Jingwan is almost rude. If it wasn't for people, she would write her name in reverse.

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I don't mind if someone moves, but I'm not ready to die.

Jingwan stood up. "Something's up. Excuse me for a moment." His face was particularly cold and even sharp, and he walked straight away. This kind of jingwan has never been seen by outsiders.

No matter what the rumors about Jin's Royal concubine are, most of the people they come into contact with are absolutely gentle and good tempered. Some people even think that she doesn't look like a royal, which is harmful to the majesty of the royal family. Now, it's a mistake. I think it's the same. No matter what happened, if I got married to the royal family, it would be 30% worse.

Compared with jingwan, Li Hongyuan didn't intend to get up to deal with the dead person, just to give it to the princess. Moreover, on their side, not even the people below whispered to Li Hongyuan, but said it directly.

As soon as Li Hongyuan's words came out, all the people around him were conspiratorial. They thought that Li Hongyuan was going to take his own princess to the top of the VAT. It is obvious that this matter will inevitably happen to Lecheng emperor. According to Lecheng emperor's preference for Prince Jin, I believe that he would be very happy to have his son carry the pot, even if he was his daughter-in-law.

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At the last moment, those who were still secretly happy could not help scolding Li Hongyuan for being shameless. However, they never thought that if they met with similar things, they would definitely push out their daughter-in-law. The "principal" and "accomplice" are definitely different things. Moreover, the "lax teaching" is not even an accomplice. After all, it's a daughter-in-law, not a daughter-in-law The cultivation of virtue is more in the head of the Yue family than in the husband's family.

However, Li Hongyuan's eyes flied over the bodyguard and the bodyguard he reported. There was life in the master's territory and he shouted directly. Should such a person be frank? Or something? You know, even if the master doesn't care, the final decision should be made by the master. Alas, it's not the evil spirits. Such people should also be taught. If they are, they should be taught in the dead. If they are, they should be taught in the dead.

Jingwan arrives at the scene. The tiger has become a dead body. It's full of blood. It's very bloody. In addition, there's a mat under which most of the family members are covered.

The bloody gas makes jingwan feel a little nauseous. He covers his mouth and nose with a mask. "Tell me the details."

"Back to the princess, it's like this. The scene was already under control. Irrelevant people stopped outside. Subordinates are working together to kill the tiger. They don't want to. Suddenly someone rushed in. The tiger was already furious. The man rushed in, and the tiger went out directly. Subordinates, who didn't even have time to react, died."

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I see. This is what I rushed to die.

Jing Wan coldly hooks up the corner of her mouth and does not hesitate to use her life to calculate her husband's people. Of course, she should not be expected to have any pity. "From which family?"

"Huizhuzi is the only son of the inner white bachelor."

Jing Wan is slightly Zheng, his brow is puckered up, and things are really a bit troublesome.

Although the Bai family is not a top-ranking family, the most promising one is lechengdi's foreign family.

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The former empress dowager Bai was a wise man. At the beginning, she didn't let her niece become a princess for her son. Later, after emperor Lecheng ascended the throne, she didn't let any white girl enter the palace. She pressed her mother's family and didn't let her mother come out. She never interfered in political affairs. Emperor Lecheng was superior to the empress dowager, not to mention Bai.

As empress dowager Bai did, she naturally won the favor of emperor Lecheng. Before the death of Empress Dowager Bai, the relationship between the mother and the son was always very good. After the death of empress Bai, Emperor Lecheng was very sad. She walked away for one month in a row. When she was dying, she had no other requirements. She just hoped that emperor Lecheng could caress her family. She didn't need any wealth and wealth, as long as they didn't commit adultery Ke, just protect them from being bullied.

Can le chengdi disagree with such a low demand?

Therefore, despite the fact that the Bai family is not obvious, it is also very low-key. Many people don't even know that this family, in the whole capital city, can't provoke others, the Bai family must be in the top three.

If it's OK that the ordinary people of the Bai family die. The problem is that the heirs of the Bai family are not abundant. The Empress Dowager Bai has only one brother and one younger brother, but no sisters. The younger brother is only a few years older than Le chengdi. That's an idle person who has no ability but basically doesn't cause trouble. Now he's still there, and his children and grandchildren are not bad.

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The problem is that the great uncle of Le chengdi has only one son, that is, the present Bai bachelor. At the beginning, the great uncle of Le chengdi was also the old man. After the death of Empress Dowager Bai, the man decided to resign on the grounds of physical discomfort. However, on the one hand, the purpose of leaving is to make way for his son.

But now the white bachelor is also a little difficult in his offspring, which is not the number. In fact, in order to continue his blood, he has many wives and concubines. However, with more than ten daughters, it is easy to have a son.

It can be imagined how such a single seedling is valued.

Now, this single seedling is gone!

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