For women, when they see such a scene, they can still remain reserved. However, they haven't seen it before, and they are also affected by the surrounding environment. Their faces are slightly flushed, their eyes are excited, and their hands are tight. The places with more people are still restrained, but in the private room, they are all acquaintances, so they don't have to It's like yuan Qiaoqiao, a typical example, to cheer up with a cry without image.

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Of course, those children basically have no worries. At this time, the atmosphere is too warm. No matter their elder brothers and sisters or the nanny they serve, they have not been restrained. After all, many people are restraining them by force. That's not hateful. It's not only their own family, but also other people's children - all of them are "unruly" and "unorthodox", Teach your own children a lesson, and others will not go in together.

At the beginning, Li Hongyuan and his private room were all able to sit, but the first one that could not sit was Prince Kang. Because in the first scene, his horse was in it. Jingwan was kind enough to separate all the horses of the princes and princes. According to Li Hongyuan's virtue, he could put them all in one scene, and at the beginning, they could fight with each other It's like a cockfight. Even if you want to fight for power and profit, don't play like a battlefield when you are entertaining.

Since it's a horse raised in the Royal Palace, it's not bad. With the passage of time, the running distance has been growing. Ten horses have almost pulled out of three camps. Prince Rui's horse position belongs to the first camp, and with it, there is only one horse. They bite each other very tightly. They chase each other. In many times, they are just beyond the position of a horse head. If it wasn't for the rules of the race, the two horses would have fought.

Competition, especially the very fierce competition, often has the charm that makes people boiling with blood. Of course, there may also be feuds. After all, people are good at face, and those who can't afford to lose are often more than those who have a good mentality and can afford to lose.

Prince Kang had already rushed to the front of the room, regardless of other people. There was no window, only a waist high skirt. Prince Kang was very excited, or he was excited to dance with his hands, or he was angry and hammered. In his mouth were words like "run" and "waste". What was the image and what was the brother? They were all thrown out of the sky.

And in the end, Prince Kang Lost, and only a very small gap.

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Prince Kang turned back with a black face. "I'll see who can raise such a good horse when I get the list." It seems to be appreciating, but the look and tone are all about cannibalism. What we need to express is to see who is so kind and who knows that his horse can win.

Others may disdain, ridicule, or gloat.

Prince Kang grabs the list handed over by the valet nearby, looks at it and sneers, "six grade officials can afford such good horses? Ben Wang doubted the origin of the horse

It's obvious that they want to take revenge for their own interests and find such a grand reason. According to common sense, the salary of the officials of the sixth grade can't afford a BMW, but they can't allow others to have some details?

From the beginning to the end, Li Hongyuan is the most calm one. His posture is still idle. "It's only a few thousand liang of silver. If you can't afford to lose, my king won't let people accept your silver. What a big deal. It's just one thing that the eldest brother knows. The owner of every horse today is the guest sent by the king. If the eldest brother wants to do anything, he should think about it. "

The angry Prince Kang looked at Li Hongyuan. As a result, Li Hongyuan talked to him, but didn't look at him.

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Prince Kang gasped, "what can I do? I'm worried more."

That's right. Whoever participates in horse racing, no matter what his identity, is holding Prince Jin's post. If a race results in a disaster, where will live Yama put his face? And it is bound to affect other people with relatively low status. Then, this competition will not violate some of jingwan's ideas. Will the living king of hell allow it?

As for not giving Prince Kang face? Ha ha, but the horse is inferior to others, the skill is inferior to others, blame others for not letting you?

In other people's lives, you can still control people with power, but you meet people who are "going to be covered" by the living king of hell!

Prince Kang can't sit down, at least not now. It's hard to say whether he will do it in private. However, even if he does it in private, his face is still lost and his demeanor is gone.

Others secretly read jokes. However, they are a little worried about whether they will encounter the same things. However, it's useless to think about these things now. If they do, at least they can't show "narrow-minded".

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There are many people who have the same concerns as them, because they used to buy horses according to people. Prince, can they raise bad horses? Absolutely not. So many people actually bought Prince Kang's horse in the first round. As a result, they lost and lost. They are not so relieved about the nature behind them. After all, they have already bought it and can't change it.

However, the people behind, with no luck of Prince Kang, were the first horses in that field. This was a little unexpected. After all, because of the body of Prince Wu, he was not interested in horses and so on. His horses were actually used for counting, but they were just one that he got by chance.

So, of all the princes, only prince Kang lost. This time, he had no face at all. He once suspected that this was arranged by Li Hongyuan on purpose to make him look ugly.

Obviously, Prince Kang thought too much. If the living king of hell really wanted to calculate him, he would just lose face?

At the end of the competition with the participation of these owners, the betting in the back is less concentrated than that in the front. I won't look at the name of my father to bet. After all, there are some things that are really hard to say.

In this case, the game is more exciting.

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However, according to the owner to bet, this situation is probably only this time.

By the end of the first round, there are so many people who have hoarseness. However, they feel more exciting, really, very exciting. After all, the first time they experience, sometimes they even hate to be replaced by themselves.

It's just that it's not early. The second round will be in the afternoon.

Originally, the blood has been burning. I wish I could know the final result immediately. Especially, those who won a lot of money in the first round probably never had the experience of putting money into the account in a flash. That feeling is really quite erratic. Then, the greed in the bottom of my heart quietly grows, and I want more and more.

However, the arrangement of the race is not up to them. Moreover, after the fast running, the horses always need time to recover their physical strength. The more backward the horses are, the more so. In spite of the fact, the consumption of horses in the whole race is not large.

At lunch time, many people are still talking about it.

But, the meal will be over half, people hear tiger roar

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