Of course, those who pay attention to the scientific research of the three brothers of Luo will not only be Jing Wan and Luo's family. All three of them are married or even father. The family will also pay special attention to them. Oh, apart from the people in the Dingguo mansion, although Mrs. sun has solved most of the problems, the rest can be stopped? Naive!

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As for sun Yijia's two brothers, they were all fighting each other to death, and they were extremely hot. Obviously, they were more busy than the emperor and his son seizing the royal family. No matter how hard they managed Luo Jing's Bo Ke Kao or not, the big things outside were small things in their eyes. To some extent, Prince Kang had to exclude him. If he planned to usurp the throne at this time, the chances of success would not be too high Big, but it's obvious that Li Hongyuan doesn't have such a plan for the time being. After all, if success comes back to success, the final mess will also be very big. There will be too much trouble, and the time to accompany his daughter-in-law will be less. It's not cost-effective at all. Therefore, the power of those brothers will continue to nibble.

Let's not mention that, in fact, it has nothing to do with the Luo family and the Dingguo government. Who let Sun Yijia and sun Yilin have been adopted and their genealogy has been changed? Let alone sun Yijia doesn't want to deal with those people at all. Even if the Dingguo government wants to reach the Luo family and care about Luo Jingbo, it should be disqualified in essence.

And Luo Peishan's colleagues and subordinates, who have made friends with each other, have secretly prepared congratulatory instruments. Their opinions are the same. If Luo Peishan is not sure, he will probably not let several grandchildren go.

I don't know how many people are envied. How could Luo Peishan live and raise like this? The Luo family has a good momentum now. It's not too late to say that it's just like the sun. Unfortunately, all three of them have been married. You say that it's not difficult to get married. Why did you get married early? The oldest Luo Jingde was only 23. The Jinshi didn't pass the exam. What kind of marriage did he get? It's the treachery of those families. They paid people in their pockets early.

However, the four young masters and the five young masters behind the Luo's family have almost grown up. One is seventeen, the other is sixteen, which is where the big house is located. Especially these five young masters are the legitimate sons. Although they are not even scholars now, the world doesn't think they have no knowledge, but they haven't returned to the exam. Haven't they seen these two brothers for nearly two years, and they are gradually known in the capital city The momentum is similar to the three brothers in front. For men, it's a little earlier to say marriage at the age of 16 or 17. But did you get married without seeing Luo Jingbo at the age of 17? If you wait, you'll be robbed by someone else's house.

Therefore, the Luo family has been busy again recently. For the Luo family, it's not the first time. Instead, it's easy to deal with it. Moreover, look at this situation. After several people's exams, the Luo family is afraid that it will be more lively.

In fact, there are many people staring at Jiang Wanli. In addition to being valued by others, he is also related to Luo's family. After all, Luo's youngest disciple, Luo Peisong, has never married or had children in his whole life. Obviously, it must be Luo's descendants who support him for life. That's a member of Luo's family. His youngest disciple is similar to Luo's youngest son. Besides, Jiang Wanli's family, which is also a family of hundreds of years, may not have people based on the top of the court, but there are not a few people scattered all over Qiyuan. They think that the uncle's official residence in a county governor should not be underestimated. How can such a sweet cake not be coveted.

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What's the matter? Luo Peisong has another residence in the capital. He left early with his little disciple. Except for his own family, he didn't know where they lived. He couldn't catch anyone if he wanted to. He could only jump and sigh. After all, Luo Peisong is the only one who can make the decision for Jiang Wanli's marriage, except for his parents and grandparents. But Luo Peisong has a strange temperament. I think so Do you expect such a person to be like a normal person? Such a person, even if it is to find him, it is estimated that he will be simply and roughly kicked out.

However, the excitement of the Luo family is not limited to these. After all, the current momentum of the Luo family is obvious to all, and how can they tolerate him to continue to be neutral? It's fair to think that he can't get it himself or others. However, if such resources are not in his own hands, it's really painful to scratch his heart and lungs. It's better to do something.

However, if they think about it carefully, they will find that every time they want to pull luopeishan into their own camp, there will always be a variety of situations, so that the final plan fails. Obviously, there are many accidents that haven't been reflected yet. That's not an accident.

In such an atmosphere, we will try to start.

Qiyuan's meeting time is shorter than that of the village test. It's only three days in total. It's still very hard to say. However, the current season is good, the climate is just right, and all of them have experienced three nine days of "Purgatory". Compared with that, it shouldn't be much. Therefore, there are relatively few quitters in the meeting. Of course, it's not that there is no such thing. After all, it's a higher level of psychological pressure More importantly, every year, people quit for various reasons.

After a walk from purgatory, when I came out, I was a little bit out of shape, no matter how good I was.

No matter whether you are happy or depressed, no matter whether you are ready to fight again next year or you are discouraged. At this time, it's better to have a good sleep, and wait until you sleep in the dark to worry about other things.

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All the papers have been sealed, and there are special persons to transcribe them. What we review is the transcribed papers. After the unified ranking, we can compare them with the original papers. In this step, we mainly look at the handwriting of each examinee. According to the quality of the handwriting, the ranking will be adjusted appropriately, and the fluctuation will not be great. Of course, if the handwriting is really Unfortunately, it may not be possible to brush it off directly. However, such a situation is also unlikely to occur. After all, the word is not good. It has been brushed down before. How can we get to this step.

The possibility of being transcribed is not great. After all, once a mistake is made, the person who transcribed it must be severely punished.

By the time the list was released, all the examinees must be alive.

Jing Wan is not nervous about the final result. He also wants to see the final ranking of his three brothers. Although, even if they are Huiyuan, they will be forgotten after being concerned for a while. As long as they pass the exam, the ranking is meaningless to some extent. Even if they are the top three, they may not be able to make progress even if they are the same Jinshi may not be brilliant, but it is probably influenced by the examination oriented education of previous generations. Then, after each examination, no one will care about the ranking. Although, this achievement may not be forgotten next time.

What kind of identity jingwan has? She doesn't need to see it in person. Even because of her husband's relationship, if she wants to know the rank in advance, it's just a matter of words. However, jingwan didn't do such a thing.

When jingwan is leisurely eating melon seeds, Duke Mu comes to congratulate her.

In other words, as a senior dogleg, he naturally comes in person for the reward, although it's not him who goes out to see the list.

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Mingming's young face was puckered by mu gouduan's smile. If you don't want money, you can jump out. Listen to him, the three brothers of Luo family are rare in the sky and unparalleled on the ground.

Jingwan slowly peels off a melon seed and puts it into his mouth. It's still interesting to chew the melon seeds. After chewing, "Muan, it's almost OK. Say the point."

In front of Duke mu, Grandpa Mu was right. He reported the names of the three brothers of Luo family. It's very good that they were all within 30. Jing Wan heard his grandfather comment on the knowledge of the three brothers before he married them. The three brothers were not much different. According to his meaning, this time it must be possible, but according to the situation at that time, it would be around 100, with little luck, At the time of the imperial examination, if they can't get it right, they will become the same Jinshi. Judging from their actual ranking, either they have made great efforts in the past two years, or their overall level is low. Jingwan naturally prefers the former.

It's natural that people like Jiang Wanli can't let others drag their feet.

"I'm glad to tell you that. The whole family will be rewarded with three months' money. If you instruct a runner to run errands, you will give him three months more. Remember, from your example. " Jingwan trail.

Duke Mu immediately made a face, "yes, princess." And then the wilting business went.

Jing Wan loses his smile, and mu'an's dogleg goes back to dogleg. But in Jing Wan's opinion, in many cases, dogleg is specially for fun. I want to know that as the only internal servant around the living king of hell, it will be an exaggerated character Well, what do you say, Toby? Well, jingwan has absolutely no derogatory meaning.

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It's said that to follow his master is not so much about mu'an's real nature. Jing Wan thinks that he should be more like a eunuch who could be in power in a previous dynasty. In front of the master, he can be a little cat and a little dog, but he is cruel to the outside world, decisive in killing and arbitrary in power. However, mu'an certainly can't reach this level. After all, in Qiyuan, the eunuch is pure He is a waiter. At most, he can help the master to deal with some common affairs. He dares to get involved in power. He doesn't know how to die. Jing Wan refers to his temperament and ability, although she hasn't seen the other party's serious time.

It's absolutely impossible for him to stay by someone's side.

The next day for the palace test, the last time Li Hongyuan went, this time, he didn't move.

Anyway, the mode of the palace examination is the same, but the people are different every year. One or two times may be fresh, more times, it's totally uninteresting. In fact, jingwan is curious. However, she knows that it's not an occasion she can go to. Think about it or forget it. There will be a chance in the future.

Although he can't go to the palace test site, Jing Wan is still interested in the later Jinshi and the third person to fight on the Horse Street. Although he has experienced it three years ago, his identity is different, and it seems that his mood has changed.

The final ranking results first step to jingwan's hands, no surprise, Jiang Wanli is the champion. As for the list eye and the flower exploration, Jing Wan has no impression at all. She also pays attention to all kinds of contests and guesses from people outside. Obviously, neither of them is a popular candidate. Is this a black horse?

Later, jingwan soon got the specific information of these two people, which is the biggest benefit of raising a group of capable subordinates. After Jing Wan read the information, she was left with emotion.

It's not surprising that people in their twenties are almost fifty years old. They have been taking exams since they were young. In fact, such people should be regarded as "stupid" in the eyes of scholars

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