long life by thinking and thinking."

How to say, they seem to be a little "impressed" with this brother. Today, they took the wrong medicine and dare to treat their powerful brother like this. Like him, he is really powerless, powerless, and Dotless. He is a little transparent. The grown-up princes are not willing to take care of them at all. Even if they are grown-up, it depends on what kind of his wife's family is, so they can decide what to do next.

Now this is little transparency. Don't want to be little transparency. Used to pop out to find the sense of existence? I'm not afraid to break myself.

After all, it's the prince. Compared with many people, it's three points worse. As long as you keep your own business, you'll continue to live a comfortable life like the sick five princes. Just like the loyal Prince now, the 11th Prince is a good color. He opened meat several years ago. It's not a big deal at all. Now he's jumping around without knowing his life Come out, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to hold beauty in the future.

No matter what the reason is, Li Hongyuan is not interested in it. Of course, if one day the younger brother rises suddenly and becomes an opponent, Li Hongyuan will give him two eyes. However, even if he gets up now, even if he doesn't have that time, the chaos will end in two years.

"I'm in a good mood today. I don't want to worry about anything. Don't find my head."

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Hearing this, they immediately understood that Li Hongyuan was not going to investigate any more. Some people regretted it, and they only congratulated Prince Gong.

However, fixed thinking thinks that Li Hongyuan only likes the present times and doesn't like the post autumn accounting. Therefore, many times he is reorganized and who he is, he often chooses the wrong target.

People who really know Li Hongyuan know that his heart is smaller than the tip of a needle, and he is good at playing in the dark. So Prince Gong is really glad that he is too early. Just ask, your son killed the birthday gift he was looking for for for his daughter-in-law. Don't worry if his daughter-in-law has already transferred the gift. What else can you do without paying? Ha ha, I think it's beautiful.

The reason why jingwan didn't "deal with" is still that sentence, because jingwan wanted to be perfect because of his birthday. If jingwan was destroyed in the end, he would be depressed if he didn't say anything.

Then, in order not to offend the living king of hell, everyone was quite at ease, and the atmosphere was really harmonious.

Prince Gong sat for a moment, thinking of his concubine's temperament, he couldn't sit still after all. He didn't want to be counted by Li Hongyuan as a couple because Qin family was stupid? What does a wife do wrong count for the justice of her husband? That's bullshit. Prince Gong only knows that "he flies when the disaster comes". Although it's far from that, he doesn't mind pushing his wife out in case of any serious event.

In this search, I found that my princess had really left the Royal Palace of Jin Dynasty. Prince Gong hated him so much that his teeth were itching. He was a bitch who could not defeat anything!

In the past, Prince Gong "held Prince Gong in his hand for fear of falling, and held him in his mouth for fear of melting". Princess Gong was so arrogant inside and outside the house that she disposed of Prince Gong's concubines. Instead, Prince Gong tried to coax her with good words, because his father-in-law was in the grip of military power. He wanted to be superior and could not do without his father-in-law's support, but he was humble and begged everywhere OK, but the father and daughter really dare to ride on his head and do whatever they want. Because of a small thing, Qin Tianming is so cold to him that he is doomed to be ungrateful. Why should he lower his head.

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Prince Gong lost patience with the Qin family, so the Qin family would suffer. However, Qin Tianming was still there after all, and there was no complete quarrel with Prince Gong. Even if Prince Gong didn't give the Qin family a good face, he seemed to be afraid of three points.

Prince Gong rushed back to Prince Gong's mansion, but there was no one. Prince Gong thought a little and turned to the champion's mansion.

It's a coincidence that Qin Tianming's wife didn't go to the royal family's house of Jin to have a dinner today because of some typhoid and discomfort. As a result, she was supposed to come back from her grandson and daughter's front and back feet at the royal family's house of Jin at this time. Her grandson was in a mess and was crying. To say that Mrs Qin still loved her grandson, she asked what was wrong.

Gong kisses the princess to come in, the good words pacify the son, promised many benefits, this just let the servant girl take to comb.

Mrs Qin chose to stand by while her daughter was talking.

Mrs Qin doesn't agree with her daughter's way of raising children. As a result, her daughter doesn't care about anything at all. She is such a son. Her eyes are full of heart and blood. Moreover, her son is a grandson. He is the son of the royal family. In the future, he may be It doesn't matter what you do.

Listen to what it's called. I'm so angry that my liver hurts. I really think I'm the emperor. I won't know how bad I am until I kick the iron plate one day. As time goes on, it's hard to control her again.

Now listen, this is to provoke to the eldest princess head up, also dare to say with son righteously not to his fault?! If you are so capable, don't be angry and run to the champion Houfu. Mrs. Qin really wants to slap her to death, let her roll far away, don't bring the champion Houfu. Of course, Mrs. Qin doesn't care about the champion Houfu, but their house. Anyway, although she lives in the champion Houfu, her husband and father-in-law are not harmonious.

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When Prince Gong's son is taken down, Princess Gong begins to vent against her mother, accusing eldest princess and Princess Jin. In a word, other people are wrong except her, as long as they don't follow their mother and son.

Although there is no order, Mrs. Qin still roughly understood the causes and consequences. She was so angry that the blue tendons on her forehead came out, "shut up!" Why did she have such a thing, huh? You dare to say anything without blocking your mouth. "These words, if you have the ability, go to the emperor."

"My father must have been unreasonable and helped them."

Qin Fu was so popular that he slapped her in the face, "whoever gives you the courage, the emperor dares to arrange it."

I was stunned by my mother's slap, but when I heard her words, I dare not say, "we are the two mothers here, and others will not hear me. Besides, mother, I'm a princess. How can you beat me? This is the following offense. "

Mrs. Qin covered her chest, almost spitting blood. "Well, you are now honored. I can't touch a finger of you as a mother. The temple of the champion's Houfu is small, and I can't hold your Buddha. Please take Princess Gong and his son and leave immediately. Don't come back in the future."

Princess Gong also realized that she had said something wrong. She was quiet and didn't say anything. For a moment, "Mom, don't be angry. I'm just saying what I want to say. Besides, how can I see people when I go out with a slap? "

"I've lost all my face. What face do you want to see?" Prince Gong lifted the curtain and strode in.

"Lord......" Prince Gong's concubine Gong has already lost her temper in front of Prince Gong,

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