Li Hongyuan was a complete tyrant in his previous life, which was not without reason.

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In fact, Jing Wan's death was very exciting, very big. It can be said that there was something wrong with his spirit at one time, but he didn't realize it himself, and it was the worst time that he took power again. He was very murderous, which was a further evil. It can be said that if it wasn't for Jing Wan's children, he would really go Go on, the result is conceivable.

Even so, Li Hongyuan spent quite a long time to control his mood, temper and make himself just a normal person. However, because of the influence of the earlier stage, he has been indelible. In dealing with political affairs, he is simply decisive and wise. However, once a minister in the DPRK has committed something, his means is quite cruel. It can be said that As a tyrant, he has a high reputation among the people.

Therefore, Li Hongyuan's current temperament was actually accumulated at that time. Compared with that time, it is actually much better now. Of course, it may be further hidden by him.

The reason for this is that he was the emperor at that time. There was no fetter around him. His temper was limited even if it was restrained. It was different after rebirth. But it was just because of rebirth that his obsession for jingwan was deeper. Because people were still good, he had a chance to have it. The death of jingwan in the previous life stimulated him a lot, but he also knew her very well It's gone. I also know that people can't come back to life after death. I miss her deeply, but I don't do anything morbid. It's an extreme insult to her. Moreover, they are just a couple for a night, and their reputation is not right.

Maybe it's because of this, he will occasionally indulge himself, knowing that Jing Wan actually hates men cuddling with each other, because he doesn't even have the qualification to guard her.

She is the mother of his only son, but before she died, she specially told her not to go to the imperial mausoleum or the ancestral Tomb of Fu's family. She is not a royal family, so why did she go to the imperial mausoleum? As Fu Yunting's wife, she got involved with other men, even had children, regardless of why, even if they were nominal couples, that's true Betrayal, betrayal, and how face to occupy her husband's side of the position.

She is as strict with others as she is with herself.

In fact, Li Hongyuan is very jealous of Fu Yunting, not only because of Jing Wan's devotion to Fu family, Fu Yunting and Fu Yunting's loyalty. Therefore, even if he occupied other people's wives and even gave birth to his children in his previous life, Jing Wan has no intersection with Fu Yunting in this life, or can't resolve the thorn in his heart.

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Just because

Even if another place was chosen to bury her, she still held the title of Wu'an Hou's wife. Because she later turned over the case to Wu'an fuyunting, and everything she did was well known. The world respected her and worshiped her. However, she was also firmly connected with Fu Yunting. At that time, Li Hongyuan's heart was not completely black. She cared about jingwan's reputation and didn't want her to be Thousands of people pointed out that they were infamous on their backs, so they could only watch.

Apart from Li Hongyuan himself, no one knows who his son's mother-in-law is, not even the Luo family. Even the bodyguards who followed him to see her for the last time and brought her son back didn't know that she was actually Luo's daughter, the lady of Wu'an Hou.

Later, he mentioned his mother to his son, even with a little malice.

As a result, his son told him what he knew. He had accidentally seen the portrait of his father's mother and heard his father's drunken words. He knew that it was the wife of marquis Wu'an. He didn't know where his mother's tomb was, and he never worshipped it. But in fact, he kept a nameless memorial tablet. In fact, many people in the palace knew that except Emperor Li Hongyuan, the palace people Knowing that the crown prince attaches great importance to the memorial tablet, no one can touch it, and vaguely understand that nine out of ten represented by the memorial tablet is the birth mother of the crown prince. The prince also knew that his father was not happy with him. Even the palace people said that he had been taken care of by his father before he was one year old. He was named prince when he was less than one year old. He had no other brothers and sisters. He had many learned and extraordinary teachers. He enjoyed the best in the world.

At that time, Li Hongyuan was strangely silent. He didn't like his son and didn't get close to him, but he never had any precautions. Otherwise, he would not see his drunkenness. His son is less than ten years old, but he is as stable as a little adult. He enjoys the best of everything, but he has not become arrogant. He is well taught, he is excellent, director, considerate.

"You are like your mother." Said Li Hongyuan.

"The little prince smiled shyly rarely." they all said she was very good He knew that his parents were not accepted by the world. However, he was not ashamed of his mother. On the contrary, he listened to many words about his mother. He yearned for her, and admired her. He thought what would happen if she was alive.

"She is very good." Then Li Hongyuan told him the location of Jing Wan's tomb.

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Li Hongyuan felt that he did not have the right to worship, but their son absolutely had, and no one in the world was more qualified than this child.

Since then, the little prince will go to worship every year, at least twice, rain or shine.

Maybe after that time, the father and son were still not close, but Li Hongyuan began to teach him how to be an emperor, not just to throw him to those Taifu, after all, those people were ministers and sons after all.

Of course, this is a very popular thing. However, the courtiers are worried that some extreme ideas of Li Hongyuan will affect the prince. They dare not say anything to Li Hongyuan, so they can only teach the prince something.

The prince knows it well, but he never breaks it, and he studies it carefully.

So, when Li Hongyuan thought that his son was not like himself, and that he might be bullied after his death, and the princes thought that the prince was kind and generous without losing his wisdom and decisiveness, it was so good that the little prince, who was growing up, was already proficient in Imperial learning and black school, and Li Hongyuan let him contact politics early, even some unimportant things He is responsible for dealing with all the situations. That is the result of practical practice, rather than just talking about things on paper.

So, it's a typical black sesame stuffed white skin bun.

In this way, Li Hongyuan left a lot of cards for his son to keep him stable. In fact, it was a bit redundant. Those things were just icing on the cake, even though the prince was less than 17 when he became king.

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Another thing li Hongyuan didn't know was that after his death, his son buried him with Jing Wan, and the coffin in the imperial mausoleum was empty. In this way, the prince let his parents sleep in different places and die in the same cave. He hoped that they would live in a proper way in the next life. This may also be for the son of man, the only way to do it.

Li Hongyuan was born again. The goal was jingwan, jingwan, and the rest was secondary. It was to lay the foundation for jingwan, or to give her the sky she wanted most.

But this time, he can be honest and upright. He can stand beside her. Anyone who is not qualified will be someone else. So his heart can't be black any more. Whatever hinders him from achieving his goal, no matter whether he is innocent or not, he will eliminate it without any politeness. There's no reason and no face to talk about it.

But at the beginning of rebirth, he was too young to do anything. He exposed himself too early when he had no power. As for him, he lost everything before he started. He was definitely not such a fool. In those years, everything forced him to be patient. That's what we call tolerance into steel.

Jingwan thinks that the living Yan king is a kind of abnormal snake essence disease, but actually he has not been wronged. He has some mental problems occasionally, which is a sequel from his previous life. Because jingwan's name has been changed into his, which has pacified him to some extent. It seems that he is OK on the surface at least. However, it's not false to bear it, but it's hidden In the deep place, in fact, it is more serious. After several years of forbearance and silence, it can't break out of it, so it is more abnormal.

Paranoid possession, abnormal control It's just that Jing Wan is still under control for fear of being scared.

If Li Hongyuan had a chance to show his strength as soon as he came back, and if Jing Wan could be surrounded in the first place, even if he was reborn, it might be more tragic between him and Jing Wan.

No one dares to disobey a king who is used to his will. Even if he knows that he shouldn't do it, he may not be able to control himself. Jing Wan is a strong man in his heart. He doesn't want to eat soft but hard. Li Hongyuan really just takes her with a strong attitude, rather than seizing her heart first with tenderness. Jing Wan is bound to resist, and her resistance is more natural It will stimulate his tyranny and make his means and attitude worse. Therefore, it is a vicious circle. At that time, it is not only a tragedy, but also a tragedy in a tragedy.

As far as development is concerned, the obsession of the devil has not been eliminated because of the wish. On the contrary, it has become more and more profound. It can be said that there is no deepest, only deeper. His disease, probably the best psychiatrist, cannot be cured.

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What's the chance of such a man changing his mind?

Jingwan doesn't know what he thinks about, and his eyes are not right. He doesn't know what kind of thing it is. It makes him so responsive and powerful as he is trapped in it. However, jingwan won't forget the reason for this step. In the end, it's still the sterilization. At this moment, jingwan also hates the imperial concubine Su, and hates to kill him. Jingwan leans to kiss at the corner of his mouth and gently calls "a yuan". With one voice, he doesn't stop.

Li Hongyuan's eyes became clear again, with jingwan's movements, and he kissed back for a while, without passion, leaving only the happiness of recovery. As long as she was still alive, as long as she was beside him, that would be enough.

At least, at this moment, all Li Hongyuan wants is so humble.

"Wan Wan will be with me all the time and will not go anywhere, right?"

Jingwan hugged him, "yes, I will always be by your side, with life and death, never leave."

"Then shall we not have children? It's just the two of us. " Li Hongyuan leans on Jing Wan's shoulder and leans his head.

Jingwan was in a hurry. "What do you mean, Ayan? Did you get sterilized? Did you lie just because you didn't want me to worry? It doesn't matter. The old man doesn't say it's possible. And if Gong Jiu's medical skills go further, maybe he can get rid of the sterilization powder. Maybe ah yuan... "

"Wan Wan..." Li Hongyuan is a little funny. His daughter-in-law obviously wants to be crooked.

In fact, Jing Wan is not to blame. His husband is honest

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