The great sage king of the West Xiongnu should be just testing to see if Qiyuan has changed his commander or if there is something wrong with him, but he didn't expect to be right. Of course, he doesn't rule out the possibility of a spy. However, this possibility is relatively small. After all, it has been good before, and there has been no trouble in this respect. Moreover, since the prince of Jin dare to take his royal concubines with him, then Then we must understand the situation here, and all that should be cleaned up.

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How many people did Prince Jin put in here? I don't think it's enough. He didn't give him any information before. Prince Jin can be clear about the situation here. He has to tell himself the forces of the Huns, so as to arrange tactics. If he doesn't have any manpower, can he do this?

After arriving, I'm afraid that we will be more strict in guarding against death. Scouts are only a few people. If we want to get in and out, we're afraid that it's difficult to get there.

However, the current situation is really a little tricky. If we don't respond to this war, it will inevitably affect our morale. If we don't fight, we are afraid of using our troops first. But if we do, there is no doubt that Fu Yunting will never return.

The Xiongnu had already been the prince of Qi Yuan and Jin. He was arrogant, arrogant, and had no power, but no one dared to provoke him. The great sage king thought of the people who returned to Hun. He said so to this Lord. Now when he sees the Buddha, he has more consideration in his heart.

"In that case, you may as well wait." No matter what the status is or what, the great sage will not do it easily.

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King Daxian looked back and said a few words about Huns, and then came with a strong man.

It's true that there's a saying called "what's the matter?" it's not that enemies don't get together.

Under the Xiongnu king, there were left and right Xianwang, left and right Guli king, left and right generals, left and right Duwei, left and right household leaders, left and right guduhou, and so on. They set up 48 flags of ten thousand horsemen. Of course, the names were loud, and their subordinates were not necessarily full, just like Qiyuan's empty pay. And this man is the right general, a strong supporter of the great sage king. When Li Hongyuan lived in the past, he had a hand with him. Li Hongyuan's martial arts in the past must be far inferior to that of the present. In that hand, he almost suffered a great loss. In this life, since he was seen in advance, he would be sent to huangquan in advance.

Li Hongyuan's eyes flashed with bloodthirsty sharpness, and he didn't talk about the rules on the battlefield. Anyway, he now "doesn't understand the rules". He raised the long gun, drove the horse and rushed up. The most direct collision of the power, Li Hongyuan still felt his strength was weak at the first time, which was impossible. He didn't have the advantage of the other side, just like he Zhihai.

However, even if this is the case, it doesn't mean that Li Hongyuan will lose. No one will be stupid to attack the other's strengths with his own short. On the contrary, after the first attack, the opponent will expand his strength infinitely.

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Dangdangdang's weapons are handed over and sparks are all over the place. It seems that they are close to each other. However, only the people who are watching the battle nearby, Xianwang and fuyunting, are the most clear. The more excited the West Hun right general is, the more passive he is, the less aware he is. He has a bad mind. Naturally, he doesn't want his first fierce general to be damaged here. He won't wait for help When Fu Yunting was about to stop him, Li Hongyuan suddenly changed his way of starting. After that, the head of the gun disappeared the head of the right general directly, and the blood donation splashed, straight to the face of the king

Other don't say, at that moment, great virtuous king is ignorant, but silver light appears suddenly, hurriedly turn horse head, hurriedly retreat.

Li Hongyuan didn't pursue either, so he watched Da Xian Wang escape, and then with a long spear, he picked up the head that was already full of dirty eyes but stared like a bronze bell. Li Hongyuan was very disdainful when his head was tilted? Oh, but so it is. "

King Daxian fled from the dangerous area, then turned around and looked at Li Hongyuan and the head, and jair wanted to split.

Then, the "horn" of the two sides' War sounded simultaneously, including the sound of killing.

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Because of Li Hongyuan's action, Qi Yuan's morale soared by more than 30% in an instant.

Fu Yunting probably didn't expect that it would be such a result at last, but his mind was clear at this time. "Thank you very much today. It's just that there is no sword or eye in the battlefield. Please leave the battlefield. "

Li Hongyuan glanced at him lightly. He was not ready to go to the battlefield. With a wave of his hand, the head fell into Fu Yunting's arms.

If the human head is his own, Fu Yunting will not dislike it, and will probably fall into endless grief. The problem is that it belongs to the enemy, and it's very unpleasant. However, it's a human head that can weaken the enemy and improve his morale. It can't be thrown away like this. It's just that the Huns have short hair. This one is shaved off from the middle. It's really not easy to carry, Fu Yunting threw it out with a long halberd in his hand and stabbed the short horizontal blade into his head. Fu Yunting returned with Li Hongyuan's horse, and the armies of both sides were getting closer and closer.

Because the Xiongnu lost a general and was furious, while Fu Yunting and Li Hongyuan were not in armor. The king of Daxian signed and ordered that a Xiongnu man take out a strong bow, pull the bow and take the arrow. Two, whew, the sharp arrow broke through the air and came out

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"General (Wang Ye) be careful --"

Li Hongyuan suddenly abandoned his horse and turned around. With a long gun, the two soldiers were cut off one after the other and deviated from each other.

Li Hongyuan leaned forward, pointed his spear at the sky, and rushed out like a cheetah.

Obviously, Prince Jin, who was already interested in the next battle, was offended by this arrow and decided to let his spear continue to drink blood.

With ordinary Hun soldiers, that is, where the wolf goes into the sheep and the spear goes, it brings out countless blood. One Hun soldier after another falls to the ground, without checking, there is absolutely no one alive.

Because of the blood, and because of this atmosphere, Li Hongyuan once again aroused the darkness and bloodlust that had gone deep into his bones. However, he is now very conscious. It can be said that the more he killed, the more conscious he was. The enemy and I are also very clear. So, around him, in a large range, are all the bodies of Huns. In his long spear, the Huns soldiers are always known for their bravery They fled one after another, as if they were frightened to break their courage, and they did not dare to compete with them at all.

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