As a general, he died at the first time. It can be imagined how much the blow to morale was, especially how fast he died. If he fought hard in the war and then fell down, he might arouse the hatred of the following people and want to revenge for him, but he died without fighting face-to-face, then the rise in these hearts is not hatred, but fear, because they are poor Because of the fear brought by too much distance, the original momentum collapsed in an instant. It was chaos to kill the team in an orderly way. What's more tragic is that the first one caused a direct impact, the subconscious stopped the horse, and then the people behind hit it one after another.

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At this time, let alone the fighting power, it's just a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

On the side of Qiyuan, the speed of the rush didn't stop. The sudden chaos didn't even stop at their feet. They rushed to the place like hungry wolves, just solved the people in the chaos.

And behind them, dressed in armor, sat on horseback, holding a seemingly simple but absolutely powerful bow at the side.

This is not a person under Fu Yunting's command, but also a person who should not be here to some extent, but I'm sorry, because I'm really moldy all over, and then I took a person to come here.

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He Zhihai slurped that he didn't rush to kill directly, but "put a cold arrow" in the back. He was a little helpless. This was something he would never do. He should be on the front line.

In the eyes of Le chengdi, Fu Yunting said it was a real rebellion this time, so he Zhihai, a promising young general, did not hesitate to send him out. When he arrived at Tianmen pass, he Zhihai did not know Li Hongyuan's plan, but he was not really stupid. He could basically guess some of Qin Tianming's suggestive words. Moreover, as a leader of Qin Tianming, he Zhihai was not really stupid Qualified fan brother, he has absolute confidence in Li Hongyuan, missing? Ha ha, what a joke! Even if he doesn't have a brain, he will think that this is the other party's plan.

Therefore, after arriving at Tianmen pass, he was "honest" for a period of time, and then he ran away with his subordinates. Of course, it wasn't all his subordinates, but the people who came back to the capital from the Northeast were not many, more than 100. So, he was actually quite a strange man. The first one who found him "missing" was his subordinates, and then he was in a hurry He hurriedly reported to Qin Tianming. Qin Tianming thought a little and knew where he had gone. For this willful and reckless act, the little son of a bitch with no military discipline was helpless. Finally, he dismissed the word "know".

He Zhihai met Li Hongyuan smoothly and profitably. Li Hongyuan didn't say anything. He just left him here at Fu Yunting. That's all for the matter that he had no military discipline? Ha ha, it's so naive.

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He Shihai will bow back one person, and then carry his long gun to shoot out.

He Zhihai was born to be a man in the battlefield. Even if he was severely trained by Li Hongyuan, he would not fight with his strong and explosive body consciousness. However, if he fought with reason and brain, he should not be underestimated. It can be said that even if Li Hongyuan is stronger than him, he can't kill him, So, I was scared because of the death of the general. Now when I meet this God of death, I have no power to fight back.

Li Hongyuan can't chase those who run away, but he Zhihai is different. His horse is the battlefield with which he has killed countless times. It's a tacit agreement with him, because it's really a wolf that enters the sheep.

He Zhihai's long spear reaped people's lives all the way. Moreover, the same person can't basically shoot twice. After all, even if he can't kill himself, there will be other people to mend his knife. You know, there are several small menders who follow him.

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So, looking at the weakest flank is actually the most ferocious place.

This time, the defeat was so fast that King Daxian had to order the withdrawal of the army. This time, there was no way to find a fixed place to camp. Because Qiyuan was so fed up, they were not given a chance to breathe.

Then on the third day, Daxian king and his men joined up with another Xiongnu army. Although there was friction before, they were not OK later. Therefore, Daxian king didn't think much about it. However, after the two armies joined, the other side suddenly showed their tusks and killed the exhausted army.

The number of Daxian king of the West Xiongnu originally occupied a great advantage. However, because of fatigue, he was unprepared. Therefore, although he didn't flee in a hurry, the number of people who lost was quite heavy.

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Later, the army of the northern Xiongnu took the initiative to withdraw, because if they continued to fight, they would surely lose the whole army. After all, the skinny camel was bigger than the horse, and it would be enough to bite the Western Xiongnu fiercely. Anyway, the Western Xiongnu would not pursue.

The great sage king of the West Xiongnu wiped his face severely and ordered to reorganize the army and go west.

In fact, the worse thing is still to come. The food and grass of the Western Xiongnu were cut off. Although they were still on the territory of Qiyuan, they occupied the land before and after it was "fighting for war". The land had been cleaned by them for a long time. So now, even if they want to rob, they can't find the place to rob.

King Daxian was tenacious. He went all the way to the territory of the Western Xiongnu. However, the Qi Yuan army also pursued him.

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